Student resources
A. Wilfrid Johns Gallery
Arts & culture, recreation Campus servicesThe A. Wilfrid Johns Gallery is located in the MacLaurin building (MAC) A wing.
About UVic
Academics Indigenous International ResearchLearn about the University of Victoria, our programs and research strengths.
Academic accommodations
Academics Campus servicesAcademic accommodations reduce barriers and provide different ways of meeting essential course or program requirements.
Academic advising, undergraduate
Academics Campus servicesGet advice and guidance on your academic requirements and learn what supports there are to help you complete your degree.
Jamie Cassels Centre, A203 Contact -
Academic calendar
Academics Online toolsThe official guide to all courses, programs, services, dates and regulations of the university.
Academic Communication, Centre for (CAC)
Academics Campus servicesThe Centre for Academic Communication (CAC) offers in-person or Zoom coaching sessions for managing your time, setting goals and sustaining focus during busy periods. The CAC can also help you improve your academic writing, deliver better presentations and learn how to retain information for your exams and assessments.
Academic concessions and deferrals
AcademicsIf your academic courses are affected by illness, accident or family affliction, you may wish to request an academic concession.
Academic integrity
AcademicsLearn about UVic's expectations for students, faculty members and staff around academic integrity.
Academic Writing Requirement (AWR)
AcademicsAll undergraduate students enrolled in a degree program at UVic must complete an Academic Writing Requirement (AWR) course.
Accessible Learning, Centre for (CAL)
Academics Campus servicesCAL works with students and faculty to create equity and accessibility for students with disabilities.
Campus Services, 150 Contact -
Admissions, graduate
AcademicsEverything you need to know about becoming a graduate student at UVic.
Jamie Cassels Centre, A206 Contact -
Admissions, undergraduate
AcademicsEverything you need to know about becoming an undergrad at UVic. Get information on everything from undergraduate admissions to housing.
Jamie Cassels Centre, A203 Contact -
Advanced Materials and Related Technology, Centre for (CAMTEC)
ResearchCAMTEC is a research centre committed to interdisciplinary work on advanced materials and technology.
Elliott, 207 -
Advanced Microscopy Facility
Departments, faculties & units ResearchLearn about our Advanced Microscopy Facility, one of the core labs of the Centre for Advanced Materials and Related Technology (CAMTEC).
Bob Wright, A015 -
Aging and Lifelong Health, Institute on (IALH)
ResearchThe Institute on Aging and Lifelong Health (IALH) is committed to promoting and conducting rigorous basic and applied research to improve the health and quality of life of individuals.
Hut R Contact -
Alumni Card
Campus servicesThe UVic Alumni Card is a unique ONECard that gives alumni access to exclusive discounts and privileges at a variety of on- and off-campus businesses for a one-time fee of $20.
ONECard Office - Jamie Cassels Centre -
Alumni Relations
Campus services Departments, faculties & unitsConnect, learn and remember by staying in touch with the UVic Alumni Association.
Alumni House - Ian Stewart Complex Contact -
Animal Care Services
Campus services ResearchAll research with animals at UVic must be conducted in accordance with the highest ethical and humane standards. Animal research must receive approval from the Animal Care Committee (ACC).
Academics Departments, faculties & unitsThe Department of Anthropology at UVic explores human evolution and past and present human cultures.
Cornett, B228 Contact -
Anti-Violence Project (AVP)
Campus servicesThe Anti-Violence Project (AVP) is committed to addressing and ending gender-based and sexualized violence on campus and beyond.
Apply to UVic
Academics Online toolsUVic's online application is the gateway to admissions for both undergraduate and graduate studies at UVic.
Art History and Visual Studies
Academics Arts & culture, recreation Departments, faculties & unitsThe Department of Art History and Visual Studies immerses students in the visual traditions of cultures worldwide.
Fine Arts, 151 Contact -
Asia-Pacific Initiatives, Centre for (CAPI)
Departments, faculties & units ResearchCAPI conducts research on policy issues and builds relationships with universities and civil society organizations in the Pacific.
Sedgewick, C128 Contact -
Astronomy Research Centre (ARC)
ResearchThe Astronomy Research Centre (ARC) explores astrophysics, engineering, computation, and instrumentation.
Elliot, 101 -
Athletics, Recreation and Special Abilities, Centre for (CARSA)
Arts & culture, recreation Campus servicesCARSA is home to Vikes varsity programs, athletics and recreation and CanAssist. It features a two-floor weight room and climbing tower.
Audio Visual and Media Services
Campus services Departments, faculties & unitsLearn what audiovisual and media services are available on campus such as video conferencing, webcasting and video production.
Clearihue, A067 -
Online toolsThe Banner system provides University of Victoria's faculty and staff with access to financial, HR and student information.
Bargaining information
Campus servicesLearn about collective bargaining for UVic's six unionized employee groups.
Better Data Project
Campus servicesCollecting, managing, and using identity data across campus to inform inclusive action.
Biochemistry and Microbiology
Academics Departments, faculties & unitsThe Department of Biochemistry and Microbiology engages in research and teaching in the disciplines central to molecular biology and biotechnology.
Petch, 207 Contact -
Academics Departments, faculties & unitsThe Department of Biology studies life at all levels—from the gene to the ecosystem.
Cunningham, 202 Contact -
Board of Governors
The Board of Governors is one of the two elected bodies that governs the university.
Booking space
Campus servicesBook on-campus classrooms, lecture halls and meeting space.
Campus services Departments, faculties & unitsThe UVic Bookstore is the on-campus stop for textbooks, merchandise, giftware, stationery, computers and all your school essentials.
Campus Services Contact -
Academics Online toolsBrightspace learning management system is the primary online hub to access course content, collaborate, track progress and get feedback.
Budget and Capital Planning
Departments, faculties & unitsThe Budget Office forecasts, develops and manages the university's operating budget.
Michael Williams, A212 Contact -
Business, Peter B. Gustavson School of
Academics Departments, faculties & unitsLearn about the academic programs and opportunities in the Peter B. Gustavson School of Business.
Business and Economics, 254 Contact -
Campus Alone
Campus servicesCampus Alone is available to all members of the campus community who work or study on campus during the quiet hours of evenings, weekends, holidays, etc.
Campus Bike Centre
Campus servicesThe Centre provides covered bike parking for 234 bikes, equipment lockers, benches and an expanded, renovated space for the BikeHub bicycle program.
Jamie Cassels Centre -
Campus Community Garden
Campus servicesThe Campus Community Garden is a space for UVic students, faculty, and staff to grow food and share in the beauty of tending to plants.
