Aaron Devor

Professor, Chair in Transgender Studies
- Contact:
- Office: COR A367 ahdevor@uvic.ca 250-721-7577
- Credentials:
- PhD (Washington)
- Area of expertise:
- Sex, gender and transgender
- Related links:
Aaron Devor, PhD, initiated and holds the inaugural position as the world’s first Chair in Transgender Studies. He is the founder and academic director of the world’s largest Transgender Archives and founder and host of the international, interdisciplinary Moving Trans History Forward conferences.
He is an author of numerous well-cited scholarly articles and author or editor of 5 books, including 2 classics in the field of transgender studies. He has delivered more than 35 keynote and plenary addresses worldwide and won many awards for his transgender work, including the Virginia Prince Pioneer Award, a Canadian Association of University Teachers Equity Award and awards from the University of Victoria for outstanding community outreach and for advocacy and activism in equity and diversity. He is frequently sought by the media for commentary and has appeared in many professionally produced videos.
Dr. Devor is an elected senior member of the International Academy of Sex Research and was chosen as a Fellow of the Society for the Scientific Study of Sexuality. He is historian for the World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH) and has been involved in writing versions of the WPATH Standards of Care since 1999. He is also overseeing the translation of Version 7 into world languages.
Devor is a former dean of Graduate Studies (2002-2012) and a 3M national-award-winning teacher.
- transgender, non-binary, and Two-Spirit people
- sex, gender and sexuality
Wilson, M. and Devor, A. (eds.) 2019. Glimmerings: Trans Elders Tell Their Stories. Victoria, BC: Transgender Publishings (231 pages).
Haefele-Thomas, A. and Devor, A. 2019. Transgender: A Reference Handbook, ABC-CLIO (384 pages).
Devor, A. 2016. FTM: Female-to-Male Transsexuals in Society. (454 citations). Bloomington, IN: Indiana University Press (739 pages). Second edition.
Devor, A. 1999. FTM: Female-to-Male Transsexuals in Society. Bloomington, IN: Indiana University Press (720 pages). Paper edition.
Devor, A. 1997. FTM: Female-to-Male Transsexuals in Society. Bloomington, IN: Indiana University Press (720 pages). Cloth edition.
Devor, A. 2014. The Transgender Archives: Foundations for the Future. Victoria, BC: University of Victoria Libraries (76 pages). Lambda Literary Award Finalist, 15,000+ downloads.
Devor, A. 1989. Gender Blending: Confronting the Limits of Duality (461 citations). Bloomington, IN: Indiana University (189 pages).
Antonio, M., F. Lau, K. Davison, A. Devor, R. Queen and K. Courtney. 2021. "Toward an inclusive digital health system for sexual and gender minorities in Canada." Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association.
Jacobsen, K., A. Devor, E. Hodge. 2021. "Who counts as trans? A critical discourse analysis of trans Tumblr posts." Journal of Communications Inquiry.
F. Lau, M. Antonio, K. Davison, R. Queen, A. Devor. 2020. “A rapid review of gender, sex and sexual orientation documentation in electronic health records.” Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association.
M. Goldman, T. Butler-Foster, D. Lapierre, S.F. O’Brien and A. Devor. 2020. “Trans people and blood donation.” Transfusion, 60:1084-1092.
Devor, A. 2020. “Foreword.” In Rob Sanders, The Fighting Infantryman, New York: Little Bee Books.
T. Poteat, K. Rachlin, S. Lare, A. Janssen and A. Devor. 2019. “History and prevalence of gender dysphoria.” In Leonid Poretsky and Wylie Hembree (eds.), Transgender Medicine: A Multidisciplinary Approach, Cham (p. 1-24). Switzerland: Humana.
Devor, A. 2019. “The Transgender Archives.” In Ardel Haefele-Thomas and Thatcher Combs (eds.), Introduction to Transgender Studies, Harrington Park Press.
Devor, A. 2019. “Foreword.” In Richard Adler, Sandy Hirsch and Jack Pickering (eds.), Voice and Communication Therapy for the Transgender/Transsexual Client: A Comprehensive Guide, Third Edition (ix-x), Plural Publishing.
