Registration with the BC College of Social Workers


The BC College of Social Workers (BCCSW) is the regulatory body for the practice of social work in British Columbia. Their mandate is to protect the public interest by establishing and supporting high standards for qualified Registered Social Workers. At this time in BC, not all social work positions require registration with BCCSW. However, many agencies are changing their policies and beginning to make this a requirement for employment.

Applications for registration should be submitted to the College well in advance of graduation to allow time for processing. It is required to successfully complete a Licensure Exam as part of the BCCSW registration process. Students can review the following website for up-to-date information regarding application and registration.

BCCSW - Applicants

Please send any enquiries you may have about registration to the BCCSW directly:
Telephone: 604-737-4916 or 1-877-576-6740 (Toll Free - Canada only)

You may also want to connect with your fellow students at Facebook - UVic School of Social Work Students Page to share information regarding BCCSW exam preparation.