Grading and assessment

Assessment of learning through effective assignment design and effective grading is integral to the teaching process. At UVic all instructors and faculty are required to use the Senate-approved percentage grading scale.

For instruction on how grading, please see the resources below and consider attending workshops in our Grading Series.

Grading Toolkit and Resources

Grading Student Writing

Also see Grading Student Writing for Instructors for additional resources.

Using Bubble Sheets

Currently, UVic uses Remark Office OMR for bubble-sheet grading. Please see below or visit the related Remark Office OMR page for more information on this software. The bubble sheet process has the following features:

  • Bubble sheet forms are currently available for purchase from the UVic Bookstore. These are printed at UVic for a reasonbable cost.
  • Students can use pen or pencil; undesired answers can be crossed out or erased.
  • Easy to understand cover sheet/order form and instructor report.
  • The output of the report makes it easier for instructors to improve the effectiveness and fairness of their tests.
  • Bubble sheets arre scanned within department or through a centralized scanning process within University Systems.

Additional resources and information can be found on the LTSI Remark Office OMR page. For questions or concerns regarding the bubble sheets contact: Shawn Curé