Personality correlates of eating pathology severity and subtypes in The National Comorbidity Survey Adolescent Supplement | Legg, N.K., & Turner, B.J. | mental healthphysical health | 2021 |
Teaching dialectical thinking to enhance graduate trainees’ competence in outpatient psychotherapy for adolescents experiencing suicidal thoughts and behaviors | Robillard, C. L., Dixon-Gordon, K. L., & Turner, B. J. | mental healtheducation | 2021 |
Testing a diathesis-stress model during the transition to university: Associations between self-criticism, stress, and internalizing problems | Robillard, C.L., Turner, B.J., & Craig, S.G. | educationmental health | 2021 |
Mental Health and Social Connectedness Across the Adult Lifespan in the Context of the COVID-19 Pandemic | Gregory, M.A., Legg, N.K., Senay, Z., Barden, J.-L., Phiri, P., Rathod, S., Turner, B.J., & Paterson, T.S.E. | Covid-19mental health | 2021 |
Associations Between Physical Activity, Affect Regulation Difficulties, and Mental Health Among Canadian Adolescents at Two Different Points of the COVID-19 Pandemic | Ames, M.E., Robillard, C.L., Turner, B., Garcia-Barrera, M., Rush, J., & Craig, S. | physical healthCovid-19mental health | 2022 |
A Narrative Review of Motor Competence in Children and Adolescents: What We Know and What We Need to Find Out | Lopes, L., Santos, R., Coelho-e-Silva, M., Draper, C., Mota, J., Jidovtseff, B., Clark, C., Schmidt, M., Morgan, P., Duncan, M., O'Brien, W., Bentsen, P., D'Hont, E., Houwen, S., Stratton, G., De Martlelaer, K., Scheuer, C., Herrmann, C., Garcia-Hermoso, A., Ramirez-Vélez, R., Palmeira, A., Gerlach, E., Rosàrio, R., Issartel, J., Esteban-Cornejo, Ruiz, J., Veldman, S., Zhang, Z., Colella, D., Povoas, S., Haibach-Beach, P., Pereira, J., McGrane, B., Saraiva, J., Temple, V., Silva, P., Sigmund, E., Sousa-Sà, Adamakis, M., Moreira, C., Utesch, T., True, L., Cheung, P., Carcamo-Oyarzun, J., Charitou, S., Chillon, P., Robazza, C., Silva, A., Silva, D., Lima, R., Mourao-Carvalhal, I., Khodaverdi, Z., Zequinao, M., Pereira, B., Prista, A., & Agostinis-Sobrinho, C. | physical health | 2021 |
Age- and sex-based differences in functional strength of adults participating in Special Olympics | Temple, V.A., Rintala, P., Zeitz, S., Lloyd, M., & Foley, J.T. | inclusionphysical health | 2022 |
COVID-19 Pandemic and Individuals With Intellectual Disability: Special Olympics as an Example of Organizational Responses and Challenges | Temple, V.A. | inclusionCovid-19physical health | 2022 |
Kindergarten children’s views on friendship in a super-diverse context | Streelasky, J. | education | 2022 |
Shall We Do This Together? Decolonizing Instrumental Music Education in Canada | Prest, A., & Tremblay, K. | educationindigenous youth | 2021 |
Toward a sociology of music education informed by Indigenous perspectives | Prest, A., & Goble, J.S. | educationindigenous youth | 2021 |
Language, Music, and Revitalizing Indigeneity: Effecting Cultural Restoration and Ecological Balance via Music Education | Prest, A., & Goble, J.S. | educationindigenous youth | 2021 |
Enacting curriculum ‘in a good way:’ Indigenous knowledge, pedagogy, and worldviews in British Columbia music education classes | Prest, A., Goble, J.S., Vazquez-Cordoba, H., & Tuinstra, B. | educationindigenous youth | 2021 |
Cultural Diversity, Ecodiversity, and Music Education | Bates, V.C., Shevock, D.J., & Prest, A. | education | 2021 |
The effects of intervening with physical activity in the early years (ages 3–5) on health-related quality of life: a secondary analysis of the Activity Begins in Childhood (ABC) trial | Nagpal, T.S., Goldfield, G.S., da Silva, D.F., Souza, S., Burhunduli, P., Liu, R.H., Naylor, P.-J., Naylor, & Adamo, K.B. | physical health | 2021 |
Scaling up Action Schools! BC: How Does Voltage Drop at Scale Affect Student Level Outcomes? A Cluster Randomized Controlled Trial | Nettlefold, L., Naylor, P.-J., Macdonald, H.M., & McKay, H.A. | education | 2021 |
Recreation Facility Food and Beverage Environments in Ontario, Canada: An Appeal for Policy | Caswell, S., Naylor, P.-J., Olstad, D., Kirk, S., Masse, L., Raine, K., & Hanning, R. | physical health | 2021 |
Pre- and in-service Early Childhood Educators' knowledge, self-efficacy, and intentions following an e-learning course in physical activity and sedentary behaviour | Tucker, P., Bruijns, B.A., Vanderloo, L.M., Adamo, K.B., Burke, S.M., Carson, V., Heydon, R., Johnson, A.M., Irwin, J.D., Naylor, P.-J., & Timmons, B.W. | educationphysical health | 2021 |
Effect of housework on physical activity during transitions to parenthood | Divine, A., Blanchard, C., Naylor, P.-J., Benoit, C., Downs, D.S., & Rhodes, R.E. | familyphysical health | 2021 |
Motor Skills and Participation in Middle Childhood: A Direct Path for Boys, a Mediated Path for Girls | Emadirad, E., Temple, B.W.N., Field, S.C., Naylor, P.-J., & Temple, V.A. | girlsphysical health | 2021 |
Patients’ Evaluations of Mobile Text Messaging Studies for Type 2 Diabetes Management: A Systematic Review and a Meta-Synthesis | Sahin, C., Courtney, K.L., Naylor, P.-J., & Rhodes, R.E. | physical health | 2021 |
Codevelopment of Healthy and Unhealthy Dietary Behaviors: A Dyadic Examination of Parenting Practices and Adolescent Characteristics | Piatkowski, C., Keidar, S., Carbert, N., Naylor, P.-J., McKay, H., Hanning, R., Le Mare, L., & Masse, L.C. | physical healthmental healthfamily | 2021 |
Predicting Family and Child Physical Activity across Six-Months of a Family-Based Intervention: An Application of Theory of Planned Behaviour, Planning and Habit | Rhones, R., Quinlan, A., Naylor, P.-J., Warburton, D.E.R., & Blanchard, C.M. | familyphysical health | 2021 |
Parent–child Movement Behaviors and Bluetooth Proximity in Preschool-aged Children | Kuzik, N., Naylor, P.-J., Spence, J.C., & Carson, V. | physical healthfamily | 2021 |
Appetite for change? Facilitators and barriers to nutrition guideline implementation in Canadian recreational facilities | Kirk, S.F.L., Olstad, D.L., McIsaac, J.-L.D., Prose, R.J.L., Caswell, S., Hanning, R., Raine, K.D., Masse, L.C., & Naylor, P.-J. | physical health | 2021 |
Gender plays a role in adolescents’ dietary behaviors as they transition to secondary school | Deslippe, A.L., Tugault-Lafleur, C.N., McGaughey, T., Naylor, P.-J., Le Mare, L., & Masse, L.C. | engagementphysical healthgirls | 2021 |
How effective are physical activity interventions when they are scaled-up: a systematic review | Lane, C., McCrabb, S. Nathan, N., Naylor, P.-J., Bauman, A., Milat, A., Lum, M., Sutherland, R., Byaruhanga, J., & Wolfenden, L. | physical health | 2021 |
Change in pre- and in-service early childhood educators’ knowledge, self-efficacy, and intentions following an e-learning course in physical activity and sedentary behaviour: a pilot study | Bruijns, B.A., Vanderloo, L.M., Johnson, A.M., Adamo, K.B., Burke, S.M., Carson, V., Heydon, R., Irwin, J.D., Naylor, P.-J., Timmons, B.W., & Tucker, P. | educationphysical health | 2022 |
From Neurons to Knowing: Implications of Theoretical Approaches for Conceptualizing and Studying the Neural Bases of Social Understanding | Carpendale, J.I.M., Muller, U., Lewis, C., & Walbridge, B. | engagement | 2021 |
The Development of Giving in Forms of Object Exchange: Exploring the Roots of Communication and Morality in Early Interaction around Objects | Carpendale, J.I.M., Muller, U., Wallbridge, B., Broesch, T., Cameron-Faulkner, T., & Ten Eycke, K. | engagement | 2021 |
Introduction to Special Issue: Assimilation, interrupted: Transforming discourses of culture- and honour-based violence in Canada | Mucina, M.K., & Jamal, A. | engagementyouth & international contexts | 2021 |
Witnessing, grieving, and remembering: Letters of resistance, love, and reclamation from the daughters of Izzat | Mucina, M.K. | engagementyouth & international contexts | 2021 |
Wrestling the Elephant: Teaching as a Racialized Body in the Social Work Classroom | Mak, C., Mucina, M.K., & Ferguson, R.N. | educationengagement | 2021 |
The End of the Tunnel: Girls’ Marked Bodies in the Canadian Transcarceral Pipeline | de Finney, S., & Mucina, M.K. | engagementgirls | 2021 |
A Strategy for Building Transition-Focused Education Capacity to Support Disabled Students in Australian Schools | Milford, T., Lawrence, B., Beamish, W., Davies, M., & Meadows, D.W. | inclusioneducation | 2021 |
‘You’re very rich, right?’: Personal finance as an (in)appropriate or (im)polite conversational topic among Asian ELF users | Walkinshaw, I., Qi, G.Y., & Milford, T. | youth & international contexts | 2021 |
Pilot Study of an Attention and Executive Function Cognitive Intervention in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders | Macoun, S.J., Schneider, I., Bedir, B., Sheehan, J., & Sung, A. | inclusionmental health | 2021 |
Intraindividual variability in executive and motor control tasks in children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder | Halliday, D.W.R., Kim, Y., MacDonald, S.W.S., Garcia-Barrera, M.A., Hundza, S.R., & Macoun, S.J. | inclusionmental health | 2021 |
