Science Rendezvous Victoria

Science Rendezvous microscope kid
A young Science Rendezvous participant looks through a microscope.

May 11, 2024

UVic, Camosun and Ocean Networks Canada will be hosting Science Rendezvous once again this year. The event will take place on Saturday, May 11th, 2024 at UVic and Camosun Interurban from 10 a.m. - 3 p.m. Doors will open at 9:30 a.m. for those who wish to participate in a distraction-reduced environment (quieter and less crowded). 

Science Rendezvous is a one-day STEM festival geared towards K-12 students. Explore STEM side-by-side with real, world-renowned scientists, engineers and mathematicians who live right here in Victoria. 

View the official event site

Volunteer for Science Rendezvous Victoria

You can participate as:

  1. An activity host, coordinating an activity at a booth or in a teaching lab
  2. An activity volunteer, signing up to assist with a particular activity, or
  3. A general volunteer, helping direct visitors or assisting with activities

Sign up to volunteer


On May 7, 2022 the University of Victoria, Ocean Networks Canada and Camosun College hosted the first in-person Science Rendezvous event on Vancouver Island: SciRenYYJ 2022. It was a great success, with an estimated 1300 visitors participating in events at UVic and at the Camosun Interurban campus. SciRenYYJ won the 2022 COVID Creative Award, which recognizes individuals and groups for creating an outstanding Science Rendezvous experience in spite of the unforeseen and significant challenges brought by COVID-19.