Importing or exporting goods

Don't travel with commercial goods

UVic staff should not travel with goods that need to be imported/exported. This may cause delays to the traveller and cause goods to be impounded. We ask that all staff document and ship goods to/from their destination separately.

How to import goods

Are you receiving an international shipment? Planning to order online from a foreign supplier? Please know that every international shipment to UVic requires the completion of the notice of shipment form, including samples, gifts and donations.   

Unsure if you need to submit a notice of shipment form? This flow chart may help. 

How to export goods

Do you need to export goods or equipment? All exports must clear customs, including temporary shipments such as items sent for repair, calibrations, or loan. 

FedEx is the preferred courier service and will provide documentation for export. Information on how to create an account with Fedex.  

For questions reach out to Allow at least 72 hours prior to the anticipated shipment date.