National survey of student engagement

The results for 2014 reflect a revised survey and only a selection of questions can be compared with previous years.

To ensure confidentiality, these reports are for limited internal distribution only. Faculty and staff will need to log in with their NetLink ID. Furthermore, caution should be used in interpreting percentages based on a small number of respondents, as this could easily be misleading.

By student population

By registered faculty

The following reports are based on the faculty a student is registered in, regardless of the major they declared on the survey.

By declared major (or deptartment)

Students were asked to report their "major" on the NSSE survey. These majors were used as a proxy for "departments" for reports 2006 to 2010, and do not necessarily align with the faculty that students are registered in. The 2012 and 2014 reports reference the department students were registered in. Please note that first year students may declare a "major," or be registered in a particular department, yet take very few courses in that department, so caution is advised when interpreting results.

Reports were not produced for "departments" with too few cases. For many other departments, the numbers of respondents are still too small to infer that differences are statistically significant. For this reason, caution is advised when interpreting the results and discussing these reports with a wider audience.



Fine Arts

Human and Social Development



Social Sciences