COVID discrimination experience: Chinese Canadians' social identities moderate the effect of personal and group discrimination on well-being | Lou, N.M., Noels, K.A., Kurl, S., Zhang, Y.S.D., & Young-Leslie, H. | Covid-19youth & international contexts | 2022 |
Maintaining Effort and Interest despite Challenges during the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Process Tracing Approach to a Teacher’s Grit during an Online L2 Course | Shirvan, M.E., Lou, N.M., Shanhnama, M., & Yazdanmehr, E. | Covid-19educationyouth & international contexts | 2021 |
Acculturation in a postcolonial context: Language, identity, cultural adaptation, and academic achievement of Macao students in Mainland China | Lou, N.M. | youth & international contextseducation | 2021 |
Public Health Messages About Face Masks Early in the COVID-19 Pandemic: Perceptions of and Impacts on Canadians | Zhang, Y.S.D., Leslie, H.Y., Sharafaddin-zadeh, Y., Noels, K., & Lou, N.M. | physical health | 2021 |
Where do Language Mindsets Come from? An Ecological Perspective on EFL Students’ Mindsets About L2 Writing | Shirvan, M.E., Lou, N.M., & Tahereh, T. | youth & international contextseducation | 2021 |
Growth, fixed, and mixed mindsets: Mindset system profiles in foreign language learners and their role in engagement and achievement | Lou, N.M., Chaffee, K.E., & Noels, K.A. | educationyouth & international contexts | 2021 |
Why do growth mindsets make you feel better about learning and your selves? The mediating role of adaptability | Zarrinabadi, N., Rezazadeh, M., Karimi, M., & Lou, N.M. | education | 2021 |
Who moved with you? The companionship of significant others reduces movers’ motivation to make new friends | Li, W.-Q., Li, L.M.W, & Lou, N.M. | engagement | 2021 |
Chinese Canadians’ experiences of the dual pandemics of COVID-19 and racism: Relations with identity, negative emotion, and anti-racism incident reporting | Lou, N.M., Noels, K.A., Kurl, S., Zhang, Y.S.D., & Young-Leslie, H. | youth & international contextsCovid-19 | 2021 |
To praise or not to praise? Examining the effects of ability vs. effort praise on speaking anxiety and willingness to communicate in EFL classrooms | Zarrinabadi, N., Lou, N.M., & Darvishnezhad, Z. | youth & international contextseducation | 2021 |
Evaluations of Healthcare Providers’ Perceived Support From Personal, Hospital, and System Resources: Implications for Well-Being and Management in Healthcare in Montreal, Quebec, During COVID-19 | Lou, N.M., Montreuil, T., Feldman, L.S., Fried, G.M., Lavoie-Tremblay, M., Bhanji, F., Kennedy, H., Kaneva, P., Drouin, S., & Harley, J.M. | mental healthCovid-19 | 2021 |
Nurses' and Physicians' Distress, Burnout, and Coping Strategies During COVID-19: Stress and Impact on Perceived Performance and Intentions to Quit | Lou, N.M., Montreuil, T., Feldman, L.S., Fried, G.M., Lavoie-Tremblay, M., Bhanji, F., Kennedy, H., Kaneva, P., & Harley, J.M. | mental healthCovid-19 | 2021 |
Usability and Emotions of Mental Health Assessment Tools: Comparing Mobile App and Paper-and-Pencil Modalities | Liu, Y.S., Hankey, J., Lou, N.M., Chokka, P., & Harley, J.M. | mental health | 2021 |
Autonomy support predicts language mindsets: Implications for developing communicative competence and willingness to communicate in EFL classrooms | Zarrinabadi, N., Lou, N.M., & Shirzad, M. | youth & international contextseducation | 2021 |
The Feasibility of Using Instagram Data to Predict Exercise Identity and Physical Activity Levels: Cross-sectional Observational Study | Liu, S., Perdew, M., Lithopoulos, A., & Rhodes, R.E. | physical health | 2021 |
Family-based nutrition interventions for obesity prevention among school-aged children: a systematic review | Perdew, M., Liu, S., & Naylor, P.-J. | physical healthfamily | 2021 |
The Effectiveness of a Blended In-Person and Online Family-Based Childhood Obesity Management Program | Perdew, M., Liu, S., Rhodes, R.E., Ball, G.D.C., Masse, L.C., Hartrick, T., Strange, K., & Naylor, P.-J. | physical healthfamily | 2021 |
Personality and perceived stress during COVID-19 pandemic: Testing the mediating role of perceived threat and efficacy | Liu, S., Lithopoulos, A., Zhang, C.-Q., Garcia-Barrera, M.A., & Rhodes, R.E. | Covid-19mental health | 2021 |
Examining the Effectiveness of the WITS Programs in the Context of Variability in Trajectories of Child Development | Leadbeater, B., Sukhawathanakul, P., Rush, J., Merrin, G., & Lewis, N. | educationengagementmental health | 2021 |
Socially responsible children: A link between school climate and aggression and victimization | da Cunha, J.M., Thomas, K.J., Sukhawathanakul, P., Santo, J.B., & Leadbeater, B. | educationmental health | 2021 |
Longitudinal cohort study of injury type, settings, treatment and costs in British Columbia youth, 2003–2013 | Leadbeater, B., Contreras, A., Rajabali, F., Zheng, A., Beaulieu, E., & Pike, I. | physical health | 2021 |
Co-Use of Alcohol and Cannabis: Longitudinal Associations with Mental Health Outcomes in Young Adulthood | Thompson, K., Holley, M., Sturgess, C., & Leadbeater, B. | mental health | 2021 |
Longitudinal Relations Between Hypercompetitiveness, Jealousy, and Aggression Across Adolescence | Humphrey, T., & Vaillancourt, T. | engagement | 2021 |
Error Analyses and the Cognitive or Linguistic Influences on Children’s Spelling: Comparisons Between First- and Second-Language Learners | Harrison, G.L. | youth & international contextseducation | 2021 |
Improving phonological awareness with Talking Tables in at-risk kindergarten readers | Hodgins, H., & Harrison, G.L. | inclusioneducation | 2021 |
Does CBM maze assess reading comprehension in 8–9-year olds at-risk for dyslexia? | Pollit, S., & Harrison, G.L. | educationinclusion | 2021 |
Trust, Workload, Outdoor Adventure Leadership, and Organizational Safety Climate | Jackson, J.S., Harper, N.J., & McLean, S. | engagement | 2021 |
A Pedagogy of Play: Reasons to be Playful in Postsecondary Education | Leather, M., Harper, N.J., & Obee, P. | education | 2021 |
The Next Fontier: Wilderness Therapy and the Treatment of Complex Trauma | Pringle, G., Dobud, W.W., & Harper, N.J. | mental health | 2021 |
A Closer Look at Involuntary Treatment and the Use of Transport Service in Outdoor Behavioral Healthcare (Wilderness Therapy) | Harper, N.J., Magnuson, D., & Dobud, W.W. | mental health | 2021 |
Outdoor Therapy: Benefits, Mechanisms and Principles for Activating Health, Wellbeing, and Healing in Nature | Pryor, A., Harper, N.J., & Carpenter, C. | mental health | 2021 |
Nature’s Role in Outdoor Therapies: An Umbrella Review | Harper, N.J., Fernee, C.R., & Gabrielsen, L.E. | education | 2021 |
Why Do Individuals Engage with the Natural World? A Self-Determination Theory Perspective on the Effect of Nature Engagement and Well-Being | Lee, E.S., Maillet, M.A., & Grouzet, F.M.E. | mental healthphysical health | 2021 |
Understanding changes in eating behavior during the transition to university from a self-determination theory perspective: a systematic review | Maillet, M.A., & Grouzet, F.M.E | physical health | 2021 |
Types of outdoor education programs for adolescents in British Columbia: an environmental scan | Gruno, J., & Gibbons, S. | educationphysical health | 2022 |
Benefits and Drawbacks of Police Integration Into Assertive Community Treatment Teams | Costigan, C.L., Woodin, E.M., Duerksen, K.M., & Furguson, R. | engagement | 2021 |
Ethnic and national identity development processes: The role of cultural behaviors and gender. | Quan, C., Costigan, C.L., & Kobayashi, K.M. | youth & international contexts | 2021 |
Religious Identity Formation of Filipino Canadian Youth: Exploring Cluster Differences in Religiosity and Mental Health | Ortiz, D.L., & Costigan, C.L. | youth & international contextsmental health | 2021 |
Met and unmet expectations for parental monitoring knowledge in Chinese Canadian children. | So, V.W.Y., & Costigan, C.L. | familyyouth & international contexts | 2021 |
Intergenerational Trauma: A Scoping Review of Cross-Cultural Applications from 1999 to 2019 | Chou, F., & Buchanan, M.J. | familyyouth & international contextsmental health | 2021 |
Supporting Autistic Adults in Postsecondary Settings: A Systematic Review of Peer Mentorship Programs | Duerksen, K., Besney, R., Ames, M.E., & McMorris, C.A. | inclusioneducation | 2021 |
A Comparison of Psychiatric Concerns in Canadian Adolescents Across School Modalities During the COVID-19 Pandemic | Craig, S.G., Hernandez, C.S., & Ames, M.E. | mental healthCovid-19 | 2021 |
Deliberate self-harm in adolescents during COVID-19: The roles of pandemic-related stress, emotion regulation difficulties, and social distancing | Robillard, C.L., Turner, B.J., Ames, M.E., & Craig, S.G. | mental healthCovid-19 | 2021 |
Prevalence and Correlates of Suicidal Ideation and Deliberate Self-harm in Canadian Adolescents During the Coronavirus Disease 2019 Pandemic | Turner, B.J., Robillard, C.L., Ames, M.E., & Craig, S.G. | Covid-19mental health | 2021 |
Roles of Family Stress, Maltreatment, and Affect Regulation Difficulties on Adolescent Mental Health During COVID-19 | Craig, S.G., Robillard, C.L., Turner, B.J., & Ames, M.E. | mental healthfamilyCovid-19 | 2021 |
