
The Chair in Transgender Studies is proud to host this resource and information site for Trans+ people and their allies on Vancouver Island. If you wish to add your business and/or service, or if you wish to update a current listing, please contact us.

DISCLAIMER: We have not vetted nor do we endorse any listed organizations/services. They are listed by their own request. 

Support / Advocacy

(last name alphabetical order) 

Greater Victoria Area

Mid Island

North Island

Greater Victoria Area

Ambit Gender Diversity Consulting
Victoria, BC
Ambit offers training and policy support on a variety of topics, including "Gender Diversity in the Workplace: Positive approaches to supporting trans, non-binary, and Two-Spirit colleagues and clients" and "The Major Problem of Microaggressions: Active Allyship in Challenging Moments." These offerings are open to all organizations who are committed to creating accessible and affirming work environments for diverse teams.

AIDS Vancouver Island
3rd Floor – Access Health Centre, 713 Johnson ST, Victoria, BC, V8W 1M8
Aims to strengthen community, prevent infection, provide support, and combat stigma. Services include Positive Wellness Programs, Street Outreach, Health Promotion and Community Awareness, Men’s Wellness Programs and Volunteer Programs.

AIDS VI Westshore
AVI Health Centre, #111-2787 Jacklin Road, Langford, BC, V9B 3X7
Aims to strengthen community, prevent infection, provide support, and combat stigma. Services include Positive Wellness Programs, Street Outreach, Health Promotion and Community Awareness, Men’s Wellness Programs and Volunteer Programs.

Department of Women’s Studies
University of Victoria, PO Box 1700 Stn CSC, Victoria, BC, V8W 2Y2, Canada
Antidote works with youth, families, schools, community groups, service providers, policy makers and researchers to promote the visibility and needs of racialized minority and Indigenous girls and women.

Camas Bookstore & InfoShop
2620 Quadra St., Victoria, BC, V8T 4E2
A not-for-profit and collectively-run infoshop, bookstore and autonomous space located on Lekwungen Territory. Camas first opened its doors in September 2007, with the intention of providing a voice for anti-authoritarian and anti-colonial perspectives and local struggles

Camosun College Pride Centre
Richmond House 
103, 3100 Foul Bay Road, Victoria, BC, V8P 5J2

2125 Main Mall Suite 2621 Vancouver, BC, Canada, V6T 1Z4
A social justice summer camp for queer, trans, Two-Spirit, questioning, and allied youth ages 14-21 from across BC or the Yukon. CampOUT! provides a supportive space for LGBTQ2S+ youth to celebrate and be celebrated for who they are.

Chair in Transgender Studies, University of Victoria
University of Victoria, PO Box 3050 STN CSC, Victoria, BC, V8W 3P5, Canada
The world’s only research and community-outreach Chair dedicated to the development and communication of research and building community support of Trans+ people.

Creating Connections Discussion Group
Creating Connections is a common posting Facebook page for events (mainly queer) of interest to the IslandZ community.

DAISSI (Diverse and Inclusive Salt Spring Island)
Box 644, Salt Spring Island, BC, V8K 2W2
Formerly known as Gays and Lesbians of Salt Spring Island or GLOSSI). DAISSI is a non-profit society for Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer and Questioning people with Allies on Salt Spring Island. 

Tanille Geib
#200 - 888 Fort St, Victoria, BC V8W 1H8
Tanille Geib (she/they/hube) is an Intimacy Coach, Sexuality Educator, and Artist. She is fiercely passionate about educating curious-minded folks who desire more intimacy and connection in their lives. As an eccentric Queer human they are excited about working with those who navigate the world from Queer, Trans, and Polyamorous identities. An award-winning Consent Advocate and Author, Tanille supports events and organizations by teaching about the nuances of consent and creating safer, healthier communities. Over the past ten+ years hube has worked with thousands of people around the globe to curate caring, potent relationships.

Gender Spectacular - Parent and Caregivers Support Group
This group is open to parents, caregivers, and adult family members of trans, gender creative, non-binary, Two-Spirit and/or questioning children, youth, and young adults. This group is free. Snacks provided, bus tickets and childcare subsidies ($20) available. Check the website for time and location.