Campus Dental Centre
Campus servicesThe Campus Dental Centre is a full-service dental practice in the Student Union Building.
Student Union (SUB), B142 -
Campus hours of operation
Online toolsView the hours of operation and holiday hours for the UVic campus and various services.
Campus Planning
Campus services Departments, faculties & unitsPhysical changes at UVic are guided by the university's Campus Plan.
Michael Williams, A279 Contact -
Campus Security Services
Campus servicesCampus Security Services is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. We are UVic's first responders for emergencies and oversee parking services.
Campus Security Contact -
Campus Services
Campus services Departments, faculties & unitsCampus Services, in the Division of Student Affairs, oversees the Bookstore, Child Care Services, ONECard, Printing, Food Services and more.
Jamie Cassels Centre, B202 Contact -
Campus tours and visits
Campus servicesUVic campus tours are available Monday to Saturday.
Jamie Cassels Centre, Welcome Centre Contact -
Canadian Institute for Substance Use Research (CISUR)
Departments, faculties & units ResearchCISUR is a network dedicated to the study of substance use and addiction. Learn about our efforts to promote health and reduce harm.
Contact -
Career Services
Academics Campus servicesCareer Services is here to help you succeed at work during your time at UVic and beyond. We run workshops and programs, offer in-person support and provide many online resources to help you navigate your career.
Campus Services Building 110 Contact -
Departments, faculties & unitsLooking for a centre? All centres are listed alphabetically according to their subject area. For example: "Accessible Learning, Centre for"
Ceremonies and Events
Arts & culture, recreation Departments, faculties & unitsCeremonies and Events is an experienced, professional team that creates and implements all major university events.
Cornett, B142 Contact -
CFUV Campus Radio (101.9 FM)
Arts & culture, recreationUVic's campus radio station.
Student Union (SUB), B006 -
Academics Departments, faculties & unitsThe Department of Chemistry fosters world-class research and outstanding chemical education.
Elliott, 301 Contact -
Child and Youth Care
Academics Departments, faculties & unitsThe School of Child and Youth Care is dedicated to practice and research that supports the well-being of children, youth, families and communities.
Human and Social Development, 102A Contact -
Child Care Services
Campus services Departments, faculties & unitsChild Care Services provides full-time and part-time child care to the UVic community for children ages five and younger.
Child Care Complex Contact -
CIFAL Victoria
Academics International ResearchCIFAL Victoria, based at UVic, is part of a global network of 24 United Nations Institute of Training and Research (UNITAR) training centres.
Email -
Arts & culture, recreation Campus servicesCinecenta is UVic's on-campus movie theatre and is open to everyone.
Student Union (SUB) -
Civil Engineering
Academics Departments, faculties & unitsAs the greenest civil engineering department in Canada, UVic's Department of Civil Engineering responds to global environmental challenges with practical design solutions.
Engineering and Computer Science, 304 Contact -
Class schedule search
Online toolsSearch for classes by term, subject, course number or other criteria.
Climate science
Academics Departments, faculties & unitsLearn the foundations of climate science to translate climate information into actionable practice.
Arts & culture, recreationThere are more than 200 student clubs open to students and community members.
Co-operative Education
Academics Campus servicesCo-op helps students get on the fast track for their dream job and provides opportunities to learn outside the classroom and gain valuable work experience.
Jamie Cassels Centre, B271 Contact -
Coast Capital Savings Innovation Centre
Departments, faculties & units ResearchUVic's on-campus venture accelerator provides support and mentorship for business concepts to go from idea to investor ready.
Sedgewick, A142 -
Communications and Marketing (UCAM)
Campus services Departments, faculties & unitsUCAM provides strategic communications and marketing support to the university.
Sedgewick, C149 Contact -
Community and Government Relations
Campus services Departments, faculties & unitsThe Office of Community and Government Relations provides strategic support and expertise to units on engaging with all levels of government.
Michael Williams, A120 Contact -
Community-Engaged Learning (CEL)
Academics Campus servicesCEL helps students apply academic knowledge to real world issues, a process that can benefit both students and the community.
Computer Help Desk
Campus services Online toolsThe Computer Help Desk provides information and advice to members of the university for most campus computing resources.
Clearihue, A037 -
Computer labs (hours & operation)
Campus servicesUVic offers computing facilities across campus.
Computer Science
Academics Departments, faculties & unitsThe Department of Computer Science offers undergraduate and graduate degrees in data and computing.
Engineering and Computer Science, 504 Contact -
Computer Store
Campus servicesFind solutions for all your technology needs including computers, cameras, speakers and more at the Computer Store.
UVic Bookstore Contact -
Campus services Departments, faculties & unitsContact information for the University of Victoria.
Continuing Studies
Academics Departments, faculties & unitsContinuing Studies provides adult and continuing education programming in co-operation with UVic faculties and community partners. Full-time, part-time, distance and on-campus options are available.
Continuing Studies, 2nd Floor Contact -
Academics ResearchThe Copyright Office provides information on copyright issues, including fair dealing, university policies and guidelines.
Course registration, graduate
Academics Online toolsLearn how to register for graduate courses.
Course registration, undergraduate
Academics Online toolsLearn the basics of course registration at UVic.
COVID-19 info
Academics Campus servicesStay up-to-date about UVic's response to COVID-19.
Cultural, Social and Political Thought Program
ResearchThe Cultural, Social and Political Thought (CSPT) program is built on the principles of inclusiveness and democratic participation.
Curriculum and Instruction
Academics Departments, faculties & unitsThe Department of Curriculum and Instruction offers new research-based approaches to teaching. Learn how and why we teach what we teach.
MacLaurin, A541 Contact -
Curriculum, Advising and Program Planning report (CAPP)
Academics Online toolsThe curriculum, advising and program planning report, also known as the degree evaluation report, is a tool to support program completion and help track your academic requirements.
David Lam Auditorium
Arts & culture, recreation Campus servicesThe David Lam Auditorium is located in the MacLaurin building (MAC) A144.
Degree evaluation report
Academics Online toolsThe degree evaluation report is a tool to support program completion and help track your academic requirements.
Degrees Catering
Campus servicesDegrees Catering is UVic's full-service catering department for all events on campus.
Directory of records
Online toolsThe directory of records is UVic's main tool to manage university records. Search by section or specific field.
Discrimination and harassment
Campus servicesUVic strives to prevent discrimination and harassment from taking place, and to act upon complaints of such behaviour promptly, fairly, judiciously and with due regard to confidentiality for all parties concerned.
