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Economics (MA)

A photo from a birds-eye perspective over the University of Victoria Campus


Learn everything you need to know about becoming a UVic grad student, from finding a supervisor to submitting your application.

MA Admission Requirements

  • Do you want to apply to our program? Start here! This page is a guide which includes the instructions and requirements for applying to our graduate level programs

Graduate Program application FAQ

  • Commonly asked questions from students who apply to our program
  • Includes extensive information on application requirements, funding opportunities, and more...

Meet our Graduate students

  • See our current graduate students, their supervisors, and research interests

General Program Requirements

Continuous full-time registration in two or more courses (3 units), from the time of admission until degree requirements are met, is required. Register or apply for one of the following each term:

• Course credit
• Personal leave
• Parental, Compassionate or Medical leave of absence - Graduate Academic Concession form
• Co-op work term
• Formally withdraw from the program

Failure to not register in one of the above options means abandonment of your program. You will be withdrawn from the university and your program terminated. Your academic record will be notated “Withdrawn without Permission”.

Successful completion (grade B or above) of the core program (4.5 units):

  • ECON 500 (1.5 units) Microeconomic Analysis
  • ECON 501 (1.5 units) Macroeconomic Analysis
  • ECON 545 (1.5 units) Econometric Analysis


  • Thesis-based: additional four courses (6 units) at the ECON 500 level and/or 400 level/other departments (3 units max)
  • Extended Essay-based: additional five courses (7.5 units) at the ECON 500 level and/or 400 level/other departments (3 units max)
Final course:
All students are required to defend their thesis or extended essay in a final oral examination.

  • Thesis-based: ECON 599 (4.5 units)
  • Extended Essay-based: ECON 598 (3.0 units)

You must declare your program option by September 30 of your second year.


  • Find your supervisor/s
  • Discover your research interests
  • Explore what past graduates did

For further assistance, contact the graduate program assistant.

MA Student FAQs

In general, the main differences between the essay and thesis options are the number of required electives to complete, the amount of research required, and future career direction.

The extended essay option is an independent research project, generally shorter in length in comparison to the thesis, and requires completion of five elective courses. This option is suitable for those aiming for careers in the public and private sectors.

The thesis option is for those interested in completing research at a more advanced level, generally longer in length in comparison to the essay and requires completion of four elective courses. This option is suitable for those aiming for careers in academia.

As an MA student, you are able to take a maximum of two courses outside your program with permission from your supervisor and graduate advisor. Courses may be selected from graduate level courses outside the department or 400-level economics courses. Completion of a Graduate Registration form is required. Please submit the form to the graduate program assistant.

For MA extended essays, at least 10 working days prior to your tentative defense date.

For MA theses, at least 25 working days prior to your tentative defense date. The defense date must allow at least 20 working days for the graduate program assistant to submit the Request for Oral Examination form to the Faculty of Graduate Studies.

There are three types of Leave of Absence with Permission:

  • Medical: a student is suffering from illness or injury
  • Compassionate: a student is suffering personal or family affliction
  • Parental: a student is expecting a child, and/or has primary responsibility for the care of a child immediately prior to or following birth or an adoption.
Leave of absences with permission require completion of the Graduate Academic Concession form. Please submit the form and supporting documentation to the graduate program assistant. Time taken on a Leave of Absence with Permission is not included in the time limit for completion of the degree and will be adjusted accordingly.

Personal leave of absence is also available and is normally arranged through the UVic MyPage portal before the course add deadline. If after the add deadline a Graduate Academic Concession form will need to be submitted to the graduate program assistant. Personal leave of absences will be counted towards your time limit for completion.

Disclaimer: While every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the above information, prospective students are urged to consult the latest University of Victoria Calendar, or contact the Graduate Program Assistant in the Department of Economics.


Every year, UVic awards $12 million to help fund graduate students through a combination of:

  • UVic Fellowships and Awards
  • Teaching Assistantships
  • Research Assistantships

Most of our students also receive external awards and scholarships and financial aid and bursaries. Consideration for funding is automatic. A funding offer is normally included with an offer of admission.

Graduate Awards

Funding and employment for graduate students


Two students wearing regalia and graduation caps

Graduates with an MA in economics will be able to:

  • Use economic concepts and theoretical models to answer policy questions
  • Use econometric methods to analyze economic data
  • Communicate economics concepts and research results effectively
  • Complete a capstone research project that illustrates the skills acquired
  • Start a career as an economic research analyst in the public or private sector
  • Enter a PhD program in Economics
  • Teach economics at the undergraduate level

In the last few years, graduates of our MA and PhD programs have been successful in obtaining initial job placements in a variety of settings.