Hans Kai 4 Trans Check-In
#107 - 1208 Wharf Street, Victoria, BC
Group wellness program offering exchange on medical and social transition experiences and well-being. Meets Tuesdays from 6:00 to 6:30 p.m. to check in on trans health indicators at #107-1208 Wharf Street, Victoria. Sponsored by Rainbow Health Co-operative. Open to all.

Hans Kai 4 Trans - Monthly Meeting
#107 - 1208 Wharf Street, Victoria, BC
Group wellness program offering exchange on medical and social transition experiences and well-being. Meets first Tuesday of every month from 6:30 to 8:15 p.m. at #107-1208 Wharf Street, Victoria. Sponsored by Rainbow Health Co-operative. Open to all. Facilitated by certified Hans Kai facilitators Chrys Tei or Alexa Clodge.

Jobs for Queers 
Victoria, BC
A facebook group for any jobs or volunteer opportunities for queers in the Greater Victoria Area! Also, feel free to add people to the group.

Nachos Night (UVic's Chair in Transgender Studies)
The Chair in Transgender Studies invites all self-identified Trans+ folks to a casual monthly drop-in gathering. You don’t have to be a student! While it is not exactly a free lunch, beer or pop and nachos are on the Chair! Check our website for dates and location. is a queer and trans positive website that houses The Queer Story Archive. The Archive is an ever-expanding collection of life experience stories, on video and in text, from everyone under the rainbow and the people who love us. also has a support and referral network. New in 2018; - a series of workshops developed out of the stories at on trans, Two-Spirit and gender non-conforming inclusion. All workshop videos are accessible online 24/7 and all print materials are free downloads. Donate to or join our mailing list.

Partners of FTM Transgender Individuals
Victoria-based closed Facebook group.

PFLAG Victoria
PFLAG Canada is a national charitable organization, founded by parents who wished to help themselves and family members understand and accept their non-heterosexual children.

The Queer Care Collective
#200 - 888 Fort St, Victoria, BC V8W 1H8
We are a group of counsellors, therapists, coaches and body-workers committed to creating a space where all are welcome. All of our practitioners hold a vision of community as a space where we might be seen in the fullest expression of ourselves, where we can heal and grow together.

Queer Housing
Victoria, BC
This is a group for LGBTTQQI2SA+ (LGBTQ+) self-identified people seeking or offering shared accommodation in Victoria. This group exists due to the specific barriers that LGBTQ+ folks face in regards to accommodation.

Queer Outdoors
Meets third Saturday of every month at 10 a.m., Victoria. Check Rainbow Health Cooperative website for location. Sponsored by Rainbow Health Co-operative.

Queerly Victoria
"We put on and promote events that celebrate Victoria’s diverse and dynamic queer and trans arts and culture scene."

Rainbow Health Co-operative
#107 - 1208 Wharf Street, Victoria, British Columbia
888-241-9992 Ext. 100 
The Rainbow Health Co-operative hosts various queer  and trans*-oriented community gatherings and meetings in Victoria. Consult the Event Calendar for meeting announcements.

South Island Gender Variant Support Group
A monthly drop-in space covering different topics and activities for the diverse array of trans, non-binary, genderqueer, Two Spirit, and otherwise gender variant individuals in the Southern Vancouver Island area.

Support Group for Parents and Families of Gender Diverse and Transgender Children and Youth
This group is open to parents, caregivers, and adult family members of trans children, youth, and young adults of all gender identities, expressions, and even those questioning their gender. Free, bus tickets available, free parking. Childcare available on request. Third Wednesday of the month, 7-9pm and fourth Sunday of the month, 1:30-3:30pm.

Trans Newcomers Resource Hub (MOSAIC)
This hub is an online community that provides information and support to newcomer transgender folks, including information and resources, peer and mentor support, and a platform to build a network of support.

TransVictoria Peer Support Group
Facebook group for Vancouver Island Transgender support. We all need support in life. Going through life as a transgender person can sometimes mean we need even more support. This is a group for folks to give that support.

The Transgender Archives, University of Victoria
The Transgender Archives at the University of Victoria holds the world’s largest collection of archival material related to trans, non-binary, and Two-Spirit activism and research. The records span over 160 meters or 530 linear feet (1.5 football fields long), go back over 120 years, and are in 15 languages from 23 countries on six continents.  The Archives are accessible to everyone, free of charge.