Earth and Ocean Sciences
Academics Departments, faculties & unitsThe School of Earth and Ocean Sciences studies the processes that shape the Earth, global climate change, marine pollution and more.
Bob Wright Centre, A405 Contact -
Academics Departments, faculties & unitsThe Department of Economics provides students with powerful quantitative and analytical tools to help them understand the world.
Business and Economics, 360 Contact -
Education, Faculty of
Academics Departments, faculties & units IndigenousWhether you want to be a teacher, a community leader, a counsellor, enter the health industry or work in sports and recreation, there's no better place to start than Education.
MacLaurin, A225 Contact -
Educational Psychology and Leadership Studies (EPLS)
Academics Departments, faculties & unitsEPLS teaches students how to make an impact in the lives of people and communities. Learn how to be a leader, counsellor or educational psychologist in our programs.
MacLaurin, A439 Contact -
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Academics Departments, faculties & unitsThe Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering provides research and teaching in electrical and computer design.
Engineering Office Wing, 448 Contact -
Email, faculty and staff
Online toolsUVic email for faculty and staff. Our Outlook web app can be accessed on a public or private computer.
Email, student webmail
Online toolsAccess your UVic email through Online tools or Webmail.
Emergency Alerts
Campus services Online toolsGet real time alerts from UVic during an emergency.
Emergency Planning
Campus services Departments, faculties & unitsLearn how to prepare for an emergency in your classroom, office or home.
Campus Security Contact -
Employee benefits
Campus servicesLearn about your pay and benefits as an employee of UVic.
Campus servicesView employment and career opportunities for staff, faculty, casual and leadership positions at UVic.
Engineering and Computer Science, Faculty of
Academics Departments, faculties & unitsUVic Engineering and Computer Science is pushing the edges of engineering and applied science, while creating tangible solutions to real world problems.
Engineering Office Wing, 248 Contact -
Academics Departments, faculties & unitsThe Department of English offers a wide range of courses tackling literature from a variety of perspectives. Challenge your intellect and feed your imagination.
Clearihue, C343 Contact -
English Language Centre (ELC)
Academics InternationalThe ELC offers intensive English language programs at UVic and is one of the largest on-campus English schools in Canada.
Continuing Studies, 2nd Floor -
Entrance scholarships and awards
Academics Campus servicesEntrance scholarships are financial awards offered to newly admitted undergraduate students who have demonstrated academic excellence.
Environmental Studies
Academics Departments, faculties & unitsThe School of Environmental Studies examines fundamental ecological processes and the interface between humans and the environment.
David Turpin, B243 Contact -
Equity Action Plan
Campus services Departments, faculties & units IndigenousThe Equity Action Plan’s goals provide UVic with strategic direction to advance equity, diversity and inclusion, and to create the conditions in which everyone feels a sense of belonging: as connected and respected parts of the university community.
Equity and Human Rights (EQHR)
Campus services Departments, faculties & unitsEQHR is devoted to building an equitable and inclusive campus. Get support for sexualized violence, discrimination, harassment or workplace bullying.
Sedgewick, C128 Contact -
AcademicsGet exam schedules and policies.
Exchange students
Academics InternationalInformation for international students who want to study at UVic through an exchange program.
Exercise Science, Physical and Health Education (EPHE)
Academics Departments, faculties & unitsThe School of Exercise Science, Physical & Health Education is all about movement. We explore the role movement plays in our lives and in a healthy, active society.
McKinnon, 120 Contact -
Expert, Find a UVic
Online tools ResearchGet access to the wealth of expertise that UVic has to offer. Learn about UVic researchers and their areas of research.
Facilities Management
Campus servicesFacilities Management supports the university through building services, capital development, grounds, interior modification and more.
Saunders, 112 Contact -
Facilities Management Information System (FMIS)
Online toolsFMIS is an electronic self-service tool that is used to request services from Facilities Management. Facilities Management develops, operates, and maintains campus facilities.
AcademicsLooking for a faculty? Our faculties are listed alphabetically according to their subject area. Example: "Law, Faculty of"
Family Centre
Campus services Departments, faculties & unitsThe Family Centre is an inclusive family resource centre that supports a diverse student family community living both on and off campus.
Child Care Services -
Farquhar Auditorium
Arts & culture, recreationDiscover upcoming events coming to the Farquhar Auditorium as well as booking opportunities and contact information.
Jamie Cassels Centre, B272e Contact -
Film Studies
Academics Arts & culture, recreation Departments, faculties & unitsOur Film Studies program offers a solid combination of lectures, screenings, writing and hands-on production work in film.
Fine Arts -
Financial Planning and Operations
Campus services Departments, faculties & unitsThe office of the AVP Financial Planning and Operations is responsible for the overall planning and coordination of the university's budget and budget planning process, covering operating and non-operating revenue and expenditures.
Michael Williams, A212 Contact -
Fine Arts, Faculty of
Academics Departments, faculties & unitsThe Faculty of Fine Arts offers a dynamic community where curiosity, experimentation and exploration are the cornerstones of the learning environment.Â
Fine Arts, 110 Contact -
Finnerty Gardens
Arts & culture, recreation Campus servicesA beautiful oasis on the edge of campus known for its collection of over 200 rhododendron species and azaleas.
First Peoples House
Campus services IndigenousThe First Peoples House is a social, cultural and academic centre for Indigenous students at UVic.
First Peoples House -
Food Services
Campus servicesUVic has 12 unique food outlets around campus for you to enjoy.
Contact -
Forest Biology, Centre for
Departments, faculties & units ResearchThe Centre for Forest Biology (CFB) conducts fundamental and applied research in forest biology.
Cunningham, 153 Contact -
Academics Departments, faculties & unitsFrench is spoken by over 274 million people around the world. UVic's Department of French and Francophone Studies explores everything from cinema and literature, to computer-assisted language learning and translation.
Clearihue, C247 Contact -
Gender Empowerment Centre (GEM)
Campus servicesThe Gender Empowerment Centre (GEM) is a student-run collective that provides resources through an intersectional feminist framework.
Gender Studies
Academics Departments, faculties & unitsThe Department of Gender Studies explores how gender shapes people's lives, experiences, knowledge and possibilities in relation to Indigenous and racialized identities, and more.
Clearihue, B111 Contact -
Academics Departments, faculties & unitsThe Department of Geography asks how we impact the natural world and how it impacts us.
David Turpin, B203 Contact -
Germanic and Slavic Studies
Academics Departments, faculties & unitsThe Department of Germanic and Slavic Studies promotes critical inquiry, engages multiple voices and inspires creative expression.
