EU grants at UVic

The University of Victoria (UVic) has established itself as the hub of European Union studies on the west coast of Canada and has a long tradition of excellence in EU research, outreach and education. Since 2005 UVic has received $3,000,000.00 in EU Funding. As such, UVic receives more EU funding than any other higher education institution in Canada.
In the fall of 2020, UVic received a total of $650,000.00 in funding from the EU for three Jean Monnet grants: a Jean Monnet Project 'Brining EU Human Centred Design to British Columbia'; the Jean Monnet Chair in 'European Union Policy and Governance (Functional and Territorial)'; and the Jean Monnet Network 'Borders, Human-to-Military Security, Database'.
The current grant leads for 2019-2022 are Emmanuel Brunet-Jailly, Oliver Schmitdke, and Amy Verdun; they all hold grants from both the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) and the EU. Several faculty are involved in the successful implementation of these grants – see each grant in the menu on the left for more details about the activities, those involved, and opportunities for student, faculty and the public.
Over the period of 2016-2019, the EU awarded 5 Jean Monnet grants (approx $757,000 CAD) to UVic to engage students, scholars and the policy community on a diverse set of issues related to the recent EU migration crisis. During this period, UVic's European Studies program enhanced the integration of research and education by implementing new graduate courses on EU migration and border policies (EUS 490, fall 2017); a graduate summer field school on memory, migration and xenophobia (GS 501, summer 2017); numerous research and experiential learning grants (e.g. Model EU each February); lecture series, public forums, international conferences and workshops; in addition, EUS collaborted with the Europe Canada Network outreach platform (a database of scholars, webinar series, policy memos, media alerts, video interviews for young and senior scholars. Furthermore, a suite of online learning platforms were created, including databases and open online courses.
"We strongly recommended UVic as one of the more active EUCEs in Canada. We are happy to see that your good performance during these past years has been rewarded."
- Raul Sanchez Pascual, EU Delegation to Canada
Previously, UVic received two prestigious 3 year grants (January 2014-December 2016) through the European Commission for a European Union Centre of Excellence (EUCE) worth 300,000 euros each. UVic public administration professor and political scientist Dr. Emmanuel Brunet-Jailly will continue to serve as the EUCE Director. Dr. Elena Pnevmonidou continues to direct the undergraduate European Studies program.