Trans Rights BC
Legally reviewed human rights information on Public Spaces/Services, Education, Housing, Employment, Healthcare, Harassment & Violence, Parenting, Police & Prison System, Immigration & Refugee Issues, and Sex Work.

University of Victoria Pride
Student Union Building, University of Victoria P.O. Box 3035, Victoria, BC, V8W 3P3
UVic Pride is an organization for all people who are queer, queer-positive, gender-variant and/or intersex.

Vancouver Island Persons Living with HIV/AIDS Society (VPWAS)
205-1120 Yates Street, Victoria, BC, V8V 3M9
Tel: 250-382-7927 TF: 1-877-382-7929 Fax: 250-382-3232
VPWAS is the only peer run HIV/AIDS organization on Vancouver Island and provides practical and therapeutic support services (Peer Navigation, peer support, treatment information, education, complementary health services and advocacy) to persons living with HIV/AIDS and/or HepC.

Vancouver Island Queer Resource Collective
Resource website for Victoria and Vancouver Island.

Victoria Pink Pages
The Victoria Pink Pages is a way for LGBTQ communities in Victoria to connect with organizations that are openly safe and welcoming, find products and services that meet our communities’ needs and interests, support businesses and community organization that are owned or run by LGBTQ folks.

Victoria Pride Society
709 Yates Street, Victoria, BC, V8W 3S2
Victoria Pride is a not-for-profit organization of volunteers dedicated to supporting Greater Victoria’s 2SLGBTQIA+ communities.

Victoria Sexual Assault Centre
#201 – 3060 Cedar Hill Road, Lekwungen Territories, Victoria, BC, V8T 3J5
Service Access Line: 250-383-3232 Business Line: 250-383-5545
Victoria Sexual Assault Centre (VSAC) provided services to women, Trans, Two-Spirit and Gender Diverse survivors of sexual assault and childhood sexual abuse. VSAC offers medical support to recent survivors of sexual assault, as well as justice support, group and individual counselling. For more information please contact our Access Line by phone or email.

Youth Care Homes
301- 1195 Esquimalt Rd, Victoria, BC, V9A 3N6
250-384-9133 ext. 204
Offers programs for male, female and transgender youth aged 15- 21 needing supportive recovery from problematic substance misuse. The Turning Point Program supports youth experiencing issues of Sexual Exploitation.

Mid Island 

AIDS VI Nanaimo
AVI Health Centre
102-55 Victoria Road, Nanaimo, BC, V9R 5N9
Aims to strengthen community, prevent infection, provide support, and combat stigma. Services include Positive Wellness Programs, Street Outreach, Health Promotion and Community Awareness, Men’s Wellness Programs and Volunteer Programs. 

Bodhi Thompson Gardner
Salt Spring Island
A transgender speaker, educator and advocate.

Gender Journeys
Nanaimo Family Life Association
1070 Townsite Road, Nanaimo BC, V9S 1M6
Gender Journeys and Transcend are weekly Nanaimo-based peer support groups for 2-spirit, trans, gender diverse and questioning folks in Nanaimo and the surrounding area. Gender Journeys is a group for adults (18+) and Transcend is for youth aged 12-17. Provided by Nanaimo Family Life Organization, the groups are a safe space to process thoughts and feelings about relevant gender issues. The adult group runs every Monday and the youth group runs on Tuesdays, both from 6:30-8:30pm.

PFLAG Nanaimo
888-530-6777 ext. 566
PFLAG-NANAIMO is a safe, supportive and confidential peer support group for family and friends of the LGBTQ+ community and for Community members themselves. We meet once a month (except for July and August) on the 3rd Sunday of the month. Support is also available by phone or email. 

Positive Space Alliance
Vancouver Island University
900 Fifth Street, Nanaimo, BC, Canada, V9R 5S5
The Positive Space Alliance at Vancouver Island University is a group of students, staff, and faculty committed to raising awareness of diversity in sexual orientation and gender identity on campus. 

2-Spirit, Trans and Non-Binary Family Swim
This is a private event open to anyone in the community who identifies as 2-Spirit, trans and/or non-binary as well as their friends and family (all ages welcome!). Regular drop-in rates apply, but if you cannot afford it, ask for the free Rainbow Pass.