Clearihue, D243 Contact -
Giving to UVic
Campus servicesEvery gift made to UVic has an impact. Find out the ways to give and the impact gifts to UVic have.
Ian Stewart Complex Contact Legacy & planned giving -
Global Development Studies
Academics Departments, faculties & unitsThe Global Development Studies (GDS) program explores issues such as socioeconomic inequalities, environment and sustainability, governance and human rights, and community resilience from a global and historical perspective.
Global Engagement, Office of
Campus services InternationalThe Office of Global Engagement develops and promotes global partnerships that advance UVic's strategic goals for internationalization.
Jamie Cassels Centre, B202 Contact -
Global Studies, Centre for
Departments, faculties & units ResearchThe Centre for Global Studies (CFGS) promotes collaborative, multidisciplinary research across multiple regions.
Sedgewick, C173 Contact -
Governance and administration
The University of Victoria operates under the authority of the University Act and is governed by a Board of Governors and a Senate.
Grad House Restaurant
Campus servicesLocated within the Halpern Centre, the Grad House Restaurant is open to the public for food and drinks in a relaxed, lounge-style atmosphere.
Grade point average (GPA) calculations
AcademicsInformation on grade point average (GPA) calculations
Graduate program advising
Academics Campus servicesGet advice and guidance on your graduate programs and learn what supports there are to help you complete your degree.
Jamie Cassels Centre, A203 Contact -
Graduate programs
AcademicsA comprehensive list of the graduate programs available at the University of Victoria.
Graduate programs by special arrangement (SPARR)
AcademicsGet instructions for individual graduate programs by special arrangement.
Graduate scholarships and financial aid
Academics Campus servicesInformation on awards, scholarships, fellowships and bursaries for graduate students.
Contact your graduate secretary -
Graduate secretaries and advisers
AcademicsYour graduate adviser and graduate secretary know the details of your program and degree.
Graduate Students Society
Campus servicesThe Graduate Students’ Society (GSS) is an autonomous, not-for-profit society that strives to promote the interests and represent the views of graduate students at UVic.
Halpern Centre for Graduate Studies Contact -
Graduate Studies, Faculty of
Academics Departments, faculties & unitsThe Faculty of Graduate Studies oversees the 150+ graduate programs at UVic.
Jamie Cassels Centre, A207 Contact -
Graduation & convocation, graduate
AcademicsConvocation marks the end of an academic journey and is the official ceremony of graduation.
Graduation & convocation, undergraduate
AcademicsConvocation marks the end of an academic journey and is the official ceremony of graduation.
Greek and Roman Studies
Academics Departments, faculties & unitsThe Department of Greek and Roman Studies explores language, history, literature and archeology. Discover how the ancient Mediterranean world mirrors our modern era in surprising ways.
Clearihue, B409 Contact -
Harm Reduction Centre
Campus servicesThe Harm Reduction Centre (HRC) helps you make informed and safer choices around sex and substance use. Our aim is to make it as easy as possible for you to access harm reduction supplies and educational materials at UVic.
Health and dental plan, graduate students
Campus servicesInformation on the health and dental plan for graduate students.
Health and dental plan, undergraduate students
Campus servicesGet health and dental plan details for undergraduate students through the UVSS.
Health Information Science
Academics Departments, faculties & unitsThe School of Health Information Science is a pioneer and leader in transforming the world of health care and health information management.
Human and Social Development, A202 Contact -
Health services
Campus servicesUVic Health is a full-service primary health clinic for UVic students that also coordinates healthy student and campus initiatives.
Health and Wellness Building Contact -
Hispanic and Italian Studies
Academics Departments, faculties & unitsThe Department of Hispanic and Italian Studies immerses students in the languages and cultures of Spain, Latin America and Italy.
Clearihue, A405 Contact -
Academics Departments, faculties & unitsThe Department of History seeks to understand the paths that brought societies to where they are today.
Clearihue, A203 Contact -
Human and Social Development, Faculty of
Academics Departments, faculties & units IndigenousThe Faculty of Human and Social Development offers professional education programs that prepare students for careers that do good in the world.
Human and Social Development, A102 Contact -
Human Dimensions of Climate Change (HDCC)
ResearchWe focus on climate change from the perspectives of all the major disciplines that emphasize the human elements of climate change. This includes psychology, economics, geography, anthropology, law, philosophy, political science, sociology, business, environmental studies and others.
Human research ethics
ResearchThe Human Research Ethics Board (HREB) ensures that UVic research and research in academic courses involving human participants or human biological materials follows the ethical standards.
Human Resources
Campus services Departments, faculties & unitsHuman Resources is here to assist you with a variety of services dedicated to supporting your personal and professional needs.
Sedgewick, B130 Contact -
Humanities, Faculty of
Academics Departments, faculties & unitsThe Faculty of Humanities explores language, culture, technology and the environment, recognizing the richness offered by diversity, difference, distance and place.
Clearihue, A305 Contact -
Important academic dates
AcademicsView all the important academic dates for the school year such as holidays, exam times, convocation and reading break.
Indigenous Academic and Community Engagement
Departments, faculties & unitsThe Office of Indigenous Academic and Community Engagement (IACE) is here to support the success of Indigenous students at UVic.
First Peoples House, 140 Contact -
Indigenous Education
Departments, faculties & unitsThe department of Indigenous Education is committed to honouring Indigenous ways of learning and teaching.
MacLaurin Building, A260 Contact -
Indigenous Governance, School of
Academics Departments, faculties & units IndigenousThe School of Indigenous Governance supports the development of future Indigenous leaders by focusing on Indigenous resurgence, good governance and excellent scholarship.
Human and Social Development, A260 Contact -
Indigenous Nationhood certificate
ResearchThe certificate in Indigenous Nationhood (IN) is a graduate level program that enables students to examine the intersections of law, politics and governance.
Indigenous Research and Community-Led Engagement, Centre for (CIRCLE)
Departments, faculties & units Indigenous ResearchCIRCLE is dedicated to expanding wellbeing by building on strengths of Indigenous peoples.
Saunders Annex, 130 Contact -
Indigenous Student Services
Campus services IndigenousLearn about the services and supports available to Indigenous students.
First Peoples House, 140 -
Indigenous Studies
Departments, faculties & unitsIndigenous studies is an exciting area of study that emphasizes Indigenous ways of knowing and learning. We explore the social, political, cultural and historical contexts that shape the lives and resistance of Indigenous peoples—here and around the world.
