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Above and Beyond Awards Fall 2023

November 23, 2023

Congratulations to the recipients on receiving this award, and thank you so much for all of the ways in which you have gone above and beyond in your contributions at UVic!

Zoe Lu

As the former department secretary and assistant to the chair in Sociology, Zoe is posthumously recognized for going above and beyond in her many contributions to the department.

An academic leader noted that Zoe “strove to work above and beyond the call of her station in every single element of operation in our department” and has “earned the title of Above and Beyond a thousand times over.”

She will be “lovingly remembered in our department for her warmth, positivity, kindness,” and was truly “the heart of our department.”

Edwin Hodge

As a sessional instructor in Sociology, Edwin has gone above and beyond in his contributions to undergraduate teaching and community-building in the department.

A student observed that Edwin has “gone leaps and bounds in the Sociology department to help make sure that students not only succeed but flourish in the classroom environment.

Iman Fadaei

As an international graduate student in sociology, Iman has gone above and beyond in advancing research on “how the human ‘self’ is being transformed due to digital technologies.”

A faculty member also commended Iman for being a strong “advocate for graduate students” through service as PhD representative in Sociology, PhD representative for the CSPT program, International Teaching Assistant Consultant (LTSI/iTAC), and elected representative for Sociology on the Graduate Students’ Society Council.