Ignacio Beya

Ignacio Beya
MASc candidate
Office: EOW 121B

Ignacio graduated in 2010 from the Civil Engineering department at the University of Chile (major in hydraulic, environmental and sanitary engineering). Most of his professional working experience has been at the National Institute of Hydraulics in Chile where he was involved in projects of national interest related to artificial beach and breakwater design, dam-break and flood velocities and areas of inundation estimation, wave energy assessment, downtime estimation in harbors, hydrology in altiplanic watersheds, sediment transport in rivers and beaches, among others. Many different engineering tools were applied to deal with those challenging projects, such as numerical and physical modelling, field data collection and analysis, artificial neural network, etc.

Ignacio arrived to Canada in June of 2018 to pursue a masters at the University of Victoria with the West Coast Wave Initiative (WCWI) group. He is currently working on the assessment of the wave energy along the Pacific coast of Canada using numerical modelling and wave measurements.