Institutional Planning and Analysis
Campus services Departments, faculties & unitsInstitutional Planning and Analysis' primary role is to provide information, research/statistical support and other analytical services for decision making and policy planning at UVic.
Michael Williams, A263 Contact -
Integrated Energy Systems, Institute for (IIES)
ResearchThe mission of the IIES is to develop sustainable energy systems that are reliable, cost-effective and socially acceptable.
Engineering Office Wing, 108 Contact -
International Centre for Students (ICS)
Campus services InternationalInternational Centre for Students (ICS) provides support for international students studying at UVic, and coordinates programs for all UVic students interested in studying abroad.
Jamie Cassels Centre, B202d Contact -
International Commons
Campus services InternationalThe International Commons is a welcoming space in the McPherson Library's Learning Commons where students can study, connect and access a variety of programs and resources designed to support academic success.
McPherson Library -
Island Medical Program
Academics Departments, faculties & unitsThe Island Medical Program (IMP) educates doctors on Vancouver Island as part of an innovative plan to increase the number of physicians in BC and encourage them to practice in less populous areas of the province.
Medical Sciences Contact -
Jamie Cassels Centre (JCC)
Academics Campus servicesJamie Cassels Centre contains academic and administrative offices.
Jamie Cassels Undergraduate Research Awards (JCURA)
Academics ResearchThese awards provide support for exceptional undergraduate students to help them conduct independent research.
ResearchKnowlEDGE is a monthly research publication produced by University Communications + Marketing. Learn about research and discovery at UVic.
Latin American Studies
Academics Departments, faculties & unitsThe Department of Latin American Studies lets you explore a rich history and culture while you build on language and cultural skills or prepare to live abroad.
Clearihue, B447 Contact -
Law Library, Diana M. Priestly
Academics ResearchThe Diana M. Priestly Law Library is your source for legal knowledge at the University of Victoria.
Law, Faculty of
Academics Departments, faculties & units IndigenousUVic Law is one of Canada's leading law schools known for the strength of its academic program, approach to experiential learning and commitment to social justice.
Fraser, 102 Contact -
Campus services IndigenousLE, NONET is a series of programs designed to welcome and support Indigenous students.
Learning and Teaching Support and Innovation (LTSI)
Academics Campus services Departments, faculties & units ResearchLTSI supports UVic's extraordinary academic environment by helping faculty, instructors and students develop their skills in the classroom.
Harry Hickman, 120 Contact -
Learning Assistance Program (LAP)
Academics Campus servicesIf you're a student with a disability, LAP has variety of programs to help you meet your academic goals.
Legacy Art Galleries
Academics Arts & culture, recreationThe University of Victoria Legacy Art Galleries provide lively and engaging centres for art.
Contact -
Library, McPherson
Academics ResearchArticles, books, databases, specialized collections, course reserves, news, research help, journal titles and more.
McPherson Library Contact -
Academics Departments, faculties & units IndigenousThe Department of Linguistics offers programs that explore the structure of language.
Clearihue, D341 Contact -
Malahat Review
Arts & culture, recreationThe Malahat Review features contemporary works of poetry, fiction, and creative non-fiction.
Maps and buildings
Campus servicesMaps and buildings at UVic.
Martlet, The
Arts & culture, recreationThe Martlet is the University of Victoria's independent student newspaper.
Math and Stats Assistance, Centre (MSAC)
Academics Campus servicesMath and Stats Assistance Centre (MSAC) offers help in 100 and 200 level Math and Stats courses online.
Mathematics and Statistics
Academics Campus servicesDepartment of Mathematics and Statistics
David Turpin Building A425 Contacts -
Mearns Centre for Learning
Academics ResearchCome and explore the Mearns Centre - McPherson Library to pursue your scholarly research, work on your media projects, or simply to relax and enjoy a cappuccino in the BiblioCafé.
McPherson Library Contact -
Mechanical Engineering
Academics Departments, faculties & unitsThe Department of Mechanical Engineering teaches students the design and study of physical and mechanical systems.
Engineering Office Wing, 548 Contact -
Media relations
Campus services Departments, faculties & unitsThe public affairs team in University Communications and Marketing (UCAM) connects our university with local, regional and national media.
Sedgewick, C149 Directory -
Media Studies
Academics Departments, faculties & unitsMedia Studies is an interdisciplinary certificate program in media literacy. Our courses focus on experiential learning and the people skills of media, communication and culture.
Program contacts -
Medical Physics
Academics ResearchThe Medical Physics Program at UVic is jointly offered through our Department of Physics and Astronomy and the British Columbia Cancer Agency - Vancouver Island Centre.
Elliott, 109 Contact -
Medical Sciences
Academics Departments, faculties & unitsThe Division of Medical Sciences addresses some of society's most pressing health care needs.
Medical Sciences, 104 Contact -
Medieval Studies
Academics Departments, faculties & unitsIn the Department of Medieval Studies, students gain an understanding of the middle ages and study artistic, intellectual and social achievements.
Clearihue, D264 Contact -
Mental health
Campus servicesUVic offers a variety of supports, services and opportunities to promote student mental health.
Michelle Pujol Room
Campus servicesThe Michelle Pujol room is located in the Student Union building (SUB) and is bookable.
Booking information Student Union (SUB), A121 -
Campus servicesWe’re a culturally diverse and multifaith community. Our spiritual care providers are appointed by local faith communities.
Multifaith Centre Contact -
Multifaith Centre
Arts & culture, recreationThe Multifaith Centre is located next to the beautiful Finnerty Gardens. It's a peaceful place to mark important life events, connect with peers and spiritual leaders, or just take refuge from your day.
Multifaith Centre Contact -
Academics Arts & culture, recreation Departments, faculties & unitsThe School of Music invites students to collaborate with fellow musicians and grow as artists and performers.
MacLaurin, B102 Contact -
MyUVic Life
Academics Arts & culture, recreationMyUVic Life follows over 20 undergrad students at UVic to give you a window on what it’s like to be a UVic student.
National Consortium for Indigenous Economic Development (NCIED)
Indigenous ResearchNCIED focuses on independent, collaborative research and economic development for Indigenous nations and their communities.
Business & Economics, 254 -
Native Students Union
IndigenousThe Native Students Union is a student-run collective dedicated to supporting the Indigenous student community at UVic.
Student Union (SUB), B203 -
NetLink ID
Online toolsUse your NetLink ID to access UVic services and systems.
Network Services
Campus servicesNetwork Services is responsible for the design, development and operation of the university's voice and data networks, including the internet.
