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Current graduate students

PhD students

Name Interests Supervisor
Berard, Ashley   Andre Smith
Block, Kelsey   Steve Garlick
Brown, Sydney   Midori Ogasawara
Builes-Morales, David   Peyman Vahabzadeh
Dehaghani, Medhi Hosseini (INTD)   Peyman Vahabzadeh
Deschner, Finn   William Carroll
Fadaei, Iman   Peyman Vahabzadeh
Farris, Tucker (off campus) sociological theory with emphasis on symbolic interactionism and Pierre Bourdieu's Field Theory; sociology of knowledge with focus on social influences on knowledge production; exploratory multivariate analyses (qualitative methods, multiple correspondence analysis); intersectionality of institutions and individual actors in society; history of sociology Peyman Vahabzadeh
Forsyth, Melissa qualitative research methods, sociology of health, marginalized populations, Indigenous and global maternal health, midwifery, social determinants of health, sociology of inequality, poverty, maternity care access/equity, social justice, reproductive rights, sex work, feminist and critical theory, inter-sectional analysis, structural violence Martha McMahon
Gumuspala, Sansal   Aaron Devor
Haq, Sabrina Kazi sociology of aging and health; racial disparities in cognitive impairment/dementia; health inequality; quantitative and mixed method research Margaret Penning
Kaveh Shaldehi, Sajjad   Aaron Devor
Kish, Nyki   Tamara Humphrey
Kostuchuk, Jen   Anelyse Weiler
Malalla, Sahr   Midori Ogasawara
Parker, Lindsay (off campus)   Helga Hallgrimsdottir
Rahmati, Hossein   Peyman Vahabzadeh
Rutherford, Leo (INTD)  

Aaron Devor /

Nathan Lachowsky

Sugars-Keen, Neve  

William Carroll

Tang, Jay  

Katelin Albert

Unsworth, Roisin (off campus)  

Katelin Albert

Zavitz, Tayler critical sociology; critical animal studies; political sociology; social movements and social movement theory; criminalization of dissent; surveillance; policing; government repression; feminist theory; intersectionality; crime and deviance; radical politics; social change

Peyman Vahabzadeh/

Maneesha Deckha

Zinovich, Sasha  

Andre Smith

Master's students

Name Interests Supervisor
Barnard, Alison (off campus)   Andre Smith
Burgin, Payton   William Carroll
Cannatella, Alanna gender, sexuality, sexual health, stigma, media, and pop culture Katelin Albert
Colin Arce, Alan   Bruce Ravelli
de Molitor, Rachel reproductive aging; gender; health sociology Katelin Albert
Dunkerson, Adrian   Aaron Devor
Falle, Patrick   Tamara Humphrey
Feeley, Caitlin   Tamara Humphrey
Fleck, Abby   Garry Gray
Flegg, Conrad (off campus)   Peyman Vahabzadeh
Francis, Caitlin   William Carroll
Grischow, Sydney   Thea Cacchioni
Gumuspala, Cansu   Steve Garlick
Gumuspala, Sansal   Aaron Devor
Heaney-Corns, Molly  sociology of masculinity; sociology of gender; feminist and critical social theory; social movements and social change Steve Garlick
Higginbottom, Brooke  

Steve Garlick/

Thea Cacchioni

Hu, Rachelle (Jingtong)  

Min Zhou/

Garry Gray

Huang, Jindi  

Steve Garlick

Hudson, Maisie  

Katelin Albert

Kish, Nyki intersectional feminism; carceral abolition; structural and institutional violence; public sociology; qualitative methodologies; critical, decolonial, and creative methodologies; community-engaged research; institutional ethnography; epistemology, discourse, and power; critical jurisprudence and political philosophy; oppression; state and surveillance studies

Tamara Humphrey

Kozlova, Mariia  

Anelyse Weiler

Kroeker, Alexandra (off campus) community-engaged learning, experiential learning, sociology of education, pedagogy, community-based research,higher education pedagogies, qualitative methodologies, intersectionality, feminism, sociology of sport

Bruce Ravelli

Lemarquand, Star  

Peyman Vahabzadeh

Li, Cynthia  

Garry Gray

Maurice, Renay  


Mohammed, Bushra violent crime, victimology, and media representation of crimes Sean Hier
Murdoch, Isolde (off campus) refugee and migration studies; critical discourse analysis; media content analysis; sociology of media; race and ethnicity; social inequality; crime and deviance Athena Madan
Padam, Jasmine   Garry Gray
Perry, Nell sociology of gender; sexual violence; feminist and critical social theory; policy analysis; social change; organizational analysis, crime and violence Tamara Humphrey
Phillips, Sydney   Steve Garlick
Prewett, Cloud   Sean Hier
Riki, Yaser   Peyman Vahabzadeh 
Sadeghi Ronizi, Mohammad   Peyman Vahabzadeh
Sexton, Reanna sociology of education; applied sociology; community engaged learning; critical labour theory; ethical qualitative communication methods; assessing alumni Bruce Ravelli
Thon, Hannah  

Athena Madan

Woodland, Anders gender and sexualities; transgender studies; non-binary identity development; questioning a queer identity; critical research strategies; critical discourse analysis; media studies

Aaron Devor

Yelovatz, Ancaryn  

Martha McMahon