Predictors of Early-Onset Cannabis Use in Adolescence and Risks for Substance Use Disorder Symptoms in Young Adulthood | Merrin, G.J., Leadbeater, B.J., Sturgess, C.M.B., Ames, M.E., & Thompson, K. | mental health | 2021 |
Stop self-injuring, then what? Psychosocial risk associated with initiation and cessation of nonsuicidal self-injury from adolescence to early adulthood. | Turner, B.J., Helps, C.E., & Ames, M.E. | mental health | 2021 |
Canadian Mapping of Autism-Specific Supports for Postsecondary Students | Ames, M.E., Coombs, C.E.M., Duerksen, K.N., Vincent, J., & McMorris, C.A. | educationinclusion | 2022 |
“All I do is present what is given to us as the facts”: Progressive sex education and the reproduction of inequality in public school classrooms | Albert, K. | physical healtheducation | 2022 |
Eat, play, live a randomized controlled trial within a natural experiment examining the role of nutrition policy and capacity building in improving food environments in recreation and sport... | Olstad, D. L., Raine K. D., Prowse, R. J. L., Tomlin, D., Kirk, S. F., McIsaac, J.-L. D., Masse, L. C., Caswell, M. S., Hanning, R. M., Milford, T., Naylor, P.-J. | physical health | 2020 |
Baseline Results from the Eat, Play, Live Trial: A Randomized controlled trial within a natural experiment examining the role of nutrition policy and capacity building in improving food environments in recreation... | Olstad, D. L., Prowse, R. J. L., Raine, K. D., Tomlin, D., Kirk, S. F., McIsaac, J.-L. D., Masse, L. C., Caswell, M. S., Hanning, R. H., Milford, T., Naylor, P.-J. | physical health | 2020 |
How satisfied are siblings of homicide victims with police? | Tasker, S.L. | engagement | 2020 |
Weaving place-based education and Coast Salish Knowledge: stories from Salt Spring Island | Streekasky, J. | indigenous youtheducation | 2020 |
Creating identity texts with young children across culturally and linguistically diverse contexts | Streekasky, J. | youth & international contexts | 2020 |
Integrating Perceptions of the School Neighbourhood Environment with Constructs from the Theory of Planned Behaviour When Predicting Transport-related Cycling among Chinese College Students | Zhang, R., Zhang, C.-Q., Wan, K., Hou, Y.-S., Rhodes, R.E. | physical healthyouth & international contexts | 2020 |
Implicit and explicit evaluations of a mass media physical activity campaign: Does everything get better? | Berry, T.R., Yun, L., Faulkner, G., Rhodes, R. | physical health | 2020 |
What happens when the party is over?: Sustaining Physical Activity Behaviors after Intervention Cessation | Mcewan, D., Rhodes, R., Beauchamp, M. | physical health | 2020 |
Family-based habit intervention to promote parent support for child physical activity in Canada: protocol for a randomised trial | Medd, E.R., Beauchamp, M.R., Blanchard, C.M., Carson, V., Gardner, B., Warburton, D.E.R., Rhodes, R.E. | physical health | 2020 |
Consistency tendency and the theory of planned behavior: a randomized controlled crossover trial in a physical activity context | Chan, D., Stenling, A., Yusainy, C., Hikmiah, Z., Ivarsson, A., Hagger, M.S., Rhodes, R.E., Beauchamp, M.R. | physical health | 2020 |
Canadian children's and youth's adherence to the 24-h movement guidelines during the COVID-19 pandemic: a decision tree analysis | Guerrero, M.D., Vanderloo, L., Rhodes, R., Faulkner, G., Moore, S.A., Tremblay, M.S. | physical health | 2020 |
Correlates of Parental Support of Child and Youth Physical Activity: a systematic review | Rhodes, R., Perdrew, M., Malli, S. | physical health | 2020 |
Impact of the COVID-19 virus outbreak on movement and play behaviors of Canadian children and youth: A national survey | Moore, S.A., Faulkner, G., Rhodes, R., Brussoni, M., Chulak-Bozzer, T., Ferguson, L.J., Mitra, R., O'Reilly, N., Spence, J.C., Vanderloo, L.M., Tremblay, M.S. | physical health | 2020 |
Applying a healthy equity tool to assess a public health nursing guideline for practice in sexually transmitted infection assessment in British Columbia | Prescott, C., Shahram, S.Z., Ogilvie, G., Hassam, N., Swalwell Franks, A., Pauly, B. | physical health | 2020 |
Breaking the cycle of survival drinnking: insights from a non-residential, peer-initiated and peer-run managed alcohol program | Pauly, B., King, V., Smith, A., Tranquili-Doherty, S., Wishart, M., Vallance, K., Stockwell, T., Sutherland, C. | mental health | 2020 |
"Accidental Intimacies" : Reconsidering Bodily Encounters Between Police and Young People who use drugs | Selfridge, M., Mitchell, L., Greer, A., Macdonald, S., Pauly, B. | mental health | 2020 |
"It's like super structural" - Overdose experiences of youth who use drugs and police in three non-metropolitan cities across British Columbia | Selfridge, M., Greer, A., Card, K.G., Macdonald, S., Pauly, B. | physical healthmental health | 2020 |
What is needed for implementing drug checking services in the context of the overdose crisis? A qualitative study to explore perspective of potential service users | Wallace, B., van Roode, T., Pagan, F., Phillips, P., Wagner, H., Calder, S., Aasen, J., Pauly, B., Hore, D. | physical health | 2020 |
Body fat acrrual trajectories for a sample of Asian-Canadian and Caucasian-Canadian children and youth: A longitudinal DXA-based study | McConnell-Nzunga, J., Naylor, P.-J., Macdonald, H. M., Rhodes, R. E., Hofer, S. M., McKay, H. A. | physical health | 2020 |
Examining the Efficacy of a 'Feasible' Nudge Intervention to Increase the Purchase of Vegetables by First Year Students (17-19 years of age) in British Columbia: A pilot study | Mistura, M., Fetterly, N., Rhodes, R., Tomlin, D., Naylor, P.-J. | physical health | 2020 |
Predicting personal physical activity of parents during participation in a family intervention targeting their children | Rhodes, R., Quinlan, A., Naylor, P.-J., Warburton, D., Blanchard, C. M. | physical health | 2020 |
Adoption, implementation and sustainability of school-based physical activity and sedentary behavior interventions in real-world setting: a systematic review | Cassar, S., Salmo, J., Timperio, A., Naylor, P.-J., van Nassau, F., Contardo Ayala, A. M., Koorts, H | physical health | 2020 |
Implementation and scale-up of physical activity and behavioral nutrition interventions: an evaluation roadmap | McKay, H., Naylor, P.-J., Lau, E. Y., Gray, S. M., Wolfenden, L., Milat, A., Bauman, A., Race, D., Nettlefold, L., Sims-Gould, J. | physical health | 2020 |
Exploring the physical activity and screen-viewing-related knowledge, training, and self-efficacy of early childhood education candidates | Bruijns, B. A., Adamo, K. B., Burke, S. M., Carson, V., Irwin, J. D., Naylor, P.-J., Timmons, B. W., Vanderloo, L. M., Tucker, P. | education | 2020 |
A longitudinal examination of the accuracy of perceived physical competence in Middle Childhood | Field, S. C., Crane, J. R., Naylor, P.-J., Temple, V. A. | physical health | 2020 |
Prevalence and Relationships among physical activity policy, environment, and practices in licensed child care centers from a manager and staff perspective | McConnell-Nzunga, J., Masse, C. L., Buckler, E. J., Carson, V., Faulkner, G. E., Lau, E. Y., McKay, H. A., Temple, V. A., Wolfenden, L., Naylor, P.-J. | physical health | 2020 |
Child Care Setting and Its Association with Policies and Practices that Promote Physical Activty and Physical Literacy in the Early Years in British Columbia | McConnell-Nzunga, J., Weatherson, K. A., Masse, L., Carson, V., Faulkner, G., Lau, E., McKay, H., Temple, V., Wolfenden, L., Naylor, P.-J. | physical health | 2020 |
A real world feasibility trial of the PLAY shop: an intervention to facilitate parent engagement in developing their child's physical literacy | Lane, C., Carson, V., Morton, K., Reno, K., Wright, C., Predy, M., & Naylor, P.-J. | familyphysical health | 2021 |
Impact of a Capacity-Building intervention on Food Marketing Features in Recreation Facilities | Prowse, R., Naylor, P.-J., Olstad, D. L., Storey, K., Carson, V., Masse, L. C., Kirk, S. F. L., Raine, K. D. | physical health | 2020 |
Evaluation of an intervention to increase student motivation and enrollment in physical education | Sulz, L., Gibbons, S., Naylor, PJ., Wharf-Higgins, J. | physical health | 2020 |
A Pragmatic Feasibility Trial Examining the Effect of Job Embedded Professional Development on Teachers' Capacity to Provide Physical Literacy Enriched Physical Education in Elementary Schools | Wright, C., Buxcey, JS., Gibbons, S., Cairney, J., Barrette, M., Naylor, P.-J. | education | 2020 |
What hinders and helps academics to conduct Dissemination and Implementation (D&I) research in the field of nutrition and physical activity? An international perspective | Koorts, H., Naylor, P.-J., Laws, R. A., Love, P., Maple, J.-L., van Nassau, F. | physical health | 2020 |
Parent Reports of Executive Function Associated with Functional Communication and Conversational Skills Among School Age Children with and without Autism Spectrum Disorder | Hutchison, S. M., Mueller, U., Iarocci, G. | mental health | 2020 |
