Plans, policies and resources supporting inclusion of gender diversity at UVic

The foundation for inclusion of gender diversity at UVic is found in many of the documents and resources across our institution.


UVic's Strategic Plan

UVic’s Strategic Plan, Distinctly UVic, is used to guide UVic's purpose, pledge and principles. 

One of the priorities within it is to people, place and the planet, Sʔeəɫenxʷ | S,ÁEȽA’NW̱ | When things are in harmony. This involves addressing systemic barriers to equity and inclusion. It also invovles including and supporting diverse and talented students, staff adn faculty who want to make a difference in communities and have a postiive impact on people, place and the planet.

As members of the UVic community, we are each responsible and accountable for living up to the purpose, pledge, principles and priorities we identified together in this plan.

Equity Action Plan

UVic's Equity Action Plan has goals provide UVic with strategic direction to advance equity, diversity and inclusion, and to create the conditions in which everyone feels a sense of belonging: as connected and respected parts of the university community. The Plan provides overarching goals with a list of commited actions, a lead that is accountable to the action, and an outward reporting process.

UVic policy commitment

UVic’s policies, including the Discrimination and Harassment Policy (GV0205) and the Sexualized Violence Prevention and Response Policy (GV0245), reflect the legal responsibility to provide protection from discrimination and harassment due to gender identity and expression.

Sexualized Violence Prevention and Response Policy

The Sexualized Violence Prevention and Response Policy (GV0245), established in 2017, has a broad definition of sexualized violence: “… any non-consensual, unwanted behavior that is actual, attempted, or threatened and that is carried out through sexual means or by targeting a person’s sex, sexual identity, or gender identity or expression.” The policy takes a survivor-centred and trauma-informed approach in supporting survivors and those impacted. As well, the policy specifically identifies transphobia/transmisogyny as sexualized violence. Learn more about the Policy and Procedures.

Contact us to discuss education for your area.

Discrimination and Harassment Policy

The Discrimination and Harassment Policy (GV0205), supports people facing discrimination or harassment related to gender identity and/or expression. Learn more about Discrimination and Harassment. You can contact the Equity and Human Rights office to ask questions or arrange a consultation to see what support or advice can be provided to address your experiences. The educational resources have some information on sexual and gender diversity. Contact us to discuss education for your area.

Chair in Transgender Studies

The world’s only Chair in Transgender Studies is a global leader in the advancement of gender equity and human rights. The Chair in Transgender Studies is a research and community outreach office dedicated to community-building and to fostering and sharing scholarship by and about trans, non-binary, and Two-Spirit people.

Transgender Archives

The Transgender Archives at the University of Victoria preserve and safeguard the history of pioneering trans, non-binary, and Two-Spirit activists, community leaders, and researchers who have contributed to the betterment of trans, non-binary, and Two-Spirit people. The Archives can be accessed free of charge.

Expectations for student behaviour

Resolution of Non-Academic Misconduct Allegations Policy and the Community Standards as contained in the Residence Services Community Handbook. Each student is responsible for how their personal conduct affects the university community. This responsibility includes upholding the university’s commitments to a safe, respectful and supportive learning, living and working environment. Students who are on university property and/or participating in a university activity are expected to take responsibility for their actions, ensure lawful personal conduct, and respect the rights, privileges and safety of others.

UVSS Pride Collective

The Pride Collective (formerly known as UVic Pride) is a constituency group operating under the umbrella of the UVSS. It is a student-led collective that works to provide queer and trans+ centred programs, events and spaces.

Pride is committed to provide safer spaces for queer and trans+ folks at UVic and in broader communities. The group is also composed of UVSS staff, work study students, student volunteers, and council members to deliver and facilitate services. Pride offers a Queer lending library, free binder program, universal washroom and more. 

Gender Empowerment Centre (GEM)

The Gender Empowerment Centre (GEM) is an advocacy group within the University of Victoria Students’ Society (UVSS).  They collectively run, drop-in space on campus that provides resources through an intersectional feminist framework. GEM offers free access to a large variety of safer sex supplies, menstrual supplies (including FREE menstrual cups) pregnancy tests and emergency contraceptives. They provide health resources, peer support, as well as a lounge space to hang out, study, and meet others. The centre is open to everyone who shares the values of intersectional feminism, anti-oppression and sex positivity; with an emphasis on creating a safe space for self-identified women, non-binary, trans and gender-nonconforming people. They are committed to facilitating a creative, collaborative and community-oriented space on campus through workshops, events and other initiatives throughout the year.

The Anti-Violence Project (AVP)

The Anti-Violence Project (AVP) is affiliated with the University of Victoria Students’ Society (UVSS). They provide support, education and resources to all students, staff, faculty and other community members who have been impacted by gender-based violence. AVP offers free support services that strive to acknowledge all of the complexities of gender-based violence in a confidential and person-focused setting. AVP supports people who have experienced gender-based violence, people who are supporting a survivor of violence, as well as people who have caused harm and seek to change their actions. Their staff and volunteers have training and lived experience supporting and being trans, non-binary and Two-Spirit folks.