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Secondary Post-degree

Designed for those with an undergraduate degree. In this program, you’ll learn how to teach secondary school students.

Potential careers

What can you do with a secondary education degree? Here are a few jobs that relate to the program:

  • teacher
  • curriculum specialist
  • athletic coach
  • adult learning specialist
  • director of learning
  • employment services manager
  • recreation director
  • principal or vice-principal
  • education technology specialist
  • social director
  • special education teacher
  • instructional coordinator
  • civil servant
  • corporate trainer
  • program manager

Some of these roles may require additional training.

Find a career that fits you

Experience & connections

Opportunities in the secondary post-degree program

  • With the Co-op Program you can alternate study with paid work. 

Opportunities outside your program

  • With a work study position you can develop skills during your study term.
  • Volunteering is a great way to give back to your community while you build skills.

Networks you can connect to

Here are a few professional associations related to secondary education:

Hands-on learning opportunities

These courses in the secondary post-degree program offer extensive hands-on learning.

Field experience

EDCI 780 - Secondary Field Experience Seminar         
Plan for your practicum; discuss common concerns for student teachers and issues related to instruction

Indigenous Education & Community Collaborations Institute

IED 371 - The History of Indigenous Education in Canada
IED 473 - CENENITEL TW TOLNEW: Helping each other to learn
IED 499 - Professional Development - Indigenous Education
EDCI 490 - Transformative Inquiry
Take part in activities with Indigenous knowledge-keepers, Elders and artists. Activities include overnight trips or visits to sacred sites. May also include projects such as creating a welcome pole, canoe, story or song.


ED-P 497 - Professional Seminar or Practicum       
Gain or validate your teaching certificate or update your teaching skills through this professional seminar or practicum

ED-P 498 - Seminar and Two-Week Practicum for BEd    
Learn about the culture of secondary schools in this series of seminars. A  two-week practicum follows final exams

ED-P 781 - Six-Week Practicum 
Gain experience teaching in a high school classroom (6 weeks)

ED-P 782- Nine-Week Practicum 
Gain experience teaching in a high school classroom (9 weeks)

ED-P 798 - Final Sixteen-Week Practicum        
Complete four weeks of observation followed by 12 weeks of teaching during this final practicum

These courses are not always offered as described.

What's next?

To explore more visit the secondary post-degree site. For degree planning contact your adviser for help.