The Relationship between epistemic cognition and dialogic feedback in elementary and middle school science classrooms | Rinehart, R. W., Kuhn, M., Milford, T. | education | 2020 |
Feasibility and potential benefits of an attention and executive function intervention on metacognition in a mixed pediatric sample | Macoun, S. J., Pyne, S., MacSween, J., Lewis, J., Sheehan, J. | physical healthmental health | 2020 |
Evaluation of the Scale-Up and Implementation of Mind, Exercise, Nutrition…Do it! (MEND) in British Columbia: A Hybrid Trial Type 3 Evaluation | Liu, S., Weismiller, J., Strange, K., Forster-Coull, L., Bradbury, J., Warshawski, T., Naylor, P.-J. | physical health | 2020 |
The role of idenity in parental support for physical activity and healthy eating among overweight and obese children | Lithopoulos, A., Liu, S., Rhodes, R., Narlor, P.-J. | physical health | 2020 |
"I never thought I would live in an era where a #plant was the centre of such #controversy": Geographic Differences in Cannabis conversation on Twitter | Van Draanen, J., Tao, H., Liu, S. | physical healthmental health | 2020 |
Male-dominated occupations and substance use disorders in young adulthood | Leadbeater, B. J., Ames, M. E., Contreras, A. | workmental health | 2020 |
Disruption of Transitions in High-Risk Substance Use from Adolescence to Young Adulthood: School, Employment, and Romantic Relationship Factors | Merrin, G. J., Ames, M.E., Sturgess, C., Leadbeater, B. J. | mental health | 2020 |
The influence of emotional support from Parents, Peers, and Romantic Partners on Changes in Purpose in Life and Mastery in Young Adulthood | Sukhawathanakul, P., Ames, M. E., Leadbeater, B. J. | family | 2020 |
Patterns of marijuana use and physical health indicators among Canadian youth | Ames, M. E., Leadbeater, B. J., Merrin, G. J., Thompson, K. | physical health | 2020 |
Trajectories of peer victimization in elementary school children: Associations with changes in internalizing, externalizing, social competence, and school climate | Sukhawathanakul, P., Leadbeater, B. | mental healtheducation | 2020 |
Representations of natural environments, recurring characters and ways of living with the land in children's retellings of First Nations oral narratives | Allen, J. W., Lalonde, C. E. | indigenous youth | 2020 |
I dodged the stigma bullet': Canadian sex workers' situatied responses to occupational stigma | Benoit, C., Maurice, R., Abel, G., Smith, M., Jansson, M., Healey, P., Magnuson, D. | work | 2020 |
Articulating outdoor risky play in early childhood education: voices of forest and nature school practitioners | Harper, NJ., Obee, P. | education | 2020 |
Adventure Therapy and Routine Outcome Monitoring of Treatment: The Time is Now | Cavanaugh, DL., Dobud, W., Harper, NJ. | mental health | 2020 |
Children's use of environmental features affording risky play in early childhood education and care | Obee, P., Sandseter, E. B. H., & Harper, N. J. | education | 2020 |
A case study exploring the 'real world' process of 'naturalizing' school playgrounds | Harper, N. J., Lim, C., Alqallaf, H., & Naylor, P.-J. | education | 2020 |
Incorporating Nature-Based Physical Activity in Physical and Health Education | Gibbons, S., Gruno, J. | educationphysical health | 2020 |
Lessons Learned from Norway on Risky Play in Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC) | Obee, P., Sandseter, E. B. H., Gerlach, A., & Harper, N. J., | educationyouth & international contexts | 2020 |
Play-Based Learning: Evidence-Based Research to Improve Children's Learning Experiences in the Kindergarten Classroom | Taylor, M. E., Boyer, W. | education | 2020 |
Police discretion to charge young people who use drugs prior to cannabis legaization in British Columbia, Canada: a brief report of quantitative findings | Greer, A., Sorge, J., Selfridge, M., Benoit, C., Jansson, M., Macdonald, S. | physical health | 2020 |
Commentary-Problematic substance use or problematic substance use policies? | Stockwel, T., Benoit, C., Card, K., Sherk, A. | physical health | 2020 |
Event-level outcomes of police interactions with young people in three non-metropolitan cities across British Columbia, Canada | Card, K. G., Selfridge, M., Greer, A. M., Hepburn, K. J., Fournier, A. B., Sorge, J., Urbanoski, K., Pauly, B., Lachowsky, N. J., Macdonald, S. | engagement | 2020 |
The Relative Quality of Sex Work | Benoit, C., Smith, M., Jansson, M., Healey. P., Magnuson, D. | work | 2020 |
Early Assessment of Integrated Knowledge Translation Efforts to Mobilize Sex Workers in Their Communities | Benoit, C., Unsworth, R. | work | 2020 |
Creating suicide-safer communities in British Columbia: A focused ethnography | Ranahan, P., White, J. | mental health | 2019 |
Re-thinking ethics and politics in suicide prevention: Bringing narrative ideas into dialogue with critical suicide studies | White, J., Morris, J. | mental health | 2019 |
Chronic medical conditions and suicidal behaviors in a nationally representative sample of American adolescents | Dean-Boucher, A., Robillard, C. L., Turner, B. J. | mental health | 2019 |
Does higher-than-usual stress predict nonsuicidal self-injury? Evidence from two prospective studies in adolescent and emerging adult females | Miller, A. B., Eisenlohr-Moul, T., Glenn, C. R., Turner, B. J., Chapman, A. L., Nock, M. K., Prinstein, M. J. | mental health | 2019 |
Experiencing and resisting strong urges for non-suicidal self-injury in everyday life | Turner, B. J., Baglole, J. S., Gratz, K. L., Chapman, A. L. | mental health | 2019 |
Valuing children's voices across diverse global contexts: A gallery exhibit of children's multimodal art | Streekasky, J. | youth & international contextsfamily | 2019 |
Toward a Better Assessment of perceived Social influence: the relative role of significant others on young athletes | Chan, D., Keegan, R. J., Lee, A. S., Yang, S. X., Zhang, L., Rhodes, R. E., Lonsdale, C. | youth & international contexts | 2019 |
Population-level evaluations of ParticiACTION's 150 Play list: a mass-reach campaign with mass participatory events | Berry, T. R., Yun, L., Faulkner, G., Latimer-Cheung, A. E., O'Rielly, N., Rhodes, R. E., Spence, J. C., Tremblay, M. S., Vanderloo, L. M. | physical health | 2019 |
Parental Support of the Canadian 24-hour movement guidelines for children and youth: prevalence and correlates | Rhodes, R., Spence, J. C., Berry, T. R., Faulkner, G., Latimer-Cheung, A. E., O'Rielly, N., Tremblay, M. S., Vanderloo, L. | physical health | 2019 |
Lost in knowledge translation: Media framing of physical activity and sport participation | Dottori, M., Faulkner, G., Rhodes, R., O'Rielly, N., Vanderloo, L., Abeza, G. | physical health | 2019 |
Consistent Morning Exercise may be beneficial for individuals with obesity | Schumacher, L. M., Thomas, J. G., Raynor, H. A., Rhodes, R., Bond, D. S. | physical health | 2019 |
Supporting Harm Reduction through Peer Support (SHARPS): testing the feasibility and acceptability of a peer-delivered, relational intervention for people with problems | Parkes, T., Matheson, C., Carver, H., Budd, J., Liddell, D., Wallance, J., Pauly, B., Fotopoulou, M., Burley, A., Anderson, I., MacLennan, G., Foster, R. | mental health | 2019 |
"There is a place": impacts of managed alcohol programs for people experiencing severe alcohol dependence and homelessness | Pauly, B., Brown, M., Evans, J., Gray, E., Schiff, R., Ivsins, A., Krysowaty, B., Vallance, K., Stockwell, T. | mental health | 2019 |
Managed alcohol programs in the context of Housing First | Schiff, R., Pauly, B., Vallance, K., Ivsins, A. Brown, M., Gray, E., Krysowaty, B., Evans, J. | mental health | 2019 |
Principles, practices, and policy vacuums: policy actor views on provincial/territorial harm reduction policy in Canada | Hyshka, E., Anderson-Baron, J., Pugh, A.Belle-Isle, L., Hathaway, A., Pauly, B., Strike, C., Asbridge, M., Dell, C., McBride, K., Tupper, K., Wild, T. C. | engagement | 2019 |
Healthy vending contracts: Do localized policy approaches improve the nutrition environment in publicly funded recreation and sport facilities? | Lane, C., Naylor, P.-J., Tomlin, D., Kirk, S., Hanning, R., Massee, L., Olstad, D. L., Prowse, R., Caswell, S., Jarvis, S., Milford, T., Raine, K. | physical health | 2019 |
Effects of Positive Parenting on Mental Health in Adolescents with Learning Disabilities | Lawrence, BC., Harrison, GL., Milford, T. | mental health | 2019 |
Family-based, healthy living intervention for children with overweight and obesity and their families: a 'real world' trail using a randomised wait list control design | Liu, S., Marques,I. G., Perdew, M. A., Strange, K., Hartrick, T., Weismiller, J., Ball, G. D. C., Mâsse, L. C., Rhodes, R., Naylor, P.-J. | physical health | 2019 |
Keeping up with the times: how national public health and governmental organizations communicate about cannabis on Twitter | Van Draanen, J., Krishna, T.,Tsang, C., Liu S., | physical health | 2019 |
