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Working papers will be published here (1991 onwards).
EWP (Econometrics working papers)

    [Note: This paper replaces DDP0710.]
  • EWP9914: "Some Pretesting Issues on Testing for Granger Noncausality", Judith A. Giles & Sadaf Mirza (superseded by EWP0305)
  • EWP9807: "The Hidden Economy and the Tax-Gap in New Zealand: A Latent Variable Analysis", David E. A. Giles (This version also released as UVic Discussion Paper 97-08, and a longer preliminary version released as N.Z. IRD Working Paper 5a. Superceded by EWP9905, Fig 1Fig 2Fig 3)
  • 97-01: "The Evolution of Money as a Medium of Exchange", Rosemary Luo
  • 97-02: "Learning About Environmental Damage: Implications for Emissions Trading", Peter W. Kennedy
  • 97-03: "Underemployment, Unemployment, and Job Vacancy Dynamics", John Kennes
  • 97-04: "Matching Inexperience With Experience", John Kennes
  • 97-05: "Entrepreneurs in Search Equilibrium", John Kennes
  • 97-06: "Human Capital Vintages, Coordination and Economic Progress", Peter W. Kennedy and Ian P. King
  • 97-07: "An Analysis of Import Protection as Export Protection Under Economies of Scale", Anming Zhang
  • 97-08: "The Hidden Economy and the Tax-Gap in New Zealand: A Latent Variable Analysis", David E. A. Giles
  • 97-09: "Human Capital, True Love and Gender Roles : Is Sex Destiny?", Merwan H. Engineer & Linda Welling (To appear in Journal of Economic behaviour and Organisation, 1999)
  • 97-10: "The Rise and Fall of the New Zealand Underground Economy: Are the Responses Symmetric?", David E. A. Giles (Published in Applied Economics Letters, 1998)
  • 97-11: "The Relative Importance of Money and Credit Channel of the Transmission Mechanism of Monetary Policy", Shigeyoshi Miyagawa and Yohji Morita
  • 97-12: "Concession Revenue and Optimal Airport Pricing", Anming Zhang and Yimin Zhang
  • 97-13: "Hedonics, Implicit Markets, and Demand Analysis: The Implicit Demand for Baseball Player Characteristics", Kenneth G. Stewart and J.C.H. Jones
  • 97-14: Competition Within a Cartel: League Conduct and Team Conduct in the Market for Baseball Player Services", Donald G. Ferguson, J.C.H. Jones, and Kenneth G. Stewart
  • 96-02: "Costly Transfer Institutions and the Core in an Overlapping Generations Model", Merwan Engineer, Joan Esteban & Józsf Sákovics
  • 96-03: "Bargaining-Induced Transaction Demand for Fiat Money", Merwan Engineer & Shouyon Shi
  • 96-05: "The Effects of Airline Codesharing Agreements on Firm Conduct and International Air Fares", Tae Hoon Oum, Jong-Hun Park and Anming Zhang
  • 96-06: "An Analysis of Fortress Hubs in Airline Networks", Anming Zhang
  • 96-11: "Cities on the Sea: Communication and Concentration in Modern Japan", Carl A. Mosk
  • 96-12: "Diagnostic Testing in Econometrics: Variable Addition, RESET, and Fourier Approximations", Linda F. DeBenedictis & David E.A. Giles (Published in A. Ullah & D.E.A. Giles (eds.), Handbook of Applied Economic Statistics, Marcel Dekker, New York, 1998)
  • 95-01: "Equilibrium Incentives for Cleaner Technology Adoption Under Emissions Pricing", Peter Kennedy & Benoit Laplante
  • 95-03: "Optimal Airport Pricing in a Hub-and-Spoke System", Tae Hoon Oum, Anming Zhang & Yimin Zhang (PublishedTransportation Research, B, 1996)
  • 95-04: "Parental Externalities and the Provision of Childcare", Peter Kennedy & Linda Welling (PublishedCanadian Journal of Economics, 1997)
  • 95-05: "Do Sting Operations Reduce the Incidence of Crime"?", Linda Welling & Christopher Bruce