Here are some examples:

  • Economist, Environment Canada
  • Assistant Professor, Central University of Finance and Economics
  • Economist, Analysis and Modeling Division, Environment Canada
  • Treasury Board Analyst, Economic Forecasting and Analysis Branch, BC Ministry of Finance
  • Econometrician, BP Canada
  • Research Analyst, BC Statistics
  • Portfolio Officer, P3 Development and Advisory Services National Centre of Expertise, Public Works and Government Services Canada
  • Economist, BC Statistics
  • Economist, Ministry of Health
  • Assistant Professor limited term, University of Victoria
  • Economist, Bank of Montreal
  • Provincial Data Coordinator, HealthLinkBC
  • Policy Analyst, BC Ministry of Health Services
  • Senior Economist, MS Economic Analysis, BC Ministry of Health Services
  • Assistant Professor, School of Business, Trinity Western University
  • Policy Analyst, Health Canada
  • Manager, Policy, Outcomes Evaluation & Research, BC Ministry of Health Services
  • Energy Economist, Policy and Royalty Branch, Oil and Gas Division, Ministry of Energy, Mines and Petroleum Resources
  • Deputy Director of planning and operation, Cambodian Mine Action Centre (CMAC)
  • Transit Analyst, BC Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure
  • Assistant Economist, Department of Energy and Climate Change, UK
  • Researcher, Ministry of Labour and Citizen Services
  • Policy Analyst, Enterprise Saskatchewan, Competitiveness and Strategy Branch, Economic Analysis and Measurement
  • Economics and Statistics Instructor, Camosun College

Program planning

Both the thesis and the extended essay options are designed to be completed in 20-24 months with the co-op option. 

Recent Theses and Extended Essays


UVic is home to the largest co-op graduate program in Canada. Learn about combining co-op placements with your MA on the Co-op for graduate students website.

Grad students are also eligible for the shorter work experience program.

Student Facilities

The Reid Elliott Reading Room is a place for Economics undergraduate and graduate students to:

  • Study between classes
  • Get help from Economics Course Union tutors
  • Meet with other Economics students

Professor G. Reid Elliott joined the staff of Victoria College in 1949. Although economics and economic history were his major academic concerns, he was an all-round man, and, in his first decade here, taught math, accounting and political science. He became the first head of our then combined Department of Economics and Political Science.

He retired in 1969 but continued to be involved in the department until his death in 1974. The Reid Elliott Reading Room is named in his honour, to recognize the contribution he made to this institution.

We maintain a dedicated graduate student computing facility to meet both the course and research requirements of students registered in our programs.

Shared office space is provided for first year MA and PhD students as well as teaching assistants and research assistants employed in our department. Office space is not guaranteed for MA students after their first year.


Please refer to the Academic Calendar for a complete listing of Economics Graduate Courses.

January - April 2025 (Winter Session - Term 2)

Course Name Instructor
ECON 501

Macroeconomics Analysis

Course Outline

M. Cozzi
ECON 519

Economics Epidemiology

Course Outline

C. Auld

ECON 526

Economics and Indigenous Nations

Course Outline

D. Feir

ECON 531

Environmental Economics

Course Outline

P. Kennedy

ECON 548

Applied Econometric Modeling

Course Outline

T. Wang

ECON 549

Computational Methods in Economics and Econometrics

Course Outline

M. Cozzi

ECON 551

Information and Incentives

Course Outline

D. Rondeau

May - August 2025 (Summer Session)

Please refer to the start and end date of the applicable summer terms:

Term 3: Jul. 3 - Aug. 20, 2025

Course Name Instructor Delivery

ECON 520 A01

Term 3

Economic Development

Alok Kumar

Face to face

*Exams will be held in class

September - December 2025 (Winter Session - Term 1)

The following courses are preliminary and subject to change.

Course Name Instructor

ECON 500 A01

Microeconomic Analysis

To be determined

ECON 516 A01

Cost Benefit Analysis

To be determined

ECON 529 A01

Economics of Finance

To be determined

ECON 545 A01

Econometric Analysis

To be determined

ECON 547 A01

Time-Series Econometrics

To be determined

ECON 550 A01

Game Theory in Economics

To be determined

January - April 2026 (Winter Session - Term 2)

The following courses are preliminary and subject to change.

Course Name Instructor
ECON 501 A01 Macroeconomic Analysis

To be determined

ECON 524 A01 Health Economics To be determined
ECON 548 A01 Applied Econometric Modelling To be determined
ECON 549 A01 Computational methods in Economics and Econometrics To be determined
ECON 551 A01 Information and Incentives To be determined