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Student publications

Note: *denotes undergraduate student.

  • Wu, J., Zheng, X., Chen, J. and Ke Xu, September 2021. "Fractional Cointegration in Bitcoin Spot and Futures Markets," The Journal of Futures Markets Volume 41, Issue 9, Pages 1478-1494. 
  • Rondeau, D., B. Perry, and F. Grimard. 2020. "The consequences of COVID-19 and other disasters for wildlife and biodiversity." Environmental and Resource Economics 76:945–961.
  • Kumar, A. and O. Saleh, forthcoming. "Foreign Aid and Sectoral Growth in Sub-Saharan Africa," Journal of Developing Areas. 
  • Liu, S.,  J. Duan and G.C. van Kooten, 2020. Calibration of Agricultural Risk Programming Models Using Positive Mathematical Programming. Forthcoming. Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics
  • Withey, P., J. Duan and G.C. van Kooten, 2020. "How Big a Battery?" Renewable Energy 146: 196-204.
  • Courty, P. and S. Ozel, forthcoming. "The Value of Online Scarcity Messages," Information Economics and Policy.
  • Liu, X. S.J. Duan and G.C. van Kooten, 2018. "The Impact of Changes in the AgriStability Program on Crop Activities: A Farm Modeling Approach", Agribusiness 34(3): 650-667. 
  • Courty, P. and Cisyk, J., 2017. "Do Fans Care about Compliance to Doping Regulations in Sports? The Impact of PED Suspension in Baseball," Journal of Sports Economics, 18(4).
  • Courty, P. and J. Cisyk, 2016. Do Fans Care about Compliance to Doping Regulations in Sports? The Impact of PED Suspension in Baseball, Journal of Sports Economics Forthcoming (Published Online May 2015)
  • van Kooten, G.C., J. Duan and R. Lynch, 2016. Is There a Future for Nuclear Power? Wind and Emission Reduction Targets in Fossil-Fuel Alberta, PLoS ONE 11(11): e0165822.
  • Li, Y. and D. E. Giles, “Modelling Volatility Spillover Effects Between Developed Stock Markets and Asian Emerging Stock Markets”, International Journal of Finance and Economics, 20, 155-177.
  • Sun, B. and G.C. van Kooten, 2015. Financial Weather Derivatives for Corn Production in Northern China: A Comparison of Pricing Methods, Journal of Empirical Finance 32: 201-209.
  • Chen, W., J.A. Clarke and N. Roy, "Health and Wealth: Short Panel Granger Causality Tests for Developing Countries", Journal of International Trade & Economic Development, 2014, 26, 755-784.
  • Johnston, C. & G,C. van Kooten "Economic Consequences of Increased Bioenergy Demand", The Forestry Chronicle. In press
  • Sun. B.C. Guo & G.C. van Kooten, "Hedging Weather Risk for Corn Production in Northeastern China: Efficiency of Weather Derivatives, Agricultural Finance Review. In press.
  • Sun, B. and G.C. van Kooten, 2014. Weather effects on maize yields in Northern China. The Journal of Agricultural Science. In press.
  • van Kooten, G.C. and C. Johnston, 2014. Global Impacts of Russian Log Export Restrictions and the Canada-U.S. Lumber Dispute: Modeling Trade in Logs and Lumber, Forest Policy and Economics 39(Feb): 54-66.
  • Withey, P. and G.C. van Kooten, 2014. Wetlands Retention and Optimal Management of Waterfowl Habitat under Climate Change, J of Agricultural and Resource Economics.
  • Kumar, A & W. Chan, "Health, Education, and the Dynamics of Cross-Country Productivity Differences",Applied Economic Letters, May 2013, 20(12), pp 1160-64
  • Schwartz, J. & D.E.A. Giles, "Bias-Reduced Maximum Likelihood Estimation for the Zero-Inflated Poisson Distribution”, forthcoming in Communications in Statistics – Theory and Methods
  • Engineer, M. H., P. Schure, & M. Gillis, "A positive analysis of deposit insurance provision: Regulatory competition among European Union countries", Journal of Financial Stability, Volume 9, Issue 4, December 2013, Pages 530-544, ISSN 1572-3089.
  • Godwin, R.T. & D.E.A. Giles, "Testing for Multivariate Cointegration in the Presence of Structural Breaks: p-Values and Critical Values", Applied Economics Letters, 2012, 19, 1561-1565.
  • Kumar, A. & B. Kober, “Urbanization, human capital, and cross-country productivity differences”, Economic Letters, 2012, to appear.
  • Scorah, H., A. Sopinka & G. Cornelis van Kooten, “The Economics of Storage, Transmission and Drought: Integrating Variable Wind Power into Spatially Separated Electricity Grids”, Energy Economics, 2012, to appear.
