
We focus on climate change from the perspectives of all the major disciplines that emphasize the human element, including psychology, economics, geography, anthropology, law, philosophy, political science, sociology, business, environmental studies and others.
Climate change is not only an environmental event. Effective policy dealing with climate change will require understanding of its human dimensions. Employers will value graduates who know something about all the human aspects of climate change.
Program requirements
The HDCC Minor Program requires the successful completion of HDCC 200, 300 and HDCC 400, plus a combination of core and elective courses totalling 12.0 units.
Core courses
HDCC 200: Introduction to Human Dimensions of Climate Change (1.5 units)
An introduction to understanding and mitigating the impacts of climate change. After a basic introduction to the physical nature of climate change, the focus turns to impacts on humans in political, economic, sociological, and psychological terms, including possible mitigation and public policy strategies. Course description
HDCC 300: Climate Change for Social Transformation (1.5 units)
Prerequisites: Minimum third-year standing; or permission of the program. Also add 1.5 units after course title as in the other courses.
An opportunity for critical engagement with climate change as physical transformation, cultural object, and incitement to social transformation. Course description
HDCC 400: Seminar on Human Dimensions of Climate Change (1.5 units)
Prerequisites: HDCC 200, HDCC 300, and 3.0 units of electives within the minor; or permission of the director.
Presentations by instructors, guest lecturers, and students will reinforce and extend knowledge of, and perspectives on, the impacts of climate change on humans. Strategies for mitigating the impacts are also considered. See the Fall 2022 HDCC 400 Course outline. Course Description
7.5 units of electives (at least 1.5 units of approved electives must be at the 300 or 400 level). A current list of approved electives can be found in the Academic Calendar.
Electives selected from HDCC 390 (director's permission required), GEOG 101A, GEOG 103, GEOG 314, EOS 110 and EOS/ES 365 are recommended; however, no more that 3.0 units of approved electives may be taken from any one unit without permission of the director.
Visit the Academic calendar for course descriptions.