Generation Health Program Evaluation

Generation Health is a FREE, fun, interactive program for BC families who want to learn about healthy lifestyle changes. It uses a lifestyle behaviour approach for promoting healthy living in families with children age 8-12. 

Parent and child peeling a carrot together

The Generation Health Program helps families make changes to lifestyle behaviours including:

  • healthy eating
  • physical activity
  • positive mental well-being
  • reducing recreational screen time
  • sleep hygiene

To learn more about the program, click the logo below:

Generation Health Program Logo

Generation Health Program Evaluation

The Generation Health early intervention program was developed using an evidence-based approach and is constantly undergoing an iterative process and outcome evaluation performed by the University of Victoria Digital Health Lab research team. The purpose of this evaluation is to assess the reach and efficacy of the program, as well as to gain an understanding of the issues involved in implementing and sustaining program delivery across British Columbia.

Parents/guardians and children age 8-12 are asked to complete questionnaires before and after participating in the Generation Health Program. We report group-level outcomes to the BC Ministry of Health. We also collect feedback from parents/guardians and from Generation Health program facilitators. Families who complete our surveys are sent grocery gift cards as thanks for their time!

WHY do we need to collect survey data?

  • To show that the program is effective! By comparing survey answers before and after the program, we can see the program impact.
  • The Ministry of Health renews the Generation Health Program funding each year based on impact. So the surveys are important to keep the program FREE for future families!
  • We also ask for parent/guardian feedback after each program cycle so that the Generation Health Team can make changes to improve the program and support participating families in the best way possible.  

Recent Publications

We have published several papers using our results so far - click here to see a few!


Program Delivery and Funding

Childhood Healthy Living Foundation Logo

The Generation Health Program is delivered by the Childhood Healthy Living Foundation through funding from the BC Ministry of Health.