E. Coleman, W. Bockting, M. Botzer, P. Cohen-Kettenis, G. De Cuypere, J. Feldman, L. Fraser, J. Green, G. Knudson, W.J. Meyer, S. Monstrey, R.K. Adler, G.R. Brown, A.H. Devor, R. Ehrbar, R. Ettner, E. Eyler, R. Garofalo, D.H. Karasic, A.I. Lev, G. Mayer, H. Meyer-Bahlburg, B.P. Hall, F. Pfäfflin, K. Rachlin, B. Robinson, L.S. Schechter, V. Tangpricha, M. van Trotsenburg, A. Vitale, S. Winter, S. Whittle, K.R. Wylie and K. Zucker. 2018. “Normas de Atención para la salud de personas trans y con variabilidad de género,” International Journal of Transgenderism, 19(3):287-354.
Devor, A. and L. Wilson. 2018. “El Rastro de la Historia Transgénero. El Archivo Transgénero.” In Lius Hernández Olivera and Lluis Esteve Caellas I Serra (eds.), Memoria y Deseo. Sexo y Género en el Archivo [Memory and Desire: Sex and Gender in the Archives] (p. 45-63) Salamanca, Spain: Asociación de Archiveros de Castilla y Leon.
Devor, A. 2018. “Foreword.” In Christine Burns (ed.), Trans Britain: Our Journey from the Shadows (p. xii-xvii). London: Unbound.
S. Pardo and A. Devor. 2017. "Transgender and gender nonconforming identity development" In Kevin L. Nadal (ed.), The SAGE Encyclopedia of Psychology and Gender (p. 1689-1692). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
Devor, A. 2016. “Transgender people and Jewish law.” In Gerhard Schreiber (ed.), Transsexualität in Theologie und Neurowissenschaften. Ergebnisse, Kontroversen, Perspektiven [Transsexuality in Theology and Neuroscience: Findings, Controversies and Perspectives] (p. 387-406). Berlin and Boston: Walter de Gruyter.
Devor, A. and L. Wilson. 2015. "360 Analysis and Discussion in the Round: Radical Archives." Archive Journal, 5.
Devor, A. 2015. "Trans* Bodies." In Patricia Whelehan and Anne Bolin. The International Encyclopedia of Human Sexuality. First Edition. John Wiley & Sons.
Devor, A. 2014. "Preserving the footprints of transgender activism: The Transgender Archives at the University of Victoria." QED: A Journal of LGBTQ Worldmaking 1(2):200-204.
Devor, A. 2014. "Transgender" (p. 221-223), "Phalloplasty/metoidioplasty" (p. 155-156), "Packing" (p. 135). In Michael Kimmel, Christine Milrod and Amanda Kennedy (eds.) Cultural Encyclopedia of the Penis. London: Lowman & Littlefield.
Devor, A. 2014. "Family Man." In Zander Keig and Mitch Kellaway (eds.), Manning Up: Transsexual Men on Finding Brotherhood, Family & Themselves (p. 75-84). Stanislaus, CA: Transgress.
Devor, A. 2014. "Foreword." In Dan Irving and Rupert Raj (eds.), Trans Activism in Canada: A Reader (p. 3-4). Toronto: Canadian Scholars' Press.
E. Coleman, W. Bockting, M. Botzer, P. Cohen-Kettenis, G. DeCuypere, J. Feldman, L. Fraser, J. Green, G. Knudson, W.J. Meyer, S. Monstrey, R.K. Adler, G.R. Brown, A.H.Devor, R. Ehrbar, R. Ettner, E. Eyler, R. Garofalo, D.H. Karasic, A.I. Lev, G. Mayer, H. Meyer-Bahlburg, B.P. Hall, F. Pfaefflin, K. Rachlin, B. Robinson, L.S. Schechter, V. Tangpricha, M. van Trotsenburg, A. Vitale, S. Winter, S. Whittle, K.R. Wylie and K. Zucker. 2012. "Standards of care for the health of transsexual, transgender and gender nonconforming people, Version 7." International Journal of Transgenderism. 13(4):165-232 (2043 citations).