  • 95-06: "Capital Structure and Socially Optimal Capacity in Oligopoly: The Case of the Airline Industry", Tae Hoon Oum, Anming Zhang & Yimin Zhang
  • 95-07: "Income Distribution in the United States: Kuznets' Inverted U-Hypothesis and Data Non-Stationarity", Peter Jacobsen & David Giles (PublishedJournal of International Trade & Economic Development, 1998)
  • 95-08: "A Vector Autoregressive Model of the British Columbia Regional Economy", Linda DeBenedictis (PublishedApplied Economics, 1997)
  • 95-09: "Stability of Cournot-Nash Equilibrium: The Multiproduct Case", A. Zhang & Y. Zhang (PublishedJournal of Mathematical Economics, 1996)
  • 94-01: "Airline Network Rivalry", Tae Hoon Oum, Anming Zhang, & Yimin Zhang (Published in Canadian Journal of Economics, 1995)
  • 94-02: "Demographic Regionalism: Challenge and Response in Prewar Japan", Carl Mosk
  • 94-03: "Household Structure and Labour Markets in Prewar Japan", Carl Mosk (Published in Journal of Family History, 1995)
  • 94-04: "Fertility in the Japanese Health Transition", Carl Mosk
  • 94-05: "The Exact Risk Performance of a Pre-Test Estimator in a Heteroscedastic Linear Regression Model Under a Balanced Loss Function", Kazuhiro Ohtani, Judith Giles & David Giles (Published in Econometric Reviews, 1997)
  • 94-06: "Salary Determination in the National Hockey League: An Empirical Exploration of Ethnicity Effects", J. Colin Jones, Serge Nadeau & William Walsh
  • 94-07: "Alternative Strategies for 'Augmenting' the Dickey-Fuller Test: Size Robustness in the Face of Pre-Testing", Johannah L. Dods & David E.A. Giles (Published in Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation, 1995)
  • 94-09: "Another Look at the Evidence on Foreign Aid Led Economic Growth", Judith Giles (Published in Applied Economics Letters, 1994)
  • 94-11: "Municipal Solid Waste Management: The Optimal Pricing of Garbage and Recyclables Collection", Peter Kennedy & Benoit Laplante
  • 94-12: "A Competitive Theory of Labour Market Dynamics", Randall Gouge & Ian King (Published in Review of Economic Studies, 1996)
  • 94-13: "Various Taxes for Social Security and Their Different Impacts on Growth", Jie Zhang
  • 94-14: "Public Investment in Children, Growth and Fertility", Jie Zhang
  • 94-15: "Testing the Significance of a Regressor After a Pre-test for (G)ARCH Errors", Judith Giles
  • 93-01: "Equilibrium Pollution Taxes in Open Economies With Perfect Competition", Peter Kennedy (Published in Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 1994)
  • 93-02: "No Blank Bottom: Sliding Scale Contracts In the British Coal and Iron and Steel Industries 1850-1913", Nancy South
  • 93-03: "Search, Unemployment and Growth", Ian King & Linda Welling (Published in Journal of Monetary Economics, 1995)
  • 93-04: "Household Economy, Productivity and Unrest in Rural Japan, 1918-1940", Carl Mosk
  • 93-05: "Competition in Airline Networks: The Case of Constant Elasticity Demands", Anming Zhang & X. Wei (Published in Economics Letters, 1993)
  • 93-06: "Efficiency Wage Productivity Gain: The Japanese farm Household During the Interwar period", Carl Mosk
  • 93-07: "Autocorrelation Pre-Testing Using a Balanced Loss Function", Matthew Cunneen & Judith Giles
  • 93-08: "The Robustness of ARCH-GARCH Tests for First-Order Autocorrelation", Michael J. Sullivan & David E.A. Giles (Published in Journal of Quantitative Economics, 1995)
  • 93-09: "On the Estimation of Regression 'Goodness of Fit' Under Absolute Error Loss", Kazuhiro Ohtani & David Giles (Published in Journal of Quantitative Economics, 1996)