New Student Handbook
Campus servicesThe New Student Handbook provides an overview of UVic's services and programs.
Academics Departments, faculties & unitsThe UVic School of Nursing is committed to student success. Benefit from research-inspired teaching, practice placements and collaborative partnerships. Get the knowledge and skills you need for a challenging and rewarding career.
Human and Social Development, A402A Contact -
Occupational Health, Safety and Environment (OHSE)
Campus services Departments, faculties & unitsOHSE provides health and safety support to UVic.
Sedgewick, B130 Contact -
Off-campus housing
Campus servicesLook up off-campus housing opportunities for students, faculty and staff.
Academics Campus servicesThe Office of the Ombudsperson is an independent, impartial and confidential resource to help resolve student problems and disputes.
Student Union (SUB), 205 Contact -
Campus servicesThe ONECard is UVic's official photo ID.
Jamie Cassels Centre, lobby Contact -
Online tools
Online toolsLog in to My page, where you can access all of your personal information, register for classes and more.
Orange Shirt Day
IndigenousEach year UVic faculty, staff and students wear an orange shirt as a visual symbol of our awareness of the need for ongoing reconciliation.
Organizational chart
Academics Campus servicesThe organization chart for the University of Victoria
Campus servicesOrientation offers events, guidance, information and more to welcome new students to UVic.
Pacific and Asian Studies
Academics Departments, faculties & unitsIncrease your global cultural knowledge of our world with the Department of Pacific and Asian Studies.
Clearihue, C205 Contact -
Pacific Institute for Climate Solutions (PICS)
ResearchThe Pacific Institute for Climate Solutions studies the impacts of climate change and works to mitigate it.
University House 1 Contact -
Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences (PIMS)
ResearchPIMS has a mandate to promote excellent research and applications of mathematical sciences. See how we create partnerships with similar organizations around the world.
David Turpin, A425 -
Parking and transportation services
Campus servicesLearn about parking permits at UVic, update your permit or purchase a new one.
Campus Security Contact -
Campus servicesFind information and forms to manage your payroll account with UVic.
Michael Williams, B115 Contact -
Pension Services
Campus services Departments, faculties & unitsLearn about the pension plans offered by the University of Victoria.
Michael Williams, B278 Contact -
Phillip T. Young recital hall
Arts & culture, recreation Campus servicesThe Phillip T. Young recital hall is located in the MacLaurin building (MAC) B125.
Academics Departments, faculties & unitsThe Department of Philosophy explores thought-provoking questions in a critical and rational way.
Clearihue, B334 Contact -
Phoenix Theatre
Academics Arts & culture, recreationWhen you attend the Phoenix Theatre you experience some of this city's most exciting and eclectic theatre – while participating in the education of our students.
Phoenix Theatre box office -
Photo Services
Campus servicesPhoto Services offers a range of professional photo and video service.
Physics and Astronomy
Academics Departments, faculties & unitsThe Department of Physics and Astronomy seeks to understand the world, from the invisible particles that make up the matter around us, through our sensory experiences, to the unimaginably vast reaches of the universe.
Elliott, 101 Contact -
POLIS Project on Ecological Governance
ResearchThe POLIS Project on Ecological Governance is a centre for transdisciplinary research that investigates and promotes sustainability.
Political Science
Academics Departments, faculties & unitsThe Department of Political Science studies power, authority and governance in human affairs.
David Turpin, A316 Contact -
Poster guidelines
Campus servicesInformation and guidelines on displaying posters, banners and notices on campus.
President, Office of the
Departments, faculties & unitsThe Office of the President of the University of Victoria
Michael Williams, A220 Contact -
Pride Collective
Campus servicesThe Pride Collective is a student-led collective that works to provide queer and trans+ centred programs, events and spaces.
Printing Services
Campus services Departments, faculties & unitsVisit us for all of your printing needs on UVic campus.
Saunders Annex, 120 Contact -
Privacy and Access to Information Office
Campus servicesLearn about privacy and access to information at UVic.
Michael Williams, A212 -
Professional Communication
Academics Departments, faculties & unitsOur Professional Communication minor lets our students gain highly-employable skills while they complete their undergraduate degree.
Clearihue, C352 -
Program planning, undergraduate
AcademicsFigure out what courses you need to complete your program and meet your academic goals.
Academics Departments, faculties & unitsThe Department of Psychology studies mental behaviour and processes in order to understand the human experience.
Cornett, A236 Contact -
Public Administration
Academics Departments, faculties & unitsThe School of Public Administration develops professionals who will have a positive impact on government affairs, non-profits and communities in British Columbia.
Human & Social Development, A302 Contact -
Public Health and Social Policy
Academics Departments, faculties & unitsThe School of Public Health and Social Policy examines public health, health promotion and the social, environmental and structural determinants of health.
Human and Social Development, B202 Contact -
Purchasing Services
Campus services Departments, faculties & unitsPurchasing Services delivers high quality procurements to all of our clients at the University of Victoria.
Saunders Annex, 110 Contact -
Records Management
Campus services Departments, faculties & unitsRecords Management helps staff understand the rules around managing university documents.
McPherson Library Contact -
Registrar and Enrolment Management, Office
Academics Campus servicesThe Office of the Registrar and Enrolment Management provides support services to undergraduate and graduate students.
Jamie Cassels Centre, Ground Floor A-wing Contact -
Religion, Culture and Society
Academics Departments, faculties & unitsThe Department of Religion, Culture and Society explores the traditional and spiritual dimensions of religion, as well as the role that religion plays in human societies.
Clearihue, D264 Contact -
ResearchLearn about our research and its impact on the social, cultural and economic well-being of Canada and the world.
Michael Williams, A110 Contact -
Research Administration Information System (UVic-RAIS)
Online tools ResearchResearch Administration Information System (UVic-RAIS) is a one-stop integrated online system for managing information, processes, and workflows tailored for the UVic research community.
Michael Williams, B202 Contact -
Research centres and organizations
ResearchUVic research centres and organizations promote research partnerships and connections and provide training opportunities for students.
Residence Services
Campus servicesExplore your on-campus housing options, including buildings, amenities and layouts.
Craigdarroch Office Contact -
Retirees Association (UVRA)
Campus servicesUVRA keeps our retirees connected with UVic and the campus community. They offer a wide range of benefits and services.
Hut-R -
Ring, The
Arts & culture, recreationUVic's community newspaper.
SafetyApp, UVic
Campus services Online toolsThe UVic SafetyApp is a new way to receive emergency notifications from the university on your mobile phone.