North Island 

AIDS VI Campbell River
1371 c. Cedar Street, Campbell River, BC, V9W 2W6
Aims to strengthen community, prevent infection, provide support, and combat stigma. Services include Positive Wellness Programs, Street Outreach, Health Promotion and Community Awareness, Men’s Wellness Programs and Volunteer Programs.

AIDS VI Comox Valley
355 6th St., Courtenay, BC, V9N 1M2
Aims to strengthen community, prevent infection, provide support, and combat stigma. Services include Positive Wellness Programs, Street Outreach, Health Promotion and Community Awareness, Men’s Wellness Programs and Volunteer Programs.

Foundry Campbell River's LGBT2Q+ Youth Group
A free, drop-in group for LGBTQ2S+ youth on Tuesdays from 4-6pm. We provide LGBTQ2S+ and questioning youth and young adults (ages 14-24) a safe and welcoming place to gather for support, facilitated discussion, community building and social activities. Leave a message for Anne-Marie at the John Howard Society at 250-286-0611 or email Anne-Marie to register or for more info.

North Island Pride
North Island Pride was established to provide a framework to organise the Campbell River Pride Festival. The goal is to help educate on LGBTQ issues, create safe spaces, and celebrate diversity.

Health / Wellness

(last name alphabetical order) 

Greater Victoria Island

Mid Island

North Island

Greater Victoria Area

Darcy Allder, MSW, RCSW
Grow Counselling: EMDR, Animal-Assisted Interventions, Play Therapy
Darcy is a transgender clinical social worker who focuses his practice on trauma healing and family work. He is certified in EMDR and uses a mix of modalities to support both adults and younger clients to do therapy outdoors, online or in his office.

Bailey Counselling Therapy
221-560 Johnson Street, Victoria, BC
Vanessa A. Bailey. Registered nurse and registered clinical counsellor. LGBQT+ inclusive, offers hormone readiness assessment.

Lynn Corbett, Ph.D., Registered Psychologist
Suite 301, 1321 Blanshard Street, Victoria, BC
250-886-6730 or 306-220-1613 
Lynn offers individual, couples, family and group therapy. She sees adults across the life span who are struggling with a variety of life difficulties, including: work-life balance; depression; anxiety; effects of sexual, interpersonal and workplace trauma; substance misuse; relationship difficulties; disordered eating and body image concerns; grief and loss; life transitions and identity questions, including those around gender and sexuality; fertility, pregnancy and adoption issues. She works with people to include their significant communities in therapy in ways that are relevant and meaningful to them.

Burn Bright Counselling
Victoria, BC
Mady Harber, of Burn Bright Counselling specializes in mental health, family relationships, youth/young adult support, and LGBTQ2S+ topics. She is a registered social worker and also has a Master's Degree in Social Work.

Niall Barnard, BSW, MA, MScA, RCC
4300 Cedar Hill Road, Victoria, BC V8N 3C5
Queer-identified psychotherapist specializing in the needs of LGBTQ2S+ folks and their loved ones, Free 30-minute consultations. 

Otis Bell Holistic Bodywork
#205 - 661 Burnside Road East, Victoria, BC V8T 2X9
A transgender massage therapist, offering sliding scale massage to the trans and queer community.

Bodymind Counselling
1517 Amelia Street, Victoria, BC
Sarah Pullman, MA, RCC, Reg. Clinical Counsellor. Works on issues of anxiety, depression, trauma. Helps transgender folks of all identities and at all stages of transition to achieve better mental health.

Abby Brooks Speech Pathology
Victoria, BC
Abby is a speech and language pathologist that specializes in transgender voice therapy for feminization and masculinization on Vancouver Island.

Cedar Moon Counselling 
Victora, BC
Shay (they/them) has a Master of Social Work and is a Registered Social Worker. They specialize in gender and sexuality exploration, sexual violence, biracial identity, and relationship concerns. Offering hormone readiness assessments on a sliding scale. Shay also accepts FNHA and CVAP clients.

Dr. Magali Brulot
201-1770 Fort Street, Victoria, BC
Psychologist. Hormone Readiness and Surgical Assessments.

