Bryce Bocking

Bryce Bocking
MASc candidate
West Coast Wave Initiative
Area of expertise

Wave energy conversion systems, experimental fluid dynamics, optimization and control.

Bryce completed his BEng degree with the UVic Mechanical Engineering department in 2014. During his studies he developed an interest in wave energy converters while on co-op as a research assistant for IESVic. His work involved assisting with the development of a control system for a linear motor used in Scott Beatty’s experimental WEC model. He also has experience working in the marine sector while on co-op with Ocean Networks Canada and AML Oceanographic.

After graduation Bryce joined the West Coast Wave Initiative to pursue his interest in wave energy. He now works on developing a wavemaker capable of generating regular and irregular waveforms in a flume tank at UVic. His research will involve using the wavemaker to determine an optimal design for the spar of point-absorber WECs. The wavemaker will also be used to validate CFD models being developed at UVic.

In his spare time, Bryce enjoys snowboarding and kiteboarding when possible and otherwise enjoys going on walks and hikes with his family. He also assists with mechanical design with AUVic, a student team that develops and operates an autonomous underwater vehicle at UVic.

Research interests

Wave energy conversion systems, experimental fluid dynamics, optimization and control.