What we all can do to support trans, Two-Spirit and non-binary people

Use the pronouns and names that people have asked you to use

Make space for people to share their names and pronouns rather than assuming how they identify.

Use gender inclusive language

Avoid gendered language (e.g., “You guys,” “Hello ladies,” “Boys and girls”); find other ways to talk to people and groups (e.g., “You folks,” “Hello everyone,” “Members of the class”). There are many resources to support the use of gender inclusive language:

Learn more about gender diversity and how to be an ally

Take courses at UVic

For all:

  • Visit the Sexualized Violence Resource office at Equity and Human Rights. The office offers information, support, and education for all UVic community members. You can contact the office for confidential advice, to access support options, and to find out more about UVic’s policy. You can reach us by phone at 250-721-8021 or by email at  to book a virtual appointment. Our physical office is located in Sedgewick Building, Room C119.
  • EQHR’s Anti-oppression Education Program is a 5-part series that addresses the intersectional societal and systemic attitudes and behaviours that perpetuate oppression. One of the sessions is Xidsii, K’iiwaat’as, Tlay.yad – “Under, Over, Everywhere”: Centering 2SLGBTQIA+ Knowledges in Anti-Oppression Work. Sessions currently offered once every semester through Learning Central

For students:

  • The Office of Student Life offers bystander intervention training to prevent sexualized violence. Step In, Speak Up is a 45-minute online training program on Brightspace that introduces students to the concepts of pro-social bystander intervention and community expectations.

For staff and faculty: 

  • Human Resources offers courses on gender diversity, bystander intervention, and many other relevant topics.

Get involved

Those who want to be involved in removing barriers and increasing access for trans, Two-Spirit and non-binary people at UVic can get involved by:

  • Requesting education on gender diversity in your unit.
  • Identifying and supporting possible changes to the work or culture of the unit (e.g., through changing what information is asked for on forms, updating information on your website, introducing the use of pronoun sharing and asking in your area, or many other possibilities).
  • Attending training on gender diversity.
  • Connecting with your director or chair to join or form an equity committee in your unit.