Contact us

Main office: David Turpin Building A418.

Office Hours: 8:30 am - 4:30 pm

General inquiries

Phone: 250-721-7437
Office: DTB A418

Registration issues

Email: for math courses, for statistics courses.
Office: Please email for an appointment.

Department directory

Mailing address:
Mathematics and Statistics
University of Victoria
Victoria, B.C.
Canada V8W 2Y2
Courier address:
Mathematics and Statistics
University of Victoria
David Turpin Building A418
3800 Finnerty Road (Ring Road)
Victoria, B.C.
Canada V8P 5C2


Chair: Dr. G. MacGillivray (, DTB A418c, Phone 250-721-7436.

Assistant to the Chair: Ms. A. Almeida (, DTB A418 Phone 250-721-7436.

Undergraduate Studies Program Coordinator: G. MacGillivray (, DTB 442, 250-721-7448.

Academic Advisors

If you need advice on selecting your courses for your program please see the advising page.

To request academic advice, fill out and submit the appropriate form to the department office.

If none of these forms seem appropriate for your request, schedule an appointment to meet with a departmental undergraduate advisor (see below for the appropriate advisor).
Appointments are booked by contacting the advisor from the list below.
You can expect to wait one or two days for a meeting with one of our advisors.

Undergraduate studies  

Mathematics advising

Dr. Gary MacGillivray
DTB A442
Phone: 250-721-7448

Dr. Stephen Scully
DTB A436
Phone: 250-472-4928

Dr. Asmita Sodhi
DTB A451
Phone: 250-721-7441


Dr. Peter Dukes (Jul-Dec 2024)
DTB A453
Phone: 250-472-4272

Dr. Slim Ibrahim (Jan-Jun 2025)
DTB A547
Phone: 250-853-3294

Mathematics transfer credit

Dr. Yu-Ting Chen
DTB A521
Phone: 250-721-7440

Dr. Jing Huang
DTB A549
Phone: 250-721-7447

Statistics advising

Dr. Gary MacGillivray
DTB A442
Phone: 250-721-7448

Dr. Michelle Miranda
DTB A543
Phone: 250-721-6330

Dr. Julie Zhou
DTB A439
Phone: 250-721-7470

Statistics transfer credit

Dr. Min Tsao
DTB A544
Phone: 250-721-7460

Dr. Julie Zhou
DTB A439
Phone: 250-721-7470

Graduate studies


Graduate advisor

Dr. Marcelo Laca
DTB A548
Phone: 250-721-7467

Graduate secretary

Ms. Natalie Vidal
DTB A418
Phone: 250-721-7468

Co-op Representitive

Dr. Jing Huang
DTB A549
Phone: 250-721-7447

Co-op Coordinator

Arkady Futerman
Co-op Coordinator - Mathematics, Statistics, Chemistry, Physics and Astronomy
Elliot Building Room 118
Phone: 250-721-7713