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Contact our advisors for questions about the sociology program (registration, course offerings, research opportunities, careers, etc.).

Contact Academic Advising for Humanities, Science and Social Sciences for questions about graduation, CAPP reports, satisfying majors and minors in other departments, etc. They can also help with university policies and procedures.

Undergraduate students

Contact our Sociology Undergraduate Adviser Peyman Vahabzadeh at 250-721-6353 for help with:

  • choosing classes
  • registration
  • transfer credits
  • meeting pre-requisites
  • pre-requisite overrides
  • advice on directed studies and your major or minor
  • honours or co-op questions

Directed studies are offered under SOCI 490.

Occasionally, directed studies courses may be taken by fourth-year students under a faculty member’s supervision.

They may count as an elective course or a required 400-level course with permission of the department.

Please get in touch with the undergraduate adviser for details.

Individually supervised courses 

Sometimes certain students who are waitlisted for a course get priority. Normally, this happens in two circumstances:

  1. Fourth-year students who have not yet completed the two 400-level courses required to fulfill their graduating requirements are given priority to get into those courses. Upper-level SOCI Majors may also be given priority to registration in our required 300-level courses.
  2. In some 200- and 300-level courses with heavy demand, instructors may give priority to waitlisted students who attend the first few classes of the term.

If you are waitlisted for a course you need to graduate, contact our administrative officer, Sara Harding. Please do not contact the instructor of the course directly.

Contact our honours adviser: Peyman Vahabzadeh or 250-721-6353

Contact our co-op coordinatorNatasha Jamal or 250-721-8969 Cornett B138

Graduate students

If your question is academically related, ask the graduate advisor. If it is mainly administrative, ask the graduate program assistant.

Contact our graduate adviser Garry Gray at 250-853-3772

Contact our graduate program assistant Aileen Chong at 250-721-7572

Contact our co-op coordinator Natasha Jamal at 250-721-8969 Cornett B138

Our graduate student guide has everything you need to know about:

  • supervisory committee structure
  • general expectations of students and supervisors
  • degree and registration requirements
  • dissertations, examinations, proposals and theses