Adrianna Faliszewski
East Vancouver 
I am a queer and transgender woman, specializing in providing telehealth therapy to queer and trans adults and teens throughout BC. I strongly believe in the power of bringing shared lived experience as a queer and trans person to the therapeutic relationship. Some of my specific areas of focus include gender exploration and transition, coming out, boundaries, self-esteem and self worth, anxiety, addiction, and supporting parents of trans youth. I hold a master's of arts in counselling psychology from Simon Fraser University and have over a decade of experience in the mental health field.

Dr. Caspar Friesen, MD
1284 Fairfield Rd, Victoria, BC, V8V 4W3
Physician in Victoria providing inclusive primary care in Victoria.

Geometry Integrated Health
827 Broughton Street, Victoria, BC
Geometry is an LGBTQ owned and operated integrated health clinic. We strive to provide an inclusive and welcoming space for naturopathic medicine, acupuncture, massage therapy, and chiropractic care.

Dr. Matt Graham (he/him)
Chiropractor, Apollo Performance Therapy
1410 Quadra Street, Victoria, BC V8W 2L1
Instagram/TikTok: @dr.mattgraham 
Dr. Matt Graham is a trans man and former UVic Vikes rugby player who specializes in manual therapy and active rehabilitation for musculoskeletal pain and injuries. He creates individualized exercise programs for injury recovery, performance, and long term wellness. He also has advanced training and extensive experience in sports and athletics, top surgery preparation/recovery, and pregnancy and postpartum management.

Guidepost Counselling and Consultation
3550 Saanich Road
Elizabeth is a Registered Clinical Counsellor who works with teens and adults exploring issues of gender and sexuality, and provides a safe and welcoming space for trans people to work with other issues, including depression, anxiety, trauma, relationships, and the stresses of life.

Jenna Halleran, R. Ac
Jenna (she/her) is a Registered Acupuncturist originally from Newfoundland, now practicing in Victoria. Her work centers around inclusivity, open-mindedness, and creating a space where all individuals—regardless of gender, sexuality, race, size or background—feel valued and empowered. With additional training in acupuncture for addictions, prenatal care, and emotional trauma, Jenna approaches each patient as a unique individual, developing personalized treatment plans for their specific needs.

Jenna has a general practice with a particular passion for supporting people through life transitions, mental health concerns, stress, physical pain, digestive issues, and LGBTQ2SIA+ fertility support. Her approach is collaborative, to ensure open communication and mutual respect in every session.

Jenna Haylock, RN/BSN/CDE/CPT
Victoria General Hospital
1 Hospital Way, Victoria, BC V8Z 6R5
Pediatric Nurse Clinician for Endocrine Vancouver Island.

Holistic Counselling
1405 Fernwood Rd, Victoria, BC  
Ocean Lum (Bsc, MA), is a Registered Clinical Counsellor, a Yoga therapist, Yoga teacher and a mindfulness instructor. She conducts hormone assessments.

Island Sexual Health
#101-3960 Quadra Street, Victoria
Island Sexual Health Society offers sexual health clinics and sex education programs for all genders, orientations, identities, and ages in Greater Victoria. They also provide hormone readiness assessment, prescription and renewals, and gender affirming surgery readiness and referrals for clients 16+. Gender Affirming Apparel Supplies will be available soon at our Quadra clinic. All Gender Affirming Care (GAC) is provided through the Quadra Street clinic location.

Island Sexual Health
Richmond House, Camosun College Lansdowne Campus, 3100 Foul Bay Road, Victoria, BC
The Island Sexual Health clinic operates at the Lansdowne campus every Friday during the academic year (September-April). Island Sexual Health Society offers sexual health clinics and sex education programs for all genders, orientations, identities, and ages in Greater Victoria. They also provide hormone readiness assessment, prescription and renewals, and gender affirming surgery readiness and referrals for clients 16+. Gender Affirming Apparel Supplies will be available soon at our Quadra clinic.. All Gender Affirming Care (GAC) is provided through the Quadra Street clinic location.

