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Research & partnerships

Sociology faculty members undertake a wide range of research activities, utilizing quantitative, qualitative, theoretical and community-engaged approaches to both contemporary and historical topics.

The results of these research activities are regularly published in books, chapters, journal articles and reports. Our faculty members regularly appear in the media and other public-facing forums to communicate their findings.

Research centres

Our faculty are involved with research centres, archives and groups across campus.

Institute on Aging and Lifelong Health

The Institute on Aging and Lifelong Health (IALH) works to improve the health and quality of life of individuals across their lifespan. IALH addresses the challenges and opportunities of aging on individuals, families, communities and nations.

Faculty members, research affiliates and graduate students conduct research with older adults and their families, community organizations, health care providers and government. They share and spread knowledge about aging and help drive the university's aging-related activities.

Faculty members affiliated with IALH include:

  • Katelin Albert
  • Simon Carroll
  • Susan McDaniel
  • Andre Smith

Centre for Youth and Society

The Centre for Youth and Society (CYS) links researchers from several academic areas with community representatives, service agencies, government, youth and media.

Its partners have extensive experience in basic research, community action research and direct service to youth.

Faculty members affiliated with the Centre for Youth and Society include:

  • Katelin Albert
  • Tamara Humphrey

Canadian Institute for Substance Use Research

The Canadian Institute for Substance Use Research (CISUR) brings in expertise on substance use and addiction from across the province. CISUR's primary mission is to create an internationally recognized institute, distributed across BC, dedicated to research and knowledge exchange on substance use, harm reduction and addiction.

The Institute is administered by the University of Victoria and has agreements with other collaborating centres and researchers, including Simon Fraser University and the University of Northern British Columbia. CISUR sits at arm’s length from government while working on shared concerns with government departments including health, police, education and liquor licensing.

Cecilia Benoit and Mikael Jansson are scientists at CISUR. They foster new links with faculty and students across other units on campus and at other BC universities.

Transgender Archives

The Transgender Archives at the University of Victoria preserves the history of pioneers who have contributed to the betterment of transgender and gender-nonconforming people. These include activists, community leaders and researchers.

Since 2007, the organization has been actively acquiring documents, rare publications and memorabilia of persons and organizations associated with activism by and for transgender and gender-nonconforming people.

Faculty members affiliated with the Transgender Archives include:

  • Aaron Devor, Chair in Transgender Studies