Generation Health Evaluation Publications

Please note: although the publications below may make reference to "overweight" or "obesity," the Generation Health intervention content never focused on weight. Children were not exposed to discussions of weight; the focus was on fun, easy family lifestyle changes to enhance health and well-being, including self-compassion and positivity.

  • In the early days of the program, obesity prevention was an outcome of interest to the funders. The program recruitment was targeted toward children who were at a higher risk for being above a healthy weight for their age.
  • In more recent years, registration has been open to all families with children age 8-12 who would like to be on a healthy lifestyle path. Body mass index calculations have been removed as a criteria for eligibility, and height and weight measurements are no longer requested as a growth measure.  
  • Currently, the Generation Health program focuses on “healthy living behaviour change” as the primary outcome.

 List of Publications:

1. Evaluating the Effectiveness of a Family-Based Virtual Childhood Obesity Management Program Delivered During the COVID-19 Pandemic in Canada: Prospective Study

2. Dose-Response Relationship of a Blended In-Person and Online Family-Based Childhood Obesity Management Program: Secondary Analysis of a Behavior Intervention

3. The Effectiveness of a Blended In-Person and Online Family-Based Childhood Obesity Management Program

4. The role of identity in parental support for physical activity and healthy eating among overweight and obese children

5. Family-based, healthy living intervention for children with overweight and obesity and their families: a ‘real world’ trial protocol using a randomised wait list control design