Master of Public Health FAQ

In addition to courses, are there required activities?

Yes. In addition to your course work, there are 2 activities you are required to participate in:

  • Last week in August - an online four day orientation to the program and learning support opportunities.
  • Last week in April or first week in May at the end of your program - online culminating conference to demonstrate your program learning.

How does online learning work?

All courses are delivered using web-based technologies. You will be using a course management system called CourseSpaces to access your course information and communicate with your instructor and fellow students. You will also use a web-based tool called Blackboard Collaborate real-time discussions and presentations. To learn more about how online courses work visit Technology Integrated Learning.

How many courses are required to complete the Master of Public Health program?

You complete 21 units of coursework in the MPH program.

How long do I have to complete the MPH?

The Master of Public Health can be completed full-time in 2 years (6 consecutive academic terms) and part-time in 3 years (8 consecutive academic terms). You have up to 5 years to complete the program. We have developed a 2-year program plan and a 3-year program plan. See the recommended program plan.

Is there a specific order in which courses must be taken in the MPH program?

There is a recommended Program Plan.

How are the practice experiences arranged?

You will work with a practicum coordinator to arrange your practice experience.

Where can I get advice or assistance to help me with my study skills?

The University of Victoria Counselling Services, The Learning and Teaching Centre (Math and Stats and Writing help), local colleges, high school and community centres offer courses on time management, rapid reading, English composition, study skills, etc.