SafeWalk program
Campus servicesCampus Security Services provides a safe walk service, which is available to members of the university community 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Salary schedules
View the salary ranges for UVic employees.
Science Stores
Campus servicesScience Stores sells stationery and scientific material and equipment to university account holders.
Petch, 168 Contact -
Science Venture
Campus servicesScience Venture is an outreach program that teaches science, technology, engineering and mathematics to children and youth across Canada.
Science, Faculty of
Academics Departments, faculties & unitsThe Faculty of Science explores the reaches of modern science and mathematics.
Bob Wright Centre, A201 Contact -
Campus servicesUnder the University Act, the Senate is responsible for the academic governance of the university.
Sexual health clinics & services
Campus servicesUVic Health, part of the Student Wellness Centre, offers routine sexual health information and exams.
Sexualized violence support
Campus servicesPreventing sexualized violence begins with conversations about how to practice respect and consent in our daily lives.
Sedgewick, C128 -
Social and Sustainable Innovation, Centre for (CSSI)
Departments, faculties & units ResearchThe CSSI helps those who study or work at the Gustavson School of Business promote sustainability, host events, and share what they do with the world.
Business & Economics Contact -
Social Dimensions of Health
Academics ResearchThe Social Dimensions of Health program centres on a unique training and research collaboration among the faculties of Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, and Human and Social Development. This program fosters community-based approaches, evidence-based modelling and training in research skills, knowledge and methodologies.
Social Justice Studies (SJS)
ResearchSJS seeks to explore these kinds of complex questions from an interdisciplinary angle, dissecting issues of social justice and inequalities from different academic and ideological approaches.
Social Sciences, Faculty of
Academics Departments, faculties & unitsThe Faculty of Social Sciences examines our interconnected world through seven different social science disciplines.
Business & Economics, 456 Contact -
Social Work
Academics Departments, faculties & unitsThe School of Social Work nurtures accountable and critically engaged social work education, research and practice in the advancement of decolonization, anti-racism, Indigenous resurgence, feminism, 2SLGBTQ+ liberation struggles, disability justice and other social justice struggles.
Human & Social Development, 302 Contact -
Society for Students with a Disability (SSD)
Campus servicesSSD represents the interest of a wide range of students on the UVic campus who self-identify as having one or more disabilities.
Student Union (SUB), B111 -
Academics Departments, faculties & unitsThe Department of Sociology looks at social aspects of life, how societies are organized and how they shape human behaviour.
Cornett, A333 Contact -
Software Engineering
Academics Departments, faculties & unitsThe Department of Software Engineering applies engineering principles and practices to create the software-centric systems modern societies rely on.
Engineering Lab Wing, 206 Contact -
Special Collections
Academics ResearchSpecial Collections houses rare books and archival materials. These items are held in the Special Collections department of the McPherson Library.
McPherson Library, basement Contact -
Specialized Tutor Program
Academics Campus servicesConnect with trained tutors from departments across campus.
AcademicsSTEPS Forward's BC Initiative for Inclusive Post-Secondary Education (BC-IPSE) provides inclusion support for students with developmental disabilities to access post-secondary education.
Strategic Research Plan
ResearchThe UVic Strategic Research Plan 2016-2021 prepares the university for future research excellence.
Student Advocacy Groups
Campus services Indigenous InternationalThere are several advocacy groups for minority students, including Indigenous students, women, students of colour and students with a disability.
Student Affairs
Campus services Departments, faculties & unitsThe Division of Student Affairs is committed to our vibrant and engaging learning community that supports student success.
Michael Williams, A244 Contact -
Student Awards and Financial Aid
Academics Campus servicesStudent Awards and Financial Aid (SAFA) works with students to help them budget and fund their education.
Jamie Cassels Centre, ground floor A-wing Contact -
Student conduct
Academics Campus servicesA guide to reporting and resolving non-academic student conduct concerns.
Jamie Cassels Centre, B202 -
Student Life Leadership Program
Academics Campus servicesThe student leadership program provides opportunities to take leadership on student mental health, consent and healthy relationships, or LGBTQIA2+ communities on campus.
Student Life, Office of
Campus services Departments, faculties & unitsThe Office of Student Life investigates and responds to student non-academic conduct matters and offers programming support the well-being and development of UVic students.
Jamie Cassels Centre, B202 Contact -
Student loans, BC
StudentAid BC website.
Student loans, Canada
Canada Student Loans website.
Student Wellness Centre
Campus servicesThe Student Wellness Centre offers free professional, confidential, inclusive support to registered UVic students.
Health and Wellness Building Contact -
Students of Colour Collective (SOCC)
Campus servicesThe UVSS Students of Colour Collective is a group of self-identified Black, Indigenous and/or Persons of colour committed to cultural awareness, mental health, anti-racism and social justice.
Studies in Religion and Society, Centre for (CSRS)
Departments, faculties & units ResearchCSRS is a community of academics dedicated to the scholarly study of religion as it relates to human society.
Sedgewick, B102 Contact -
Style guide
Campus servicesUVic Style, the style guide for the university, was created to help writers and editors preparing print and web communications.
Campus servicesSupportConnect is a free and confidential 24/7 mental health service for UVic students. Connect with counsellors, consultants and life coaches by phone or online—anytime, from anywhere.
Sustainability at UVic
Campus servicesLearn about sustainability initiatives at the University of Victoria.
Michael Williams, A279 Contact -
Teacher Education
Academics Departments, faculties & unitsStudy to become a teacher in our education programs. We offer instruction in elementary and secondary curriculums.
MacLaurin, A225 Contact -
Technology and Society
Academics Departments, faculties & unitsThe Technology and Society minor program studies how technology impacts and advances knowledge across all disciplines.
Cornett, B138 -
Technology Integrated Learning (TIL)
Campus services Departments, faculties & unitsTechnology Integrated Learning assists the UVic community with technology enabled learning, blended and online learning, and more.
McPherson Library, Mearns Centre for Learning Contact -
Technology Solutions Centre (TSC)
Campus servicesThe Technology Solutions Centre (TSC) provides assistance with institutional technology acquisitions for faculty and staff.
Clearihue, A037 Contact -
Departments, faculties & unitsThe Department of Theatre offers innovative teaching methods that engages our students with performance and active learning.
Phoenix Theatre, 154 Contact -
Ticket Centre
Arts & culture, recreation Online toolsPurchase tickets online for upcoming events at the Jamie Cassels Centre Farquhar Auditorium.
