Pre-Forum events

Community-based Education

Vancouver Island University (VIU), along with the McConnell Foundation, invite you to attend a pre-day session in Cowichan to discuss strategies and opportunities for post-secondary institutions to engage in building post-secondary bound identities within Indigenous communities and students.

This session will highlight the approach of VIU to develop community-based education, support communities to increase and build capacity, create a sense of belonging for Indigenous students on campus, support faculty in bringing Indigenous ways of knowing and being into their course, and provide supports and services to students.

We will discuss the importance of creating post-secondary bound identities and the impact of programs like the Canada Learning Bond. VIU will share experiences of engaging in reconciliation guided by Indigenous ways of knowing and principles of co-creation. This engaging session will include Indigenous community, university and philanthropic partners sharing their experiences of collaboration and reconciliation. You should attend this session if you are looking for tangible approaches to reconciliation, Indigenous student retention and engaging prospective students earlier. This session invites students, community members, faculty, staff and senior leadership!

The session will be 5-6 hours including travel from Victoria to Cowichan. There is no cost to attend, but it is limited to 35 participants. For more information or to register, please contact