Adolescent patterns of peer victimization: Concurrent and longitudinal health correlates | Ames, M. E., Leadbeater, B. J., Merrin, G. J., Sturgees, C. M. B. | mental health | 2019 |
Marijuana trajectories and associations with driving risk behaviors in Canadian youth | Sukhawathanakul, P., Thompson, K., Brubacher, J., Leadbeater, B. J. | mental health | 2019 |
Is there a positive side to sensation seeking? Trajectories of sensation seeking and impulsivity may have unique outcomes in young adulthood | Yoneda, T., Ames, M. E., Leadbeater, B. J. | mental health | 2019 |
What are constructive anxiety levels in wilderness therapy? An exploratory pilot sutdy | Fernee, CR., Garbielsen, LE., Harper, N. | mental health | 2019 |
Client perspectives on wilderness therapy as a component of adolescent residential treatment for problematic substance use and mental health issues | Harper, NJ., Mott, A., Obee, P | mental health | 2019 |
A Case Study of the Rock Climbing Self-Efficacy of High School Students | Boudreau, P., Gibbons, S. | physical health | 2019 |
Using Food Models to Enhance Sugar Literacy among Older Adolescents: Evaluation of a Brief Experiential Nutrition Education Intervention | Gibbons, S., Naylor, PJ., Santalo, M. | education | 2019 |
Connecting Teacher Leadership and Servant Leadership: A Synergistic Partnership | Crippen, CL., Willows, J. | education | 2019 |
Trauma-Focused Family Therapy with Children and their Families | Boyer, W. | family | 2019 |
Imitation and Social Communications in Infants | Janika, L., Boyer, W. | family | 2019 |
Mental health literacy for refugee youth: A cultural approach | Marshall, E. A., Begoray, D. L. | mental healthyouth & international contexts | 2019 |
Foster Care as a Support System for Early Leavers | Magnusson, D., Jansson, M., Benoit, C. | family | 2019 |
Effectiveness of Anecdotes and Logically False Arguments to Refute Analysis on Systematically Collected Data | Benoit, C., Smith, M., Jansson, M., Healey. P., Magnusson, D. | education | 2019 |
Unlinking prostitution and sex trafficking: response to commentaries | Benoit, C., Smith, M., Jansson, M., Healey, P., Magnuson, D. | work | 2019 |
From risky places to safe spaces: Re-assembling spaces and places in Vancouver's Downtown Eastside | Ivsins, A., Benoit, C., Kobayashi, K., Boyd, S. | work | 2019 |
Canadian sex workers weigh the costs and benefits of disclosing their occupational status to health providers | Benoit, C., Smith, M., Jansson, M., Magnus, S., Maurice, R., Flagg, J., Reist, D. | work | 2019 |
"People like us": spatialised notions of health, stigma, power and subjectivity among women in street sex work | Orchard, T., Murie, A., Elash, HL., Bunch, M., Middleton, C., Sadakhom, D., Oiamo, T., Benoit, C., | work | 2019 |
"The prostitution problem": Claims, evidence, and policy outcomes | Benoit, C., Smith, M., Jansson, M., Healey. P., Magnusson, D. | work | 2019 |
Reproduction of Chinese transnationalism: Ambivalent identities in study abroad | Anderson, T. | education | 2019 |
News media representations of international and refugee postsecondary students | Anderson, T. | youth & international contexts | 2019 |
Writing a Manuscript Style Dissertation in TESOL/Applied Linguistics | Anderson, T., Okuda, T. | education | 2019 |
Affective mental contrasting to enhance physical activity: A randomized controlled trial | Ruissen, G. R., Rhodes, R. E., Crocker, P. R. E., Beauchamp, M. R. | mental health | 2018 |
Promoting parent and child physical activity together: Elicitation of potential intervention targets and preferences | Rhodes, R. E., Lim, C. | physical health | 2018 |
The utility of physical activity micro-grants: the ParticipACTION teen challenge program | Ramanathan, S., White, L., Luciani, A., Berry, T. R., Deshpande, S., Latimer-Cheung, A. E., O’Reilly, N., Rhodes, R. E., Spence, J. C., Faulkner, G. | physical health | 2018 |
Effects of acute aerobic exercise or meditation on emotional regulation | Edwards, M. K., Rhodes, R. E., Mann, J. R., Loprinzi, P. D. | physical health | 2018 |
Mediating mechanisms in a physical activity intervention: a test of habit formation | Kaushal, N., Rhodes, R.E., Meldrum, J. T., Spence, J. C. | physical health | 2018 |
Associations of parenthood with physical activity, sedentary behavior, and sleep | Carson, V., Adamo, K., Rhodes, R. E. | physical health | 2018 |
Family exergaming: Correlates and preferences | Rhodes, R. E., Nwachukwu, N., Quinlan, A. | familyphysical health | 2018 |
Understanding Physical Activity Motivation and Behavior Through Self-Determination and Servant Leadership Theories in a Feasibility Study | Gray, S. M., Higgins, J. W., Rhodes, R. E. | physical health | 2018 |
Understanding physical activity through interactions between the built environment and social cognition: A systematic review | Rhodes, R. E., Saelens, B. E., Sauvage-Mar, C. | physical health | 2018 |
Efficacy of online multi-player versus single-player exergames on adherence behaviors among children: A nonrandomized control trial | Kaos, M. D., Beauchamp, M. R., Bursick, S., Latimer-Cheung, A. E., Hernandez, H., Warburton, D. E. R., Yao, C., Ye, Z., Graham, T. C. N., Rhodes, R. E. | literacy | 2018 |
Use of in-home stationary cycling equipment among parents in a family-based randomized trial intervention | Rhodes, R. E., Beauchamp, M. R., Blanchard, C. M., Bredin, S. S. D., Warburton, D. E. R., Maddison, R. | physical health | 2018 |
Effects of home‐based exergaming on child social cognition and subsequent prediction of behavior | Rhodes, R. E., Kaos, M. D., Beauchamp, M. R., Bursick, S. K., Latimer‐Cheung, A. E., Hernandez, H., Warburton, D. E.R., Ye, Z., Graham, T. C. N. | mental health | 2018 |
Leadership approaches in group physical activity: a systematic review | Gray, S. M., Rhodes, R. E | physical health | 2018 |
A daily diary approach to investigate the effect of ego depletion on intentions and next day behavior | Rebar, A. L., Dimmock, J. A.., Rhodes, R. E., Jackson, B. | mental health | 2018 |
The Prospective Association Between the Five Factor Personality Model With Health Behaviors and Health Behavior Clusters | Joyner, C., Rhodes, R. E., Loprinzi, P. D. | physical healthmental health | 2018 |
Role of parental and environmental characteristics in toddlers’ physical activity and screen time: Bayesian analysis of structural equation models | Eun-Young Lee, Kylie D. Hesketh, Ryan E. Rhodes, Christina M. Rinaldi, John C. Spence & Valerie Carson | physical health | 2018 |
Assessing the social climate of physical (in)activity in Canada | Yun, L., Vanderloo, L., Berry, T. R., Latimer-Cheung, A. E., O’Reilly, N., Rhodes, R. E., Spence, J. C., Tremblay, M. S., Faulkner, G. | physical health | 2018 |
The short-term effects of a mass reach physical activity campaign: an evaluation using hierarchy of effects model and intention profiles | Berry, T. R., Rhodes, R. E., Ori, E. M., McFadden, K., Faulkner, G., Latimer-Cheung, A. E.,. O’Reilly, N., Spence, J. C., Tremblay, M. S., Vanderloo, L. M. | physical health | 2018 |
Factors associated with public injection and nonfatal overdose among people who inject drugs in street-based settings | Vallance, K., Pauly, B., Wallace, B., Chow, C., Perkin, K., Martin, G., Zhao, J., Stockwell, T. | mental health | 2018 |
Sheltering risks: Implementation of harm reduction in homeless shelters during an overdose emergency | Wallace, B., Barber, K., Pauly, B. | physical health | 2018 |
Does managing the consumption of people with severe alcohol dependence reduce harm? A comparison of participants in six Canadian managed alcohol programs with locally recruited controls | Stockwell, T., Pauly, B., Chow, C., Erickson, R. A., Krysowaty, B., Roemer, A., Vallance, K., Wettlaufer, A., Zhao, J. | physical health | 2018 |
Counting the cold ones: A comparison of methods measuring total alcohol consumption of managed alcohol program participants | Chow, C., Wettlaufer, A., Zhao, J., Stockwell, T., Pauly, B., Vallance, K. | physical health | 2018 |
How do people with homelessness and alcohol dependence cope when alcohol is unaffordable? A comparison of residents of Canadian managed alcohol programs and locally recruited controls | Erickson, R. A., Stockwell, T., Pauly, B., Chow, C., Roemer, A., Zhao, J., Vallance, K., Wettlaufer, A. | mental health | 2018 |
Managed alcohol programs: Is it time for a more radical approach to reduce harms for people experiencing homelessness and alcohol use disorders? | Stockwell, T. & Pauly, B. | mental health | 2018 |
Community managed alcohol programs in Canada: Overview of key dimensions and implementation | Pauly, B., Vallance, K., Wettlaufer, A., Chow, C., Brown, R., Evans, J., Gray, E., Krysowaty, B., Ivsins, A., Schiff, R., Stockwell, T. | physical health | 2018 |
Participant, peer and PEEP: considerations and strategies for involving people who have used illicit substances as assistants and advisors in research | Greer, A. M., Amlani, A., Pauly, B., Burmeister, C., Buxton, J. A. | | 2018 |
Identifying Neighborhoods at Potential Risk of Food Insecurity in Rural British Columbia | Behjat, A., Ostry, A., Miewald, C., Pauly, B. | physical health | 2018 |
