Overseas Work Opportunities
Besides the arrangements through UVic offices, exchange, internship, co-op placement and volunteer positions, there are other opportunities to travel abroad. The following entries are useful links to explore, however, as they are external to UVic, please contact the offices directly for more information.
Foreign Affairs and International Trade Canada
International Experience Canada
Japan Exchange and Teaching Programme
Japan Exchange and Teaching (JET) Programme
If you are between the ages of 18 and 35, you can have professional experience working in a foreign country.
The JET Programme offers a minimum, one-year opportunity to experience Japan as an Assistant Language Teacher (ALT) or Coordinator for International Relations (CIR) through an official Government of Japan program. ALTs work alongside Japanese teachers of English in the public school system, while CIRs are employed in local government offices. Participants gain valuable overseas work experience, learn about Japanese culture, and meet participants from around the world, while contributing to language education and international understanding. An information session will be held at the University of Victoria in the fall term usually. At the session, students can gain general information about the JET Programme and application procedure. The session will also provide a video, which will show a visual account of what it's like to live and work in Japan as part of this program.