Jamie Cassels Centre, B272e -
Timetable and course listing
Academics Online toolsUVic timetable and course listing.
Torch, The
Campus servicesThe Torch is UVic's alumni magazine.
Academics Campus services Online toolsDetails for current and former students on requesting official transcripts.
Tuition and fees, graduate
Academics Campus servicesTuition and fees for graduate studies.
Tuition and fees, undergraduate
Academics Campus servicesTuition and fees for undergraduate studies.
Undergraduate programs
AcademicsA comprehensive list of the undergraduate programs available at the University of Victoria.
University Club of Victoria
Arts & culture, recreation Campus servicesThe University Club serves lunch and dinner. They also host teas, luncheons, banquets, weddings, dances and meetings.
University Club Contact -
University of Victoria Students' Society (UVSS)
Academics Arts & culture, recreation Indigenous InternationalThe UVSS is run by students for students. We're an independent student organization made up of every undergraduate student at UVic.
Student Union (SUB) -
University of Victoria Sustainability Project (UVSP)
The UVSP's mission is to reconceptualize sustainability through united environmental initiatives.
University plans
Read about the University of Victoria's plans for the future.
University policies and procedures
Online toolsSearch or browse policies and procedures at UVic.
University Secretary
Departments, faculties & unitsThe University Secretary is the corporate secretariat for the university's governing bodies: the Board of Governors and the Senate. The office is also responsible for issues related to Equity and Human Rights (EQHR).
Michael Williams, A138 Contact -
University Systems
Campus services Online toolsUniversity Systems provides all of the campus's digital and electronic needs.
Clearihue, A037 Contact -
UVic archives
Academics Campus services ResearchThe UVic Archives preserve and provide public access to UVic historical records.
McPherson Library, Mearns Centre for Learning, A005 -
UVic Counselling
Campus servicesCounselling at the Student Wellness Centre offers free professional, confidential, inclusive support to registered UVic students.
Health and Wellness Building Contact -
UVic Edge, The
Dynamic learning, vital impact and an extraordinary academic environment are the foundation of The UVic Edge.
UVic Global Community
Arts & culture, recreation InternationalThe UVic Global Community provides opportunities for students, faculty and staff to celebrate diversity, advance inter-cultural competency and cultivate an inclusive and globally minded campus.
Jamie Cassels Centre, B272 Contact -
Academics Campus servicesProvides articles, tip sheets, and video tutorials to develop the learning skills you need for academic success at all stages of your journey at the University of Victoria.
UVic Research Anywhere
Academics ResearchFind the guides, tools and services that support research from home and relevant research resources available at UVic Libraries and beyond.
UVic social media
Campus services Departments, faculties & unitsGet guidance on UVic's social media channels
UVic Teach Anywhere
AcademicsProvides practical strategies for teaching online and relevant educational technology tools.
UVic-Genome BC Proteomics Centre
ResearchThe UVic-Genome BC Proteomics Centre is a central hub of the Pan-Canadian Proteomics Centre. The Centre provides mass spectrometry analytical services to academic, industrial and government laboratories.
UVSS Catering and Conferences
Campus servicesThe Student Union Building provides catering and booking services for events and meetings through UVSS Catering.
Student Union (SUB) -
UVSS Info Booth
Campus servicesThe Info Booth can provide all the information you need about the UVSS Extended Health and Dental Plan information, bookings, lost and found, posters approval and stamping, U-Pass validation, International Student Identity Card (ISIC) and more.
Student Union (SUB) -
Vice-President Academic & Provost (VPAC)
Departments, faculties & unitsThe Office of the Vice-President Academic and Provost is committed to fostering an environment of academic excellence and innovation.
Michael Williams, A244 Contact -
Vice-President External Relations (VPER)
Departments, faculties & unitsThe Office of the VP, External Relations connects UVic to the rest of the world and provides strategic leadership in communication, partnerships, philanthropy and more.
Michael Williams, A120 Contact -
Vice-President Finance & Operations (VPFO)
Departments, faculties & unitsThe Vice-President Finance and Operations (VPFO) is the chief financial officer and a member of the executive at the University of Victoria.
Michael Williams, A212 Contact -
Vice-President Indigenous
Departments, faculties & units IndigenousThe Vice-President Indigenous (VPI) provides leadership and direction that furthers UVic's commitment to truth, respect and reconciliation.
Michael Williams, A220 Contact -
Vice-President Research & Innovation (VPRI)
Departments, faculties & unitsThe role of the Vice-President Research and Innovation (VPRI) is to promote and facilitate research and creative activities at the University of Victoria.
Michael Williams, A110 Contact -
Victoria Subatomic Physics & Accelerator Research Centre (VISPA)
Academics ResearchVISPA brings together people with the skills and expertise to investigate the fundamental constituents of the universe.
Contact -
Vikes Active Living
Arts & culture, recreation Campus servicesOur Active Living program provides facilities, fitness and mind/body classes, and special events.
Vikes Intramurals
Arts & culture, recreationVikes intramurals gives students and community members the chance to live an active lifestyle through sport leagues and tournaments.
Vikes Sport Clubs
Arts & culture, recreationVikes Sport Clubs has more than 30 student-led sport and recreation clubs available.
Vikes Varsity Athletics
Arts & culture, recreation Campus servicesFind information on varsity sports at UVic, including info on tryouts, scholarships and facilities.
Visual Arts
Academics Departments, faculties & unitsIn the Department of Visual Arts, our students create art through classroom learning and hands-on practice.
Visual Arts, A244 Contact -
Web of Science
Academics Online tools ResearchThe Web of Science database provides access to citation information, so that researchers can see who has cited their publications, or see the relationships between works published.
Michael Williams, A110 Contact -
Welcome Centre
Campus servicesOur Welcome Centre is here to welcome you and answer any questions about campus tours and UVic.
Jamie Cassels Centre, lobby Contact -
Work Study Program
Campus servicesEarn additional financial assistance through on-campus part-time employment opportunities for students. View our current work study postings and eligibility criteria.
Jamie Cassels Centre, ground floor A-wing -
Academics Departments, faculties & unitsThe Department of Writing offers small classes and workshops taught by nationally and internationally renowned faculty.
Fine Arts, 251 Contact -
Youth and Society, Centre for (CFYS)
Departments, faculties & units ResearchThe Centre for Youth and Society designs and conducts interdisciplinary research around emerging priorities affecting youth and society.
University House 3 Contact -
Zap! Copy
Campus servicesZap! Copy offers copying, printing, faxing, binding, copies of past exams, posters and more.
Student Union (SUB), A108