Teaching HIV-specific content for pre-licensure nursing and health professions students: a review and synthesis | Phillips, J. C., Caine, V., Dewart, G., de Padua, A. dela Cruz, A. M. Rickards, T., McGinn, M., Cator, S., Pauly, B., Gagnon, M. | physical health | 2018 |
Different clinical presentations in eating disorder patients with non-suicidal self-injury based on the co-occurrence of borderline personality disorder | Claes, L., Turner, B., Dierckx, E., Luyckx, K., Verschueren, M., Schoevaerts, K. | mental health | 2018 |
Fatigue moderates the relationship between perceived stress and suicidal ideation: Evidence from two high-resolution studies | Kleiman, E. M., Turner, B. J., Chapman, A. L., Nock, M. K. | mental health | 2018 |
Oppositional Defiant Disorder and Conduct Disorder | Turner, B. J., Hu, C., Villa, J. P., Nock, M. K. | mental health | 2018 |
Personality pathology and intentional self-harm: cross-cutting insights from categorical and dimensional models | Turner, B.J., Jin, H. M., Anestis, M. D., Dixon-Gordon, K. L., Gratz, K. L. | mental health | 2018 |
Digital phenotyping of suicidal thoughts | Kleiman, E. M., Turner, B.J., Fedor, S., Beale, E. E., Picard, R. W., Huffman, J. C., Nock, M. K. | mental health | 2018 |
Is the association of deliberate self-harm with emotional relief stable or dependent on emotional context? | Gratz, K. L., Tull, M. T., Dixon-Gordon, K. L., Turner, B. J., Chapman, A. L. | mental health | 2018 |
How Self-Employed Women with Children Manage Multiple Life Roles Illustration of how self-employed mothers manage multiple life roles | Breen, R. E. H., Tasker, S. L., Hiebert, B. | family | 2018 |
Impact of adventure-based approaches on the self-conceptions of middle school physical education students. | Gibbons, S.L., Ebbeck, V., Gruno, J., Battey, G. | physical health | 2018 |
Girls in Action: Fostering relatedness in and beyond physical and health education | Gruno, J., Gibbons, S.L., Condie, R., Wilton, D. | physical health | 2018 |
Young women's perceptions of parents' romantic relationships in the context of parental divorce: A qualitative study | Collardeau, F. Ehrenberg, M. | family | 2018 |
What influences physical activity provision in after-school childcare in the absence of policy guidance? A qualitative exploration | MacFarlane, K., Higgins, J. W., Naylor, P-J. | physical health | 2018 |
Classification of obesity varies between body mass index and direct measures of body fat in boys and girls of Asian and European ancestry | McConnell-Nzunga, J., Naylor, P-J., Macdonald, H., Rhodes, R. E., Hofer, S. M., McKay, H. | physical health | 2018 |
The effect of a physical activity intervention on preschoolers’ fundamental motor skills—A cluster RCT | Wasenius, N. S., Grattan, K. P., Harvey, A. L. J., Naylor, P-J., Goldfield, G. S., Adamo, K. B. | physical health | 2018 |
The physical activity and sedentary behaviour patterns of children in kindergarten and Grade 2 | Crane, J.R., Naylor, P.-J., Temple, V.A. | physical health | 2018 |
Exploring Nutrition Labelling of Food and Beverages in Vending Machines in Canadian Recreational Sport Settings | Prowse, R. J. L., Tomlin, D. L., Naylor, P., Raine, K. D. | physical health | 2018 |
Reliability and validity of a novel tool to comprehensively assess food and beverage marketing in recreational sport settings | Prowse, R. J. L., Naylor, P.-J., Olstad, D. L., Carson, V., Storey, K., Mâsse, L. C., Kirk, S. F. L., Raine, K. D. | physical health | 2018 |
Sex work and three dimensions of self-esteem: self-worth, authenticity and self-efficacy | Benoit, C., Smith, M., Jansson, M., Magnus, S., Flagg, J., Maurice, R. | work | 2018 |
Early Trouble, Long‐Term Consequences: Does Family Instability Keep People from Doctors? | Evans, E. J., McCarthy, B., Benoit, C., Jansson, M. | family | 2018 |
Food marketing in recreational sport settings in Canada: a cross-sectional audit in different policy environments using the Food and beverage Marketing Assessment Tool for Settings (FoodMATS) | Prowse, R. J. L., Naylor, P.-J., Olstad, D. L., Carson, V., Storey, K., Mâsse, L. C., Kirk, S. F. L., Raine, K. D. | physical health | 2018 |
Prostitution stigma and its effect on the working conditions, personal lives, and health of sex workers | Benoit, C., Jansson, S. M., Smith, M., Flagg, J. | work | 2018 |
Poverty, material hardship, and mental health among workers in three front-line service occupations | McCarthy, B., Carter, A., Jansson, M., Benoit, C., Finnigan, R. | work | 2018 |
Accumulating (Dis)advantage: Do Social Bonds Mediate the Relationship Between Multiple Childhood Adversities and Persistent Offending? | Humphrey, T., Van Brunschot, E. G. | family | 2018 |
Drawing links between the autism cognitive profile and imagination: Executive function and processing bias in imaginative drawings by children with and without autism | Ten Eycke, K., Müller, U. | mental health | 2018 |
Monitoring Freshman College Experience Through Content Analysis of Tweets: Observational Study | Liu, S., Zhu, M., Young, S. D. | education | 2018 |
Marijuana trajectories in Canadian youth: Associations with substance use and mental health. | Thompson, K., Merrin, G. J., Ames, M. E., Leadbeater, B. | mental health | 2018 |
Age‐varying effects of cannabis use frequency and disorder on symptoms of psychosis, depression and anxiety in adolescents and adults | Leadbeater, B. J., Ames, M. E., & Linden, C. A. N. | mental health | 2018 |
How Program Users Enhance Fidelity: Implementing the WITS Programs in Rural Canadian Elementary Schools. | Leadbeater, B., Thompson, K., Sukhawathanakul, P., Merrin, G. J. | education | 2018 |
Ethical challenges in promoting the implementation of preventive interventions: Report of the SPR task force | Leadbeater, B. J., Dishion, T., Sandler, I., Bradshaw, C. P., Dodge, K., Gottfredson, D., Graham, P. W., Johnson, S. L., Maldonado-Molina, M. M., Mauricio, A. M., Smith, E. P. | engagement | 2018 |
The role of wilderness therapy for adolescents in the face of global trends of urbanization and technification | Gabrielsen, L. E., Harper, N. J. | mental health | 2018 |
Of Dodo birds and the common factors: A scoping review of adventure therapy direct comparison trials | Dobud, W., & Harper, N. J. | mental health | 2018 |
Self-regulation of student drinking behavior: Strength-energy and self-determination theory perspectives. | Carey, T. M., Maillet, M. A., & Grouzet, F. M. E. | physical health | 2018 |
Thinking and Researching Relationally: Enacting Decolonizing Methodologies With an Indigenous Early Childhood Program in Canada | Gerlach, A. J. | indigenous youth | 2018 |
Prioritizing Relationships and Relational Practices with Families Experiencing Social Marginalization | Gerlach, A., Elliot, D. | family | 2018 |
Factors predicating the stratified academic achievement trajectories of foreign-born Canadian adolescents: A population based study | Gagne, M. H., Schonert-Reichl, K., Costigan, C., Guhn, M., Shapkia, J. D. | youth & international contexts | 2018 |
Effects of preparatory and action planning instructions on situation-specific and general fruit and snack intake | de Bruijn, G-J., Nguyen, M. H., Rhodes, R. E., van Osch, L. | physical health | 2017 |
Physical activity for children in elementary schools: time for a rethink? | Beauchamp, M. R., Rhodes, R. E., Nigg, C. R. | physical health | 2017 |
Parent support for children’s physical activity: a qualitative investigation of barriers and strategies | Bassett-Gunter, R., Rhodes, R., Sweet, S.,Tristani, L., Soltani, Y. | physical health | 2017 |
Increasing physical activity through principles of habit formation in new gym members: a randomized controlled trial | Kaushal, N., Rhodes, R. E., Spence, J. C., Meldrum, J. T. | physical health | 2017 |
Physical activity: Health impact, prevalence, correlates and interventions | Rhodes, R. E Janssen, I., Bredin, S. S. D., Warburton, D. E. R., Bauman, A. | physical health | 2017 |
The role of habit in different phases of exercise | Kaushal, N., Rhodes, R.E., Meldrum, J. T., Spence, J. C. | physical health | 2017 |
A pilot study exploring the use of a telephone-assisted planning intervention to promote parental support for physical activity among children and youth with disabilities | Tanna, S., Arbour-Nicitopoulos, K., Rhodes, R. E., Bassett-Gunter, R. | physical health | 2017 |
A randomized control intervention investigating the effects of acute exercise on emotional regulation | Edwards, M. K., Rhodes, R. E., Loprinzi, P. D. | physical health | 2017 |
Conceptualizing and defining the intention construct for future physical activity research | Rhodes, R.E. & Rebar, A. L. | physical health | 2017 |
Psychometric Properties of a Parental Questionnaire for Assessing Correlates of Toddlers’ Physical Activity and Sedentary Behavior | Carson, V., Hesketh, K. D., Rhodes, R. E., Rinaldi, C., Rodgers, W., Spence, J. C. | physical health | 2017 |
Meeting new Canadian 24-Hour Movement Guidelines for the Early Years and associations with adiposity among toddlers living in Edmonton, Canada | Lee, E-Y., Hesketh, K. D., Hunter, S., Kuzik, N., Rhodes, R. E., Rinaldi, C. M., Spence, J. C., Carson, V. | physical health | 2017 |
