Name | Contact | Area |
Assistant Professor | Office: DTB-A546 | (Quantum) groups, abstract harmonic analysis, operator algebras, and closely related fields |
Assistant Teaching Professor | Office: DTB-A450 | Mathematics education and algebraic topology. |
Associate Professor | Office: DTB-A516 | Geometry and topology. |
Associate Teaching Professor; Assistance Centre Manager | Office: DTB-A445 | Graph theory and mathematics education. |
Associate Professor | Office: DTB-A521 | Probability theory, stochastic partial differential equations, and interacting particle systems |
Professor | Office: DTB-A446 | Statistical ecology and capture-recapture models. |
Professor | Office: DTB-A453 | Combinatorics. |
Associate Teaching Professor | Office: DTB-A441 | Mathematical logic and its applications |
Associate Professor | Office: DTB-A447 | Operator algebras, index theory, hyperbolic groups. |
Associate Professor | Office: DTB-A539 | Nonlinear dynamics, Fluid dynamics |
Professor | Office: DTB-A549 | Graph theory, algorithms and complexity. |
Professor | Office: DTB-A547 | Applied mathematics; Analysis of partial differential equations models arising in Mathematical Physics; Fluid Dynamic and Wave propagation |
Professor | Office: DTB-A550 | Applied mathematics and climate modelling. Numerical methods for PDEs, stochastic modelling, atmospheric large scale circulation, tropical meteorology, convectively coupled waves, and parametrization of moist convection (i.e clouds). |
Professor | Office: DTB-A548 | Operator algebras, semi-group crossed products, C*-dynamical Hecke C*-algebras. |
Professor | Office: DTB-A449 | Statistical inference, biostatistics, industrial statistics. |
Kennedy Chair in Mathematical Biology | Office: DTB-A533 | Mathematical biology, with a focus in spatial ecology. |
Professor | Office: DTB-A536 | Applied math, math biology. |
Professor, Chair | Office: DTB-A442 | Discrete mathematics, graph theory, theoretical computing science. |
Assistant Professor | Office: DTB-A543 | Bayesian statistics, machine learning, neuroimaging |
Assistant Professor | Extremal graph theory, random graphs and processes, graph colouring, bootstrap percolation and related cellular automata, and Ramsey theory | |
Professor, CRC in Biostatistics | Office: DTB-A545 | Spatial statistics, statistical computing; neuroimaging statistics; disease mapping; high-dimensional data; Bayesian methods. |
Assistant Professor | Office: DTB-A435 | Extremal combinatorics, probablistic combinatorics, combinatorial limits, boostrap percolation, graph colourings, computational complexity |
Associate Teaching Professor | Office: DTB-A551 | |
Professor | Office: DTB-A444 | Operator algebras, dynamical systems. |
Professor; PIMS Site Director | Office: DTB-A538 | Ergodic theory and dynamical systems. |
Associate Professor | Office: DTB-A440 | Probability theory, Random planar geometry |
Assistant Professor | Office: DTB-A436 | Quadratic forms and forms of higher degree, projective homogeneous varieties, algebraic cycles, motives, Milnor K-theory. |
Associate Teaching Professor | Office: DTB-A537 | Mathematics education, discrete math |
Assistant Teaching Professor | Office: DTB-A451 | Math education and outreach. Algebraic number theory. |
Professor | Office: DTB-A544 | Empirical likelihood, Model/variable selection, Group effects in linear models, Saddlepoint approximation, Applied statistics |
Professor | Office: DTB-A443 | Optimal deterministic and stochastic control theory and its applications, nonsmooth analysis: theory and applications, nonsmooth optimization. |
Associate Professor, Canada Research Chair(tier 2), Michael Smith Health Research BC Scholar | Office: DTB-A523 | Statistical genomics, machine learning, design of clinical trials, COPD |
Professor | Office: DTB-A439 | Robust statistics, optimal design, statistical computing. |