  • 93-10: "The Expectations Theory of the Term Structure: A Cointegration/Causality Analysis of U.S. Interest Rates", Robert Mandeno & David Giles (Published in Journal of Financial Economics, 1995)
  • 92-01: "Ponzi Games, Dynamic Inefficiency and Endogenous Growth", I. King (Published, with D.G. Ferguson, in Journal of Monetary Economics, 1993)
  • 92-02: "Investment Decisions Under First and Second Price Auctions", I. King, R.P. McAfee & L. Welling (Published in Economics Letters, 1992)
  • 92-03: "Languages as Communication Technologies", I. King & J. Church (Published in Canadian Journal of Economics, 1993)
  • 92-04: "Education, Labor Segmentation and Occupational Specialization in Postwar Japan", C. Mosk
  • 92-05: "Japanese Unions and Sunto Collective Bargaining: A Doleful Tale of Accumulation, 1954-1990", C. Mosk
  • 92-06: "Gift Exchange and Labor Segmentation in Prewar Japan", C. Mosk
  • 92-07: "Industrial Blackmail: Dynamic Tax Competition and Public Investment", I. King (Published in Canadian Journal of Economics, 1993)
  • 92-08: "Limited Rationality and Industrial Organization Design", P. Kennedy
  • 92-09: "Performance Pay, Productivity and Morale", P. Kennedy
  • 92-10: "A Demand Externality in the Adoption of Cleaner Technologies", P. Kennedy
  • 92-11: "On Violence in Professional Team Sports as the Endogenous Result of Profit Maximization", K.G. Stewart, D.G. Ferguson & J.C.H. Jones
  • 92-12: "Pollution Policy: The Role for Publicly Provided Information", P. Kennedy, B. Laplante & J. Maxwell (Published in Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 1994)
  • 92-13: "Comparative Costs of Out-Patient Lung Cancer Management", P. Coy, J. Schaafsma, J.A. Schofield & J.A. Nield
  • 92-14: "Industry Structure and Compliance With Environmental Standards", D.H. Chua, P. Kennedy & B. Laplant (Published in Economics Letters, 1992)
  • 92-15: "Strategic Labour Contracts", D.G. Ferguson & A. Zhang (Published in Canadian Journal of Economics, 1994)
  • 92-16: "Bonus Contracting in Oligopolistic Markets", A. Zhang (Published in Taiwan Economic Review, 1994)
  • 92-17: "Taxation, Equity and Growth: Exploring the Trade-Off Between Shareholder Dividend Tax Relief and Higher Corporate Income Taxes", S. Nadeau & R. Strauss
  • 91-05: "An Analysis of Common Sales Agents", A. Zhang (Published in Canadian Journal of Economics, 1993)
  • 91-06: "Taxation, Financing and Corporate Investment: A Model of the Real and Financial Decisions of the Firm", S. Nadeau & R.P. Strauss
  • 91-07: "The Methodology of Testing for Wage Discrimination With an Application to Gender Discrimination and Pay Equity at a Canadian Public Sector Employer", S. Nadeau, W.D. Walsh & C.E. Wetton
  • 91-08: "A Macro-Econometric Analysis of the Effects of Taxation on Financing and Real Investment in Canada", S. Nadeau
  • 91-09: "Dynamic Oligopoly Behaviour in the Airline Industry: An Empirical Investigation", J.A. Brander & A. Zhang (Published in International Journal of Industrial Organization, 1993)
  • 91-10: "Sectoral Shift Models of Unemployment: Measurement Ahead of Theory?", I. King (Published in Bulletin of Economic Research, 1993)
  • 91-11: "Rationality and Rule Following in the Old and New Institutional Economics", M. Rutherford (Published as Chapter 4, M. RutherfordInstitutions in Economics: the Old and the New Institutionalism (Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1994))
  • 91-12: "Limited Rationality and Organization Design", P.Kennedy (Published in Journal of Economic Behaviour and Organization, 1994)