Stationary cycling exergame use among inactive children in the family home: a randomized trial | Rhodes, R. E., Blanchard, C. M., Bredin, S. S. D., Beauchamp, M. R., Maddison, R., Warburton, D. E. R. | physical health | 2017 |
Evaluation of a physical activity intervention for new parents: protocol paper for a randomized trial | Quinlan, A., Rhodes, R. E., Beauchamp, M. R., Downs, D. S., Warburton, D. E.R., Blanchard, C. M. | physical health | 2017 |
Disrupting Standard Mode: A Big Picture Story of Family Inclusion in Substance Use Services | McCune, S., Pauly, B., VanBoven, S. | mental healthfamily | 2017 |
Pandemic Preparedness in the Homeless Sector: Reports from Homeless People | Schiff, J. W., Pauly, B., Schiff, R. A. | physical health | 2017 |
Canadian harm reduction policies: a comparative content analysis of provincial and territorial documents, 2000–2015 | Wild, T. C., Pauly, B., Belle-Isle, L., Cavalieri, W., Elliott, R., Strike, C., Tupper, K., Hathaway, A., Dell, C., MacPherson, D., Sinclair, C., Karekezi, K., Tan, B., Hyshka, E. | physical health | 2017 |
The role of knowledge brokers: lessons from a community based research study of cultural safety in relation to people who use drugs | McCall, J., Mollison, A., Browne, A., Parker, J., Pauly, B. | physical health | 2017 |
Harm reduction in name, but not substance: a comparative analysis of current Canadian provincial and territorial policy frameworks | Hyshka, E., Anderson-Baron, J., Karekezi, K., Belle-Isle, L., Elliott, R., Pauly, B., Strike, C., Asbridge, M., Dell, C., McBride, K., Hathaway, A., Wild, T. C. | physical health | 2017 |
Xpey’Relational Environments: an analytic framework for conceptualizing Indigenous health equity | Alexandra, K., Charlotte, L., Jeannine, C., MacDonald, M., Pauly, B. | indigenous youth | 2017 |
Characterizing interpersonal difficulties among young adults who engage in nonsuicidal self-injury using a daily diary | Turner, B. J., Wakefield, M. A., Gratz, K. L., Chapman, A. L. | mental health | 2017 |
Borderline personality disorder and the effects of instructed emotional avoidance or acceptance in daily life | Chapman, A. L., Rosenthal, M. Z., Dixon-Gordon, K. L., Turner, B. J., Kuppens, P | mental health | 2017 |
Examination of real-time fluctuations in suicidal ideation and its risk factors: Results from two ecological momentary assessment studies. | Kleiman, E. M., Turner, B. J., Fedor, S., Beale, E. E., Huffman, J. C., Nock, M. K. | mental health | 2017 |
Examining the reach of a brief alcohol intervention service in routine practice at a level 1 trauma center | Turner, B. J., McCann, B. S., Dunn, C. W., Darnell, D. A., Beam, C. R., Kleiber, B., Nelson, K. M., Fukunaga, R. | physical health | 2017 |
Are there sensitive periods when child maltreatment substantially elevates suicide risk? Results from a nationally representative sample of adolescents | Gomez, S. H., Tse, J., Wang, Y., Turner, B., Millner, A. J., Nock, M. K., Dunn, E. C. | mental health | 2017 |
Emotion regulation in borderline personality disorder: an experimental investigation of the effects of instructed acceptance and suppression | Dixon-Gordon, K. L., Turner, B. J., Rosenthal, M. Z., Chapman, A. L. | mental health | 2017 |
Urban and suburban children's experiences with school travel – A case study | Race, D. L., Sims-Gould, J. Lee, N. C., Frazer, A. D., Voss, C., Naylor, P-J., McKay, H. A. | education | 2017 |
Longitudinal change in the relationship between fundamental motor skills and perceived competence: kindergarten to grade 2 | Crane, J. R., Foley, J. T., Naylor, P-J., Temple, V. A. | physical health | 2017 |
Effects of a preschool intervention on physical activity and body composition | Adamo, K. B., Wasenius, N. S., Grattan, K. P., Harvey, A. L. J., Naylor,P-J., Barrowman, N. J., Goldfield, G. S. | physical health | 2017 |
Instability and caregiving in the lives of street‐involved youth from foster care | Magnuson, D., Jansson, M., Benoit, C., Kennedy, M.C | family | 2017 |
Managing Conflict: An Examination of Three-Way Alliances in Canadian Escort and Massage Businesses | Casey, L., McCarthy, B., Phillips, R., Benoit, C., Jansson, M., Magnus, S., Atchison, C., Reimer, B., Reist, D., Shaver, F. M. | work | 2017 |
Community Empowerment & Transformative Learning among Sex Workers | Benoit, C., Belle-Isle, L., Michaela, S., Phillips, R.,Shumka, L., Atchison, C., Jansson, M., Loppie, C. | work | 2017 |
Public drinking venues as risk environments: Commercial sex, alcohol and violence in a large informal settlement in Nairobi, Kenya | Roth, E. A., Benoit, C., Jansson, M., Hallsgrimdottir, H. | work | 2017 |
“Well, it should be changed for one, because it’s our bodies”: Sex workers’ views on Canada’s punitive approach towards sex work | Benoit, C., Jansson, M., Smith, M., Flagg, J. | work | 2017 |
Would you think about doing sex for money? Structure and agency in deciding to sell sex in Canada | Benoit, C., Ouellet, N., Jansson, M., Magnus, S., Smith, M. | work | 2017 |
Social relationships and social support among street-involved youth | Kennedy, M. C., Jansson, M., Benoit, C., Magnuson, D., Scramstad, J., Hallgrimsdottir, H. | engagement | 2017 |
Sex workers as peer health advocates: community empowerment and transformative learning through a Canadian pilot program | Benoit, C., Belle-Isle, L., Smith, M., Phillips, R., Shumka, L., Atchison, C., Jansson, M., Loppie, C., Flagg, J. | work | 2017 |
Relatives or rentals? Secondary suites through a multigenerational family lens | Goodbrand, P., Humphrey, T., Gondek, J. | family | 2017 |
Tanzanian and Canadian children’s valued school experiences: A cross case comparison | Streelasky, J. | youth & international contexts | 2017 |
Elementary students’ perceptions of their school learning experiences: Children’s connections with nature and Indigenous ways of knowing | Streelasky, J. | indigenous youtheducation | 2017 |
What can critical suicidology do? | White, J. | educationmental health | 2017 |
Wilderness therapy, therapeutic camping and adventure education in child and youth care literature: A scoping review | Harper, N. J. | mental healtheducation | 2017 |
Navigating Structural Violence with Indigenous Families: The Contested Terrain of Early Childhood Intervention and the Child Welfare System in Canada | Gerlach, A. J. , Browne, A. J. , Sinha, V., Elliott, D. | indigenous youth | 2017 |
Engaging Indigenous families in a community-based Indigenous early childhood programme in British Columbia, Canada: A cultural safety perspective | Gerlach, A. J., Browne, A. J., Greenwood, M. | indigenous youth | 2017 |
Expanding beyond individualism: Engaging critical perspectives on occupation | Gerlach, A. J., Teachman, G., Laliberte-Rudman, D., Aldrich, R. D., Huot, S. | educationengagement | 2017 |
The doctoral gaze: Foreign PhD students’ internal and external academic discourse socialization | Anderson, T. | educationyouth & international contexts | 2017 |
Dropout of sport among children and youth: A systematic review. | Crane, J. R. & Temple, V. A. | physical health | 2015 |
Body Mass Index of adult special Olympians by country economic status. | Temple, V. A., Foley, J. T., & Lloyd, M. | physical health | 2015 |
A systematic review of dropout from soccer among children and youth. | Temple, V. A., Crane, J. R. | physical health | 2015 |
Barriers and facilitators for generalizing cycling skills learned at camp to home. | Temple, V. A., Purves, P. L., Misovic, R., Lewis, C., & DeBoer, C. | physical healthfamily | 2016 |
Does intervening in childcare settings impact fundamental movement skill development? | Adamo, K. B., Wilson, S., Harvey, A. L. J., Grattan, K., Naylor, PJ., Temple, V. A., Goldfield, G. S. | physical healthfamily | 2015 |
Parental Correlates in Child and Adolescent Physical Activity: A Meta-analysis. | Yao, C, Rhodes, R. E. | familyphysical health | 2015 |
A Qualitative exploration of exercise among pulmonary rehabilitation participants: Insight from multiple sources of social influences. | Witcher, C. S. G., McGannon, K. R., Hernandez, P., Dechman, G., Ferrier, S., Spence, J. C., Rhodes, R. E., & Blanchard, C. M. | physical health | 2015 |
Changes in motivational outcomes following a supervised physical activity program with behavioral counseling in kidney cancer survivors: A pilot study. | Trinh, L., Plotnikoff, R.C., Rhodes, R.E., North, S., & Courneya, K.S. | physical health | 2015 |
The Power of Believing: Salient belief predictors of physical activity behavior in normal weight, overweight, and obese pregnant women. | Symons Downs, D., Devlin, C. A., & Rhodes, R. E. | physical healthfamily | 2015 |
Measuring driving-related attitudes among older adults: Psychometric evidence for the Decisional Balance Scale across time and gender. | Sukhawathanakul, P., Tuokko, H., Rhodes, R.E., Marshall, S., Charlton, J., Koppel, S., Gelinas, I., Naglie, G., Mazer, B., Vrkljan, B., Myers, A., Man-Son-Hing, M., Bedard, M., Rapoport, M., Korner-Bitensky, N., Porter, M. | physical health | 2015 |