Island Sexual Health
Royal Bay High School, 3500 Ryder Hjesdal Way, Victoria, BC, V9C OJ6
Wednesday for SD62 only. Island Sexual Health Society offers sexual health clinics and sex education programs for all genders, orientations, identities, and ages in Greater Victoria. They also provide hormone readiness assessment, prescription and renewals, and gender affirming surgery readiness and referrals for clients 16+ Gender Affirming Apparel Supplies will be available soon at our Quadra clinic.. All Gender Affirming Care (GAC) is provided through the Quadra Street clinic location.

Island Sexual Health
QOM. QEM SLANI Tsawout First Nations Clinic, 7728 Tetayut Road
Wednesdays, First-Nations only. Island Sexual Health Society offers sexual health clinics and sex education programs for all genders, orientations, identities, and ages in Greater Victoria. They also provide hormone readiness assessment, prescription and renewals, and gender affirming surgery readiness and referrals for clients 16+. Gender Affirming Apparel Supplies will be available soon at our Quadra clinic. All Gender Affirming Care (GAC) is provided through the Quadra Street clinic location.

Kaleigh Scott Counselling
Kaleigh is a non-binary, queer Registered Social Worker providing in-person therapy in Victoria and virtual sessions to folks 16 and up anywhere in BC. They provide gender and sexuality affirming therapy to folks looking for support with trauma, experiences of gender and sexualized violence, identity exploration, life transitions, relationship challenges, emotional safety and connection and communication skills. They offer sliding scale and a free 15-min consultation.

The Katherine Collection
1-833-629-0TKC (0852) 
Katherine Sebastiano is a wig consultant and specialized retailer located on Vancouver Island. The Katherine Collection provides local consultations along with Canada wide access to a comprehensive selection of reputable brand-named wigs.

Komorebi Massage Therapy
Kai has been working as a registered massage therapist since 2018. Since graduating from the West Coast College of Massage Therapy, he has embraced his identity as a BIPOC trans man and has opened his own clinic in hopes of creating a safe and accepting space for the LGBTQ2S+ and BIPOC communities. Kai prioritizes each individual patient’s needs by including space for open discussions about relevant issues such as gender dysphoria within each treatment plan.

Jude Marleau, M.Ed.
2838 Shakespeare Street, Victoria, BC V8R 4H1
"I offer support, information and counselling for folks who are exploring their gender identity and who want support with any of the following: social transitioning; hormone readiness assessments/support; and/or considerations pertaining to medical transitioning. I also offer support and counselling for partners of trans folks and for parents of trans and gender creative children."

Kelly McKee Counselling Services, MA, RCC
Kelly McKee works with trans and gender queer teens (14-18) and adults who are navigating issues related to gender identity. Kelly also offers support for social transitioning and hormone readiness assessments. Sessions are available through Telehealth video calls.

Heather Michael, MSW RCSW
550-2950 Douglas Street, Victoria, BC
Registered Clinical Social Worker. Specializing in Mental Health wellness. Offers hormone readiness assessments - Youth & Adults. LGBTQ2S+. Telehealth Sessions Available.

Jennifer Mildon, BSc, MPT
206-1581 Hillside Avenue, Victoria BC, V8T 2C1
Jennifer (she/her) is a registered physiotherapist who has completed extensive pelvic health training, including additional courses aimed at providing affirming care to transgender and gender-diverse people. Jennifer has the skills and knowledge to treat a variety of pelvic health conditions, including prehab and rehab for transition-related surgeries.

Feodor Mongin, B.Sc., R.Ac.
Victoria Professional Building, 1120 Yates Street, Victoria, BC
Acupuncture, massage, nutrition councelling, and wellness training. Email for appointment.

Joanna Morrison, M.Ed
1600 Bay Street, suite 201
Reg. Clinical Counsellor, performs hormone readiness assessments. Queer friendly therapist with offices in Nanaimo and Victoria. Services include relationship counselling, hormone readiness assessment, sextherapy, trauma. Trained in EMDR.

New Day Skin Studio
Gateway Village (Inside West Coast Botanical Sugaring Spa)
306-771 Vernon Avenue, Victoria, BC. V8X5A7 
New Studio opening Nov/23/2019 - Offering IPL laser hair removal to anyone who wants to feel more comfortable in their skin. A safe, modern, all inclusive environment, where we will work on your goals. Significant lifetime discount on services of up to 40%. For more info email us today.

