Visiting scholars

CFYS is pleased to host visiting scholars who contribute to the life of the centre. Visiting scholars offer fellows and students new opportunities for collaboration and new perspectives on youth-related topics. Visiting scholars are invited to present at one of our graduate student learning events. 

Recent visiting scholars

Dr. Suzanne Stewart (University of Toronto), "Indigenous Research and Reconciliation".

Dr. Jenni Mariano (South Florida University), "Educating Youth for Purpose Around the World".

Dr. Natasha Blanchet-Cohen (Concordia University), "Evaluation in Youth and Family Context".

Dr. Aniva Lawrence (University of Auckland), "Rural Youth Health: To Infinity and Beyond".

Dr. Paula Fass (University of California), "The Child Centered Family: New Rules in Post World War II America".

Dr. Robyn Dixon (University of Auckland), "Youth Health and Well-being in New Zealand: Resiliency, Disparities and Family/School Connections".