Grad support and award payments

The university frequently makes payments to students that can be categorized in a number of different ways, depending on the purpose.

For more information on reimbursing students for expenses paid while conducting UVic activities, refer to the webpage reimbursement for expenses paid while conducting UVic business.

Depending on the purpose of the payment, payments to students may be considered as employment income or as a student award. For additional information and a flowchart to help determine the appropriate payment type, refer to the webpage payments to students - employment or student award.

All scholarship, award, and bursary payments will be reported annually on a T4A. These CRA tax reporting forms are issued in February of each year following the year payments were made. Any amounts paid will be reported in the scholarship box.

Monthly scheduled grad support

Students can be set up to receive monthly scheduled payments for grad support using the scholarship monthly scheduled payments form. These payments are considered to be a scholarship and are not in respect of an employer-employee relationship. Any duties performed in return for these payments form part of the student's degree program requirements.

These monthly payments will be made on the closest business day on or before the 18th of each month. In order to facilitate payment, the form must be received by Financial Services by the 7th working day of the processing month and submitted via the online submission form.

When grad support forms are submitted, an encumbrance is set up to commit these funds for the remainder of the specified term. Once the encumbrance is set up, it should be included on any modificiation or cancellation paperwork. The encumbrance number can be found in FAST by referring to the data in the PO # column of the Transaction Detail report - formatted as E000xxxx.

If the funding source is expected to change, grad support payments can be submitted as one-time scholarship payments. This prevents additional resources to cancel and re-establish encumbrances.

One-time scholarship payments

Students may also receive non-recurring, one-time scholarship payments. This type of payment is submitted on an online payment request form.

Payments to post-doctoral fellows

There is a separate set of procedures and forms related to payments to post-doctoral fellows. Refer to the post-doctoral fellows information webpage for additional information or the post-doctoral fellows appointment form.

Bulk payment upload process

Instead of completing several payment request forms for the same type of payment for different payees, these requests can be submitted via spreadsheet with accompanying approvals. As a general guideline, if you are requesting five or more of a similar payment type that doesn't have supporting receipts, it can be more efficient to use the bulk payment upload process. For more information refer to the bulk payment upload webpage.


