Student Union (SUB)
The Student Union Building (SUB) is operated by the Students’ Society. It contains offices for student groups and student-run businesses and services like Cinecenta movie theatre and CFUV Campus Radio. It also contains conference rooms and spaces for rental.
SUB was constructed in 1963 by architect John A. Di Castri.
In 1975 a two-storey addition was added to make room for the Cinecenta movie theatre.

In 1995 another wing was built to add mall-style food outlets, the Vertigo night club and the Michelle Pujol Room. Siddal Dennis Warner was the architect for both the 1975 and 1995 additions.
Felcita’s Campus Pub was named in honour of Felicita Gomez, a beloved custodian who worked in the SUB from 1967 to 1996.