Student resources

Graduate program principles

  • Instructors and students are engaged in a process of collaborative and respectful learning.
  • The curriculum explores multiple perspectives in pursuit of integrated personal understandings.
  • Research, theory, and practice are integrally connected.
  • The needs, perspectives, and realities of children, youth, and their families are central to the curriculum, and the socio-political realities of children and youth are understood as contexts for their care and development.
  • Learners address individual goals while contributing to and drawing upon the collective resources within the group experience.

Please refer to the Graduate Student Handbook for additional current program information.

You'll also find graduate program information in the graduate studies section of the University Calendar as well as on the Faculty of Graduate Studies website. The Calendar lists all policies and procedures governing graduate studies at UVic.

Check with your supervisor and graduate adviser if you need academic advice.

SCYC graduate student listserve

The grad student listserve is an email list for all SCYC graduate students. It's useful for sharing information about courses events, funding and job opportunities.

We'll add your name to the listserve at the start of your program. Contact the graduate secretary if you have problems or questions.

Travel grants for graduate students are administered through the Graduate Studies office. For information see the Graduate Studies site.

There may be teaching and/or research assistantships available to graduate students through the school.

The director appoints all teaching assistant positions. Research assistantpositions are associated with faculty research positions.

Students appointed as teaching and/or research assistants may also be recommended to the Faculty of Graduate Studies for an Academic Income Supplement (AIS).

If you are interested in TA or RA positions, please advise the graduate program assistants. All postings will be sent by email to the SCYC graduate student list serve.

Liz Hansen is the librarian for the School of Child and Youth Care. She is available by appointment to help you with your research.

Liz can assist you with conducting searches and provide guidance with library resources. Her office is Room 135m, McPherson Library and her phone number is (250) 721-8251. The best way to contact him is by email: .

The CAPP (Curriculum Advising and Program Planning) form is your record of degree requirements. The CAPP is the "contract" between you and the university, and should include all courses in your program.

A completed CAPP form, signed by you and the graduate adviser, must be forwarded to the Faculty of Graduate Studies within your first graduate term.

When you’re close to the end of your program, review your CAPP with your supervisor to make sure all program requirements have been met.

"What’s the benefit to me?" is the question most often posted by child and youth care professionals when asked if they belong to a professional association.

There are professional and personal benefits. Associations support professionals and, in turn, the professionals support quality work on behalf of the child and youth care profession and field.


Hard copies may be available from the UVic library. You can also search the Theses Canada portal.

SCYC graduate program assistants have many copies of SCYC theses and dissertations available for loan from HSD B119.

Student responsibilities

You are responsible for:

  • being familiar with the regulations of the Faculty of Graduate Studies
  • making yourself familiar with the school's requirements
  • ensuring that your chosen courses conform with the faculty and school regulations. You're also responsible for the completeness and accuracy of your registration and program. Discrepancies can often be detected by examining the Curriculum Advising and Program Planning (CAPP) form.
  • registration for the duration of your program. You must register or withdraw with permission in every term once your program begins (three terms per year).
  • making yourself familiar with your fee obligations.
  • maintaining open communication with your graduate supervisor, supervisory committee, and the SCYC graduate adviser through mutually agreed upon meetings. Bring any problems (current or potential) to their attention -- there are formal routes of appeal.
  • promptly reporting changes in address and telephone number on your UVic page. A letter mailed to your address as it appears on record on your UVic page will be deemed adequate notification for all matters concerning your record.
  • making yourself familiar with the research approval requirement

See also:


Academic performance.
Review of assigned grades and other appeals.
Appeal process and procedures

UVic Counselling Services

Do you need additional support to succeed at university? At UVic Counselling Services, counselors provide a confidential atmosphere in which students can explore any topic or situation and discuss any concerns they may have. They'll help you work through your problems, to develop self-awareness, and to overcome problems by using new strategies. Visit the Counselling Services website for more information.

Support for Indigenous students

We welcome all Indigenous students to UVic and the School of Child and Youth Care. We hope that you will be comfortable and feel welcomed to this learning environment.

UVic provides a variety of support and connection services. Learn more about support for Indigenous students in the Faculty of Human and Social Development.

Related links:

Students with disabilities

The Resource Centre for Students with a Disability helps students with a disability maximize their participation in university life. If you have a disability, it's best to contact the centre before the beginning of term to discuss ways in which you may best be aided.

There’s a wheelchair-access washroom in the HSD computer lab. Ground floor access to the lab is via the Ring Road entrance to the HSD building, on the main floor.