Fresh, local, plant-based food

logos for local businesses based in BC with map of bc and pin drop locations

Local food   

University Food Services works with Feed BC to track and source their B.C. food expenditures.

  • In their 2022/2023 Report, Feed B.C. highlighted UVic's increase in B.C. foods to 51%. This is a significant milestone for Food Services, surpassing their Climate and Sustainability Action Plan 2030 target.  
  • Find a Feed BC vending machine on campus to support local food suppliers and businesses in British Columbia.
Food Trucks  

Find information about bringing a food truck to your event.

Indigenous Offerings  

In collaboration with the Vice President's Indigenous Office, the Cove Dining Facility incorporates traditional Indigenous foods into its menu. This initiative involves receiving recipes and culinary training from local Indigenous chefs, enhancing the availability and appreciation of Indigenous cuisine on campus. 

Fresh food 

Islands West provides University Foods Services with fresh produce to feed the campus community. Islands West is a local business delivering local produce focused on sustainability and community wellness. They donate unused produce to local farmers to feed livestock and have programs to minimize the volume of single-use packaging in their distribution process.

Plant-based food 

Between 2020 and 2023, University Food Services made significant strides, increasing their total plant-based food expenditures from 11.5% to 29.2%. These figures are calculated using the University's AASHE STARS methodology. 

Plant-forward menus

To continuously increase their plant-based menu offerings on campus to over 60%, University Food Services partners with the Food Forward Initiative and Default Veg to develop an intentional plant-forward menu and kiosk experience focusing on:  

  • Menu Clarity: All menus are thoughtfully marked for vegan and vegetarian options and other dietary needs. 
  • Diverse Options: Every food vendor now offers vegetarian choices, ranging from a mouthwatering mushroom shawarma to a flavorful buffalo cauliflower pizza. 
  • Default Plant-Based: Plant-based cheese, mayo, and Pad Thai sauce are the default options, making sustainable choices accessible. 
  • Plant-based milk is available at all cafes, empowering customers to make eco-conscious choices with every sip. 
  • Personalized Choices: Customers can "add-in" protein to their meals, putting the power to opt for meat or stay plant-based in their hands. 

Carbon emissions

Establishing baseline carbon emissions for food purchases in 2019, University Food Services aims to cut these emissions in half by 2030. Strategic steps include: 

UVic's commitment to plant-based dining traces back to the 1980s, showcasing a long-standing dedication to sustainable and diverse culinary experiences.

Watch a news clip of students trying "exotic foods like tofu and miso" in 1983.