PhD Requirements

Candidates need to have been involved in some manner with the CYFCS field or be strong candidates from related field. Entry to the program is on a competitive basis, and enrolment may be restricted in any given year. 

The program of study consists of a total of 30 units. PhD program students must complete 7.5 units of core courses with additional course work if necessary as determined by their committees. The remaining units will consist of 3 units of Candidacy Examinations and a dissertation of 18 - 19.5 units. 

Candidates will have a minimum of B+ (6.0 GPA) average and a master's degree in Child and Youth Care or an allied discipline that demonstrates research experience and a capacity to conduct research. (Candidates whose previous degrees do not have a research component may be required to undertake and write a qualifying research activity.)

Minimum course requirements:

Complete all of:

  • CYC641 - Generating Critical, Interdisciplinary Knowledge in CYFCS (1.5) 
  • CYC644 - Research Design and Knowledge Mobilization in CYFCS (1.5)
  • CYC682B - Applied Internship in CYFCS (3.0)
  • CYC680 - Doctoral Seminar in CYFCS (1.5)
  • CYC693 - Candidacy Exams (3.0) 
  • CYC699 - PhD Dissertation (18.0 - 19.5) 

Other Requirements 

Students will normally be in residence while taking core courses