Distinct trajectories of physical activity among patients with COPD during and after pulmonary rehabilitation. | Saunders, T., Dechman, G., Hernandez, P., Spence, J., Rhodes, R.E., McGannon, K., Mundle, S., Ferguson, C., Bourbeau, J., Maltais, F., Marciniuk, D., Camp, P and Blanchard, C. | physical health | 2015 |
Will the New Theories (and Theoreticians!) Please Stand Up? | Rhodes, R. E. | physical health | 2015 |
Models accounting for intention-behavior discordance in the physical activity domain: A user's guide, content overview, and review of current evidence | Rhodes, R.E., Yao, C. | physical health | 2015 |
Can the affective response to exercise predict future motives and physical activity behavior? A systematic review of published evidence | Rhodes, R.E., Kates, A. | physical health | 2015 |
Predictors of physical activity change among adults using observational designs: A systematic review | Rhodes, R.E., Quinlan, A. | physical health | 2015 |
Predicting changes across 12 months in three types of parental support behaviors and mothers' perceptions of child physical activity | Rhodes, R.E., Spence, J.C., Berry, T., Deshpande, S., Faulkner, G., Latimer-Cheung, A.E., O'Reilly, N., Tremblay, M.S. | familyphysical health | 2015 |
Factors associated with higher sitting time in general, chronic disease, and psychologically-distressed, adult populations: Findings from the 45 & Up Study | Plotnikoff, R.C., Costigan, S.A., Short, C., Grunseit, A., James, E., Johnson, N., Bauman, A., D'Este, C., van der Ploeg, H.P., Rhodes, R.E. | physical healthmental health | 2015 |
Planfulness moderates intentions to plan and planning behaviour for physical activity | Mistry, C.D., Sweet, S.N., Latimer-Cheung, A.E., Rhodes, R.E. | physical health | 2015 |
Predicting changes in planning behaviour and physical activity among adults | Mistry, C., Sweet, S., Latimer, A., Rhodes, R.E. | mental healthphysical health | 2015 |
Text2Plan: Exploring changes in the quantity and quality of action plans and physical activity in a text messaging intervention | Mistry, C.D., Sweet, S.N. Rhodes, R.E., Latimer-Cheung, A.E. | physical healthdigital youth | 2015 |
Knowledge and awareness of Canadian physical activity and sedentary behaviour guidelines: A synthesis of existing evidence | LeBlanc, A.G., Berry, T., Deshpande, S., Duggan, M., Faulkner, G., Latimer-Cheung, A., O'Reilly, N., Rhodes, R.E., Spence, J.C., Tremblay, M.S. | physical health | 2015 |
Exercise habit in new gym members- A longitudinal study | Kaushal, N., Rhodes, R.E. | physical health | 2015 |
Comparing the influence of dynamic and static versions of media in evaluating physical-activity promotion ads | Deshpande, S., Berry, T., Faulkner, G., Latimer-Cheung, A. E., Rhodes, R.E., Tremblay, M.S. | physical health | 2015 |
An evaluation of the "My ParticipACTION" campaign to increase self-efficacy for being more physically active | Craig, C.L., Bauman, A., Latimer-Cheung, A., Rhodes, R.E., Faulkner, G., Berry, T.R., Tremblay, M.S., Spence, J.C. | physical health | 2015 |
Group based physical activity for older adults (GOAL) randomized controlled trial: Study protocol | Beauchamp, M., Harden, S., Wolf, S., Rhodes, R.E., Liu, Y., Dunlop, W., Schmader, T., Sheel, A., Zumbo, B., Estabrooks, P. | physical health | 2015 |
A comparison of theory of planned behaviour beliefs and healthy eating between couples without children and first-time parents | Bassett-Gunter, R.L., Levy-Milne, R., Naylor, P.J., Symons Downs, D., Benoit, C., Warburton, D.E.R., Blanchard, C.M., Rhodes, R.E. | physical healthfamily | 2015 |
Do perceptions of competence mediate the relationship between fundamental motor skill proficiency and physical activity levels of children in kindergarten? | Crane, J.R., Naylor, P.J., Cook, R., Temple, V.A. | physical healthfamilyeducation | 2015 |
Implementation of school based physical activity interventions: A systematic review | Naylor P.J., Nettlefold, L., Race, D., Hoy, C., Ashe, M.C., Wharf Higgins, J., McKay, H. | educationphysical health | 2015 |
A mixed-methods exploration of implementation of a comprehensive school healthy eating model one year after scale-up | Naylor, P.J., Mckay, H.A., Valente, M., Masse, L.C. | educationmental healthphysical health | 2015 |
Sustainable childhood obesity prevention through community engagement (SCOPE) program: Evaluation of the implementation phase | McIntosh, B., Daly, A., Mâsse, L.C., Collet, J.P., Wharf Higgins, J., Naylor, P.J., Ameda, S. | physical healthengagementfamily | 2015 |
Family planning to promote physical activity: A randomized controlled trial protocol | Quinlan, A., Rhodes, R.E., Blanchard, C., Naylor, P.J., Warburton, D.E.R. | familyphysical health | 2015 |
Creating a collective impact on childhood obesity: Lessons from the SCOPE initiative | Amed, S., Naylor, P.J., Pinkney, S., Shea, S., Mâsse, L.C., Berg, S., Collet, J.P., Wharf Higgins, J. | physical healthmental health | 2015 |
School context matters: Learning disabilities and U.S. adolescent support choices from Latino-majority communities | Waugh, M., McGhie-Richmond, D., Anderson, J. O. | inclusioneducation | 2015 |
Teaching in inclusive classrooms: Efficacy and beliefs of Canadian preservice teachers | Specht, J., McGhie-Richmond, D., Loreman, T., Mirenda, P., Bennett, S., Gallagher, T., Young, G., Metsala, J., Aylward, L., Katz, J., Lyons, W., Thompson, S., Cloutier, S. | educationinclusion | 2015 |
A Canadian collaboration on inclusive education: Reflections on a six-year partnership | Loreman, T., McGhie-Richmond, D., Cizman, J., Lupart, J., Irvine, A., McGarva, R., Craig, S., Sharma, U. | educationinclusion | 2015 |
Relational and cultural impacts on the work life of young Indigenous men | Spowart, J.P., Marshall, E.A. | workindigenous youth | 2015 |
Complicating the dominant morality discourse: Mothers and fathers’ constructions of substance use during pregnancy and early parenthood | Benoit, C., Magnus, S., Phillips, R., Marcellus, L., Charbonneau, S. | family | 2015 |
National survey of NICU practices for infants with Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome | Marcellus, L., Loutit, T., Cross, T. | familyphysical healthmental health | 2015 |
Trauma informed care in the NICU: Implications for early childhood development (Part II) | Marcellus, L., Cross, S. | mental healthfamilyphysical health | 2015 |
The impact of higher education on substance use trajectories: Variations as a function of timing of enrollment | Thompson, K., Homel, J., Leadbeater, B. | mental healthphysical healtheducation | 2015 |
The nature and frequency of cyber bullying behaviors and victimization experiences among young Canadian children | Holfeld, B., Leadbeater, B. J. | physical healthmental healthdigital youth | 2015 |
Neuropsychological profiles of written expression learning disabilities determined by concordance-discordance model criteria | Fenwick, M.E., Kubas, H. A., Witzke, J.W., Fitzer, K., Miller, D. C., Maricle, D.E., Harrison, G.L., Macoun, S.J., Hale, J.B. | educationliteracy | 2015 |
Linguistic and literacy predictors of early spelling in first- and second-language learners | Keilty, M., Harrison, G. L. | literacyyouth & international contexts | 2015 |
‘They show up, they come back, they bring friends:’ Re-envisioning definitions of success for programs supporting pregnant and early parenting women with problematic substance use | Marcellus, L., MacKinnon, K., Benoit, C., Phillips, R. | physical healthfamilymental health | 2015 |
Stigma, sex work, and substance use: A comparative analysis | Benoit, C., McCarthy, B., Jansson, M. | mental healthphysical health | 2015 |
Citizenship practices among youth who have experienced government care | Butler, K., Benoit, C | | 2015 |
It’s all about control? A comparison of theory of planned behaviour beliefs and healthy eating between couples without children and first-time parents | Bassett-Gunter, R., Levy-Milne, R., Naylor, P., Symons Downs, D., Benoit, C., Warburton, D., Blanchard, C., Rhodes, R. | physical healthfamily | 2015 |
Lessons from reproductive health care in other countries: Notes on comparative research | Van Teijlingen, E., Benoit, C., Bourgeault, I., Sandall, J., De Vries, R., Wrede, S. | physical healthyouth & international contextsfamily | 2015 |
Complicating the morality discourse: Parents’ constructions of problematic substance use. | Benoit, C., Magnus, S. Phillips, R., Marcellus, L. | physical healthfamily | 2015 |
Occupational stigma and mental health: Discrimination and depression among front-line service workers. | Benoit, C., McCarthy, B. & Jansson, M. | mental health | 2015 |
Caregiving in the lives of street-involved youth from foster care. | Magnuson, D., Jansson, M., Benoit, C., Kennedy, M.C. | physical health | 2015 |
Beyond birth: Women’s concerns about post-birth care in an Australian urban community. | Zadoroznyj, M., Benoit, C. & Berry, S. | family | 2015 |
Puppets on a String? How Young Adolescents Explore Gender and Health in Advertising | Deborah L. Begoray , Elizabeth M. Banister, Joan Wharf Higgins and Robin Wilmot | digital youthliteracy | 2015 |