Marita Panton, RN/BSN/CDE/CPT
Victoria General Hospital
1 Hospital Way, Victoria BC V8Z 6R5
Pediatric Nurse Clinician for Endocrine Vancouver Island.

Yana Petronis, Counsellor, M.A., C.C.C.
321-645 Fort Street, Victoria, BC
I am a counsellor with extensive experience working with trans and queer clients, as well as their partners and family members.I specialize in working with trauma, including developmental trauma and critical incident trauma, as well as issues related to identity, relationships, gender, sexuality, and spirituality. I am located in downtown Victoria and am able to offer a limited number of sessions on a sliding scale. Phone and video sessions are available as well.

Prism Counselling
1820D Oak Bay Avenue, Victoria, BC
Prism Counselling is a therapeutic practice specializing in LGBTQ+ and addiction counselling in Victoria BC. At Prism Counselling therapeutic services are trauma-informed, person centered, and strengths based to ensure that client and therapist are co-creating a sacred and safe space. Prism Counselling seeks to foster empowerment, connection, and a greater sense of belonging and peace

Timothy Riordan, BA (Hons), MA
End of Life Doula
Tim's' Company
James Bay, Victoria, BC
As a university trained End of Life Doula, I founded Tim's' Company to offer inclusive and welcoming advance care planning, patient advocacy, death literacy and end of life education services. In 2024, I joined the Board of Directors of the End of Life Doula Association of Canada.

Beckham Ronaghan, MSW, RCSW
I'm a Registered Social Worker with a Masters of Social Work offering virtual therapy to patients across British Columbia. I am available for those looking for gender affirming services - hormone readiness assessments and surgical readiness assessments. 

Tyler Schaus Counselling and Consulting, MACP, RCC
Victoria, BC
As a queer, transgender person, and adoptive parent to a neurodiverse and gender fluid child, I prioritize the importance of seeing people as complex, nuanced, and unique beings. I strive to keep my practice flexible, authentic, holistic, and avoid ‘one size fits all’ approaches that attempt to fit folx into little boxes. Providing trauma-informed, person-centered, and neurodiverse affirming care. 15 minute free consultations.

Mike Schmalz, M.A., C.C.C
Schmalz Counselling helps and supports anyone who has experienced emotional, sexual or physical trauma as a child or an adult. 

Dr. Sharolyn Sloat, Psychologist
453 Head Street, Victoria
Inclusive psychologist in Victoria, BC.

Margaret Stephens
221-560 Johnson St, Victoria, BC
Psychotherapist. Centre for Counselling & Therapy and Victoria Women’s Counselling. Performs hormone readiness assessments.

Kate Steele Counselling
Central Building, 505-620 View Street, Victoria
Inclusive counselling in Victoria. Provides hormone readiness assessments. “I work with children, youth, families and individuals. I have training in doing hormone readiness assessments for adults, and am pursuing similar training for working with youth. At the moment, I support children and youth questioning their gender or who identify as transgender, gender non-binary or gender fluid through an exploration process. I also provide support for challenges they might face such as anxiety and depression. I am passionate about working with families to help provide information and support in understanding gender diversity, and in learning how to best support their children.”

Dr. Garrett Stetson, R.Psych
218-284 Helmcken Rd., Victoria BC, V9B 1T2
I provide individual psychotherapy services to children, adolescents and adults dealing with a wide variety of issues including depression, anxiety, trauma and addictions. I’m proud to offer respectful, knowledgeable services to queer and transgender individuals of all ages.

Dr. Sue Stock, Pediatric Endocrinologist
104-145 W. 15th Street, North Vancouver, BC, V7M 1R9
Accepts referrals for children up to and including 18 years of age and follows WPATH guidelines for hormone blockers and hormone therapy using the BCCH consent forms. 

Daryl Stubbs, Massage Therapist at Sync Therapy
6-920 Johnson Street, Victoria, BC
Massage therapist who works with the lgbtq2s+ community, committed to creating a safe and inclusive space for all clients.

Leanne Toews MA, RCC.
Child, Youth and Family Consultant.
Downtown Victoria (Location Provided at Booking) 
I provide respectful counselling to children, youth and adults (including parents, spouses and transcouples) who are questioning or at any stage of transition. Counselling support includes skill development to manage emotions created by anxiety, stress, depression, gender dysphoria, self-injury, trauma and suicidology. I am inclusive of WPATH Standards of Care in my practise which includes assessments for hormone and surgery readiness. Online and phone sessions are also available.

