Bulk payment upload (APFeeds)

Instead of completing several payment request forms for the same type of payment for different payees, these requests can be submitted via spreadsheet with an accompanying approval.  As a general guideline, if you are requesting five or more of a similar payment without supporting receipts/documentation, it will be more efficient to use the following process:

  • Use the bulk payment upload template to populate the payee information and other supporting details – only complete the columns as outlined in the bulk payment upload quick guide and as shown in the sample spreadsheet
  • Complete the bulk payment upload form noting the total of the payments on the attached spreadsheet as shown in the bulk payment upload sample
  • Indicate the FAST account holder or delegate who will approve the payment on the online form or attach email approval
    • Payments do not have to be allocated to the same FAST account but the FAST account approver for all of the payments does need to be the same (ie the approver has signing authority over several different FAST accounts).
  • Attach the completed spreadsheet to the bulk payment upload form and submit.

Refer to the bulk payment upload quick guide for more information on how to complete the template spreadsheet.

