
Robertson, B. R., Hiles, C. E., & Buckham, B. J. (2014). Characterizing the near shore wave energy resource on the west coast of Vancouver Island, Canada. Renewable Energy, 71, 665-678. pdf
Reikard, G., Robertson, B., & Bidlot, J. R. (2015). Combining wave energy with wind and solar: Short-term forecasting. Renewable Energy, 81, 442-456. pdf
Reikard, G., Robertson, B., Buckham, B., Bidlot, J. R., & Hiles, C. (2015). Simulating and forecasting ocean wave energy in western Canada. Ocean Engineering, 103, 223-236. pdf
Hiles, C. E., Buckham, B. J., Wild, P., & Robertson, B. (2014). Wave energy resources near Hot Springs Cove, Canada. Renewable Energy, 71, 598-608. pdf

Bailey, H., Robertson, B., Ortiz, J., Buckham, B., Stochastic Methods to Predict WEC Array Power for Grid Integration, European Wave and Tidal Energy Conference, Nantes, 2015 pdf

Ortiz, J., Bailey, H., Buckham, B., Crawford, C., Surrogate Base Design of Mooring System for Self Reacting Point Absorber, International Society of Offshore and Polar Engineers, Kona, 2015 pdf

Bailey, H., Ortiz, J. P., Robertson, B., Buckham, B. J., & Nicoll, R. S. (2014). A methodology for wave-to-wire wec simulations, Marine Energy Technology Symposium , Seattle, 2014 pdf
Bailey, H., Robertson, B., & Buckham, B. Optimizing WECs for Canadian Waters, International Conference on Ocean Energy, Halifax, 2014 pdf

Robertson, B., Hiles, C., Luzko, E., & Buckham, B. Quantifying the Wave Energy Resource and Farm Siting Opportunities for Western Canada, International Conference on Ocean Energy, Halifax, 2014 pdf

Robertson, B., Bailey, H., Clancy, D., Ortiz, J., & Buckham, B. Influence of Wave Resource Assessment Methods on Wave Power Production Estimates, International Conference on Ocean Energy, Halifax, 2014 pdf

Robertson, B., Clancy, D., Bailey, H., Buckham, B. Improved Energy Production Estimates from Wave Energy Converters through Spectral Partitioning of Wave Conditions, International Society of Offshore and Polar Engineers, Kona, 2015 pdf

Robertson, B. R., Hiles, C. E., & Buckham, B. J. (2013). Characterizing the near shore wave energy resource on the west coast of Vancouver Island, Canada. International Workshop on Wave Hindcasting and Forecasting and Coastal Hazards Symposium, Banff, 2013. pdf