
Assistant Professor
Office: DTB-A546
(Quantum) groups, abstract harmonic analysis, operator algebras, and closely related fields
Assistant Teaching Professor
Office: DTB-A450
Mathematics education and algebraic topology.
Associate Professor
Office: DTB-A516
Geometry and topology.
Associate Teaching Professor; Assistance Centre Manager
Office: DTB-A445
Graph theory and mathematics education.
Associate Professor
Office: DTB-A521
Probability theory, stochastic partial differential equations, and interacting particle systems
Office: DTB-A446
Statistical ecology and capture-recapture models.
Office: DTB-A453
Associate Teaching Professor
Office: DTB-A441
Mathematical logic and its applications
Associate Professor
Office: DTB-A447
Operator algebras, index theory, hyperbolic groups.
Associate Professor
Office: DTB-A539
Nonlinear dynamics, Fluid dynamics
Office: DTB-A549
Graph theory, algorithms and complexity.
Office: DTB-A547
Applied mathematics; Analysis of partial differential equations models arising in Mathematical Physics; Fluid Dynamic and Wave propagation
Office: DTB-A550
Applied mathematics and climate modelling. Numerical methods for PDEs, stochastic modelling, atmospheric large scale circulation, tropical meteorology, convectively coupled waves, and parametrization of moist convection (i.e clouds).
Office: DTB-A548
Operator algebras, semi-group crossed products, C*-dynamical Hecke C*-algebras.
Office: DTB-A449
Statistical inference, biostatistics, industrial statistics.
Kennedy Chair in Mathematical Biology
Office: DTB-A533
Mathematical biology, with a focus in spatial ecology.
Office: DTB-A536
Applied math, math biology.
Professor, Chair
Office: DTB-A442
Discrete mathematics, graph theory, theoretical computing science.
Assistant Professor
Office: DTB-A543
Bayesian statistics, machine learning, neuroimaging
Assistant Professor
Extremal graph theory, random graphs and processes, graph colouring, bootstrap percolation and related cellular automata, and Ramsey theory
Professor, CRC in Biostatistics
Office: DTB-A545
Spatial statistics, statistical computing; neuroimaging statistics; disease mapping; high-dimensional data; Bayesian methods.
Assistant Professor
Office: DTB-A435
Extremal combinatorics, probablistic combinatorics, combinatorial limits, boostrap percolation, graph colourings, computational complexity
Associate Teaching Professor
Office: DTB-A551
Office: DTB-A444
Operator algebras, dynamical systems.
Professor; PIMS Site Director
Office: DTB-A538
Ergodic theory and dynamical systems.
Associate Professor
Office: DTB-A440
Probability theory, Random planar geometry
Assistant Professor
Office: DTB-A436
Quadratic forms and forms of higher degree, projective homogeneous varieties, algebraic cycles, motives, Milnor K-theory.
Associate Teaching Professor
Office: DTB-A537
Mathematics education, discrete math
Assistant Teaching Professor
Office: DTB-A451
Math education and outreach. Algebraic number theory.
Office: DTB-A544
Empirical likelihood, Model/variable selection, Group effects in linear models, Saddlepoint approximation, Applied statistics
Office: DTB-A443
Optimal deterministic and stochastic control theory and its applications, nonsmooth analysis: theory and applications, nonsmooth optimization.
Associate Professor, Canada Research Chair(tier 2), Michael Smith Health Research BC Scholar
Office: DTB-A523
Statistical genomics, machine learning, design of clinical trials, COPD
Office: DTB-A439
Robust statistics, optimal design, statistical computing.