Graduate courses

The Academic Calendar has a list of the wide range of courses in French and Francophone Studies. Each year, we offer a subset of these.

This year, we are offering the following courses:


Courses Spring 2021 Instructors
500B: Application of Research Methods Sara Harvey
& Pierre-Luc Landry
506: Studies in French Literature and Culture Hélène Cazes
580: Special Topics Marc Lapprand
Courses Fall 2020 Instructors
500A: Introduction to Research Methods Sada Niang
500B: Application of Research Methods Sara Harvey
& Pierre-Luc Landry
504: Studies in Culture and Society Sara Harvey
FRAN 500A : Introduction to Research Methods Catherine Léger
FRAN 515 : Studies in Québec or French-Canadian Literature (Littératures de l'extrême-contemporain) Pierre-Luc Landry
FRAN 580: Special topics - Benveniste: L'amour du langage Emile Fromet de Rosnay
FRAN 500B: Application of Research Methods Sara Harvey 
& Emile Fromet de Rosnay
FRAN 506: Studies in French Literature and Culture: Boris Vian et son époque Marc Lapprand
FRAN 517: Studies in Francophone African or Caribbean Literatures Sada Niang
FRAN 500: Introduction to Bibliography and Research Methods Catherine Léger
FRAN 502: Studies in Applied Linguistics Catherine Caws
FRAN 502: Studies in French Applied Linguistics Catherine Caws
FRAN 503: Studies in French Linguistics: Études en morphologie lexicale et grammaticale Emmanuel Hérique
FRAN 504: Studies in Culture and Society: Les Genres de l'anatomie, 1500-1650 Helène Cazes
FRAN 505: Studies in Literary Theory and Criticism Marie Vautier
FRAN 506: Studies in French Literature and Culture: Banlieues françaises, littérature, cinéma et musique: les avatars d'une citoyenneté meurtrie Sada Niang
FRAN 506: Studies in French Literature and Culture Hélène Cazes
FRAN 506: Studies in French Literature and Culture: 20th Century French Theatre Marc Lapprand
FRAN 512: Studies in 19th Century Literature: Décadence et Symbolisme Emile Fromet de Rosnay
FRAN 518: Littératures féminines caribéennes Sada Niang
FRAN 580: Theoria/Poiesis Emile Fromet de Rosnay
& Stephen Ros