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Assistant professor


Office: COR A363 250-853-3780
PhD (Toronto)
Area of expertise:
Food and agriculture, migrant workers, food security, food and farm workers, qualitative methods, political ecology

Dr. Weiler's research explores the convergence of social inequalities and environment crises in the food system, with a focus on struggles for viable agrarian livelihoods, dignified migration, decent work and resilient farm ecosystems.

Her interdisciplinary projects have included community-based research on local food and migrant justice movements, the environmental and cultural politics of meat production, the revival of North American craft cider, food sovereignty and health equity, and comparative analyses of global farm labour-migration programs.

Alongside her scholarly commitments, Dr. Weiler actively contributes to several organizations advocating for food security, employment standards and migrant rights.

Dr. Weiler is available to supervise graduate students in areas including labour movements, food justice, agroecology, migration, animal welfare and environmental sociology.


  • food and agriculture
  • migrant workers
  • food security
  • food and farm workers
  • qualitative methods
  • political ecology


Weiler, A.M. and Encalada Grez, E. (forthcoming). "Rotten asparagus and just-in-time workers: Canadian agricultural industry framing of farm labour and food security during the COVID-19 pandemic." Canadian Food Studies.

Johnston, J., Weiler, A. and Baumann, S. (2022). "The cultural imaginary of ethical meat: A study of producer perceptions." Journal of Rural Studies, 89(4):186-198.

Weiler, A.M. (2021). "Bridging agrarianism: the potential of value-added craft cider production to support rural livelihoods in the Pacific Northwest." Rural Sociology.

Weiler, A.M. (2021). "Seeing the workers for the trees: exalted and devalued manual labour in the Pacific Northwest craft cider industry." Agriculture and Human Values.

Weiler, A.M. Sexsmith, K. and Minkoff-Zern, L.-A. (2021). "Parallel precarity: a comparison of US and Canadian agricultural guestworker programs." International Journal of Sociology of Agriculture and Food, 26(2):143-163.

Weiler, A.M. and McLaughlin, J. (2019). "Listening to migrant workers: should Canada's seasonal agricultural worker program be abolished?Dialectical Anthropology, 43:381-388.

Weiler, A.M., McLaughlin, J. and Cole, D.C. (2017). "Food security at whose expense? A critique of the Canadian temporary farm labour migration regime and proposals for change." International Migration, 55(4):48-63.

Weiler, A.M., Levkoe, C. and Young, C. (2016). "Cultivating equitable ground: community-based participatory research to connect food movements with migrant farmworkers." Journal of Agriculture, Food Systems and Community Development, 6(2):73-87.

Levkoe, C.Z., McClintock, N., Minkoff-Zern, L.-A., Coplen, A.K., Gaddis, J., Lo, J., Tendick-Matesanz, F., and Weiler, A.M. (2016). "Forging links between food chain labor activists and academics." Journal of Agriculture, Food Systems and Community Development, 6(2):129-142.

Weiler, A.M., Otero, G. and Wittman, H. (2016). "Rock stars and bad apples: Moral economies of alternative food networks and precarious farm work regimes." Antipode, 48(4):1140-1162.

Weiler, A.M., Hergesheimer, C., Brisbois, B., Wittman, H., Yassi, A. and Spiegel, J.M. (2015). "Food sovereignty, food security and health equity: a meta-narrative mapping exercise." Health Policy and Planning, 30(8):1078-1092.

Hennebry, J., McLaughlin, J. and Weiler, A.M. [Equal authorship]. (2021). "Fresh food, stale schemes: comparing agricultural labour migration in Canada and Spain." In T. Fouskas (ed.), Immigrants, asylum seekers and refugees in times of crises: B. An international handbook on migration, asylum, social integration and exclusion (351-376). European Public Law Organization.

Johnston, J. and Weiler, A.M. (2020). "Eating our way to a sustainable future?" In M. Bell, M. Carolan, K. Legun, & J. Keller (eds.), The Cambridge Handbook of Environmental Sociology: Volume II (pp.390-410). Cambridge MA: Cambridge University Press.

Weiler, A.M. (2019). "Whose labor counts as craft? Terroir and farm workers in North American craft cider." In A. Bonanno, K. Sekine and H. Feuer (eds.), The Role and Significance of Geographical Indication as a Tool for the Development and Democratization of Agri-Food. Routledge.

Weiler, A.M. (forthcoming). Farmworkers, Climate Change and Converging Crises. Photo essay. Gastronomica: The Journal for Food Studies.

Weiler, A.M. (2020). "Interview with Kim Thúy: Secrets from my Vietnamese Kitchen: Simple Recipes from my Many Mothers." Gastronomica: The Journal of Critical Food Studies, 20(1):80-82.

