Web Requisition 

The web-based purchase requisition application - WebReq - enables users to complete purchase requisitions online and submit them electronically to Purchasing, Facilities Management, Computer Store, Science Stores, Technology Solutions Centre and UVIC Bookstore. 

If you have questions or would like to schedule hands-on training please e-mail purchase@uvic.ca.

Request access to FAST WebReq

In order to gain access to FAST WebReq, submit a "Financial Systems Access Form".

Tick the box "FAST Webreq"

What to prepare before you create a WebReq

Before creating a WebReq collect the relevant documents / information: 

  • Quote (See "Basic Steps for Buying Goods" and "Basic steps when contracting for non-academic services" for more detailed information) 
  • If amount is not in Canadian dollars note currency (issue WR in amount of currency requested but note "amount is in xx$") 
  • E-mail correspondence (if applicable) 
  • company name & address (correct information is important for the issuance of Purchase Order & cheque) 
  • vendor contact name & e-mail address
  • Contractor information form (applicable for new service providers)  
  • FAST account number 
  • Identify who has authority to approve the spend on the FAST account per Signing Authority (Purchasing Services can assist if unsure)   


Tutorials: How to create / approve a WebReq

Can I access the status update of a WebReq I created?

Yes you can view the progress of a WebReq you created by following these steps: 

  1. go to FAST WR
  2. Requisition
  3. Requisition Status
  4. search either by WebReq # under "Specific Requisition" or with your netlink ID under "created by" 
  5. Execute Report 
  6. click on blue WR# under "Req ID" and pdf version of the WebReq will open up
  7. review notes under "Approval History"  

Can I copy a previously submitted WebReq for repeat orders?

Yes you can copy a WebReq for repeat orders (i.e. if you have to submit several guest flight booking requests) by following these steps:

  1. go to FAST WR
  2. Requisition
  3. Requisition Status
  4. search either by WebReq # under "Specific Requisition" or with your netlink ID under "created by" 
  5. Execute Report 
  6. Identify WR you wish to copy and click on "copy" (column to the right)  
  7. copy the WebReq (new WebReq # will display) and adjust the information as needed