Trailhead Counselling, Nathan Strayed, MSW, RSW
Virtual specialized psychotherapy for all of BC focussed on issues related to trans, gender diverse and queer folks by a queer and trans identified counsellor. 

Trans Care BC
Trans Care BC’s care coordination team helps connect people in BC to gender-affirming health and wellness supports.

Turning Towards Hope Counselling
888 Fort St, Victoria, BC V8W 1H8
Imogen Chudyk-Barr (they/them) is a queer, fem, and trans RSW in private practice who specializes in counselling 2SLGBTQ+ individuals and couples, with a special focus on supporting 2SLGBTQ+ survivors of partner abuse. Provides virtual counselling for folks in BC as well as in-person service in 'victoria' that is inclusive for neurodivergent folks, kink/BDSM community members, people in non-monogamous relationships, sex workers, people who use substances, as well as other marginalized and/or criminalized community members.

Victoria Youth Clinic (FOUNDRY VICTORIA)
Third floor, 818 Douglas Street, Victoria
The Victoria Youth Clinic is a Not-for-Profit, Registered Charity that provides CONFIDENTIAL Primary Health Care Clinic for all youth aged 12 to 24 years.

Mid Island

Hearth Place
Duncan, BC
dean diamond (he/they) (M.Ed, CCC, FOT) is a queer and gender queer identified Canadian Certified Counsellor (CCC) working on unceded Quw’utsun Territory near Duncan, BC. dean specializes in working with embodied and experiential forms of counselling with individuals of all ages who are navigating belonging, grief, loss, identity exploration, and major life transition due to death, disability, illness, injury, gender identity, oppression, social injustice, and sexuality. dean is qualified to provide Hormone Readiness Assessments. dean has specialized training in Ecotherapy, Embodied Dreamwork, Equine Facilitated Counselling, Expressive Play Therapy, Focusing Oriented Therapy, Gender Affirming Care, and Sandplay Therapy.

North Island

James Cowan R.C.C.
Tall Tree Counselling and Consulting Services
4711 Elizabeth St., Port Alberni, BC
LGBTQ+ friendly counselling and consulting in Port Alberni.

Dr. Sharmeen Mazaheri c/o The Crown Isle Clinic
Unit 5&6 215 Port Augusta street, Comox, BC V9M 3M9
Dr. Sharmeen Mazaheri, Family Physician. Note: Now accepting new trans patients requiring primary care, assessments or hormone management.

Lore McLaren, RTC, MTC
Kind Roots Wellness - Counselling & Facilitation
625 11th Avenue, Campbell River, BC V9W 4G5
Genderqueer relational somatic therapist, expressive arts therapist and counsellor for adults and youth (15+) on the territory of the Ligwilda'xw people, Wei Wai Kum Nation (Campbell River, BC). Offering in person, online, and phone sessions. Providing gender affirming training and consultation for service providers.

Resilient Heart Counselling and Therapy
519A-5th Street, Courtenay, BC V9N 1K2
Mel is a queer identified Registered Social Worker and Registered Clinical Counsellor providing individual and couples counselling for folks 12 years and up struggling with a range of challenges, including but not limited to sexuality and gender. She has completed additional training to provide high quality gender affirming care and hormone readiness assessments. She provides in-person as well as online sessions, and offers subsidized counselling as needed.

Kazimea Sokil, M.A., R.C.C
Resonance Arts Counselling and Creative Arts Therapy
1475 15th Street, Courtenay, BC V9N 2C3
Kazimea offers individual couples and family counselling at the Resonance Arts office in downtown Courtenay. 

SpiritFirstCounseling at Comox
Suite #9, 1787 Comox Avenue, Comox, BC
As a Registered Clinical Counsellor I have assisted families in their desire to support transgender relatives generally, and to transition into systems (ie – schools) specifically. 


Rebekah Hutchison, Liquid Capital West Coast Financing Corp.
Victoria, BC
Transfriendly corporation providing working capital solutions for small and medium sized businesses as well as middle market companies.