Weiler, A. (2019). "Film review: Lewis, A. Keepers of the future: La Coordinadora of El Salvador." Gastronomica: The Journal of Critical Food Studies, 19(3):99.

Weiler, A., Elton, S. and Johnston, J. (eds.) (2019). "The race against rot: Gastronomica’s new editorial team weighs in on saving food." Gastronomica: The Journal of Critical Food Studies, 19(3):1-5.

Weiler, A.M. (2018). "A food policy for Canada, but not just for Canadians: reaping justice for migrant farm workers.Canadian Food Studies, 5(4):279-284.

Weiler, A.M. (2018). "Book review: Futrell, S., Good apples: Behind every bite (Iowa University Press, 2017)," Food, Culture and Society, 21(4):585-593.

McLaughlin, J. and Weiler, A.M. (2016). "Migrant agricultural workers in local and global contexts: Toward a better life?Journal of Agrarian Change, 17(3):630-638.

Weiler, A.M. (2015). "Book review: Gertel, J. and Sippel, S.R., Seasonal workers in Mediterranean agriculture: The social costs of eating fresh (Earthscan from Routledge, 2014)," Canadian Food Studies, 2(1):199-202.

Weiler, A.M. (2015). "Book review: Binford, L., Tomorrow we’re all going to the harvest: Temporary foreign worker programs and neoliberal political economy (Austin, TX: University of Texas Press, 2013)," Journal of Latin American Studies, 47(01):212-214.

Weiler, A. and Fairey, D. (2021, 28 May). "Opinion: Minimum wage rules should apply across the board." Vancouver Sun.

Faraday, F., Fudge, J., Hanley, J., McLaughlin, J., Ramsaroop, C., Tungohan, E. and Weiler, A. (2021, 24 February). "Migrant workers need priority access to the COVID-19 vaccine." Globe & Mail.

Weiler et al. [Migrant Worker Health Expert Working Group]. (2020). Open letter to federal government.

Caxaj, S., Hanley, J., Hennebry, J., Mayell, S., McLaughlin, J., Tew, M., Vosko, L. and Weiler, A. [alphabetical authorship]. Federal consultation on the housing conditions of migrant farmworkers. (2020). Recommendations submitted by the Migrant Worker Health Expert Working Group.

Weiler A., Mayell, S., Vosko, L.F., Hennebry, J. and McLaughlin, J. (2020, September 7). "Let’s accept migrant farmworkers as members of our food community." Toronto Star.

Weiler, A.M. and Hodgson, K. "Q&A round-up: essential labour, essential lives: migrant agricultural workers and COVID-19." Centre for Sustainable Food Systems at UBC Farm.

Weiler, A.M., McLaughlin, J., Caxaj, S. and Cole, D.C. (2020, April 1). "Protecting the health and rights of migrant agricultural workers during the COVID-19 outbreak should be a priority."

Weiler, A., Thompson, M. and Fairey, D. (2019, 31 August). "This Labour Day, fruit pickers in B.C. may be denied minimum wage." Penticton Herald, Kelowna Courier, Policy Note (CCPA BC).

Fairey, D. and Weiler, A. (2018, May 2). "Government wrong to exclude farm workers from basic minimum wage protection." Vancouver SunPolicy Note (CCPA BC).

Weiler, A. and Cohen, A. (2018, May 1). "Migrant farm workers vulnerable to sexual violence." The Conversation; republished in The National PostAlternetOHS CanadaCanadian Occupational SafetyNPR Latino USAThe Tyee.

Weiler, A. (2018, May 1). "Book Review: Foster, S., Defying expectations: The case of UFCW Local 401." Alberta Views.

Weiler, A., McLaughlin, J. and Cole, D. (2017, Dec. 22). "Helping migrant workers must be part of new food policy." Toronto Star.

Weiler, A. (2017, Aug. 31). "Health, dignity and human rights: how a national food policy can strengthen justice with migrant workers in Canada." Food Secure Canada.

Weiler, A. and Murphy, S. (2017, August 16). "Looking Back from 2037: How Canada’s food revolution began." The Tyee.

Weiler, A. (2017, June 30). "Book review: Farm workers in Western Canada: Injustices and activism." Alberta Views.

Weiler, A., Benusic, M. and Liu, L. (2016, September 21). "Coming to grips with health barriers and structural violence for migrant farmworkers: a role for BC physicians." BC Medical Journal Blog.

Lead author; published as an anonymous collective effort. (2015, September 21). "Downplaying threats to women at UofT normalizes culture of misogyny." Campus Notes blog.

Weiler, A. (2015, March 24-31). "Know farm workers, know food: Sustaining Ontario migrant labour livelihoods." Sustain Ontario article series.

Weiler, A., Dennis, J. and Wittman, H. (2015, February 26). "Policy tools can promote better farming jobs." Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives; Republished in Vancouver Sun.