  • Xiao, L. & D.E.A. Giles, “Bias Reduction for the Maximum Likelihood Estimator of the Generalized Rayleigh Family of Distributions”, Communications in Statistics – Theory and Methods, 2012, to appear.
  • Abbott, B. & G.C. van Kooten, “Can Domestication of Wildlife Lead to Conservation? The Economics of Tiger Farming in China”, Ecological Economics, 2011, 70, 721-728.
  • Chen, Q. & D.E.A. Giles, "A Saddlepoint Approximation to the Distribution of the Half-Life Estimator in a Stationary Autoregressive Model", Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods, 2011, 40, 3903-3916.
  • Cotteleer, G., T. Stobbe & G. C. van Kooten, “Bayesian Model Averaging in the Context of Spatial Hedonic Pricing: An Application to Farmland Values”, Journal of Regional Science, 2011, 51, 540-557.
  • Feng, H.R. T. Godwin & D.E.A. Giles, "On the Bias of the Maximum Likelihood Estimator for the Two-Parameter Lomax Distribution", Communications in Statistics – Theory and Methods, 2011, to appear.
  • Pendergast, S.M., J.A. Clarke & G.C. van Kooten, “Corruption, Development and the Curse of Natural Resources”, Canadian Journal of Political Science, 2011, 44, 411-437.
  • Schwartz, J.R. T. Godwin & D.E.A Giles, "Improved Maximum Likelihood Estimation of the Shape Parameter in the Nakagami Distribution", Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation, 2011, to appear.
  • Stewart, K.G. & L. Zheng, "Treating Cross-dependence in Event Studies: The Canadian Income Trust Leak," Applied Financial Economics, 2011, 21, 369-377.
  • Stobbe, T., G. Cotteleer & G.C. van Kooten, “Hobby Farms and Protection of Farmland in British Columbia”, Canadian Journal of Regional Science 2011, 32, 393-410.
  • Stobbe, T., A.J. Eagle, G. Cotteleer & G.C. van Kooten, “Farmland Preservation Verdicts - Rezoning Agricultural Land in British Columbia”, Canadian J of Agricultural Economics, 2011, to appear.
  • van Kooten, G.C., P. Withey & L. Wong, “Bioeconomic Modelling of Wetlands and Waterfowl in Western Canada: Accounting for Amenity Values”, Canadian J of Agricultural Economics 2011, 59, 167-183.
  • Withey, P. & G.C. van Kooten, “The Effect of Climate Change on Optimal Wetlands and Waterfowl Management in Western Canada”, Ecological Economics, 2011, 70, 798-805.
  • Xie, Y. & D.E.A. Giles, "A Survival Analysis of the Approval of U.S. Patent Applications", Applied Economics, 2011, 43, 1375-1384.
  • Chen, Q. & D.E.A. Giles, "Finite-Sample Properties of the Maximum Likelihood Estimator for the Binary Logit Model With Random Covariates", Statistical Papers, 2010, to appear.
  • Chen, X.S., "Economic Development Models", sample paper, Computational Economics, 2010
  • Conconi, A., "Mean-Variance Portfolio Model", sample paper, Computational Economics, 2010
  • Engineer, M. E., N. Roy & S. Fink," “Healthy” Human Development Indices", Social Indicators Research, 2010, 99, 61-80.
  • Lu, F. & D.E.A. Giles, "Benford's Law and Psychological Barriers in Certain eBay Auctions", Applied Economics Letters, 2010, 17, 1005-1008.
  • McNaughton, J., "Dixit Entry Model", sample paper, Computational Economics, 2010
  • Monahan, K. & G. Cornelis van Kooten,” The Economics of Tidal Stream and Wind Power: An Application to Generating Mixes in Canada”, Environmental Economics, 2010, 1, 92-101.>
  • Ni, Y.,  S. Guo & D.E.A. Giles, "Capital Structures in an Emerging Market: A Duration Analysis of the Time Interval Between IPO and SEO in China", Applied Financial Economics, 2010, 20(19), 1531-1545.
  • Ren, F. & D.E.A. Giles, "Extreme Value Analysis of Daily Canadian Crude Oil Prices", Applied Financial Economics, 2010, 20, 941-954.
  • Stobbe, T., A.J. Eagle & G. Cornelis van Kooten, “Niche and Direct Marketing in the Rural-Urban Fringe: A Study of the Agricultural Economy in the Lower Mainland and Fraser Valley”, BC Studies: The British Columbian Quarterly, 2010, 167, 105-132.
  • van Kooten, G.C. & L. Wong, “Economics of Wind Power when National Grids are Unreliable”, Energy Policy, 2010, 38, 1991-1998.
  • Abbott, B., B. Stennes & G.C. van Kooten, “Mountain Pine Beetle, Global Markets and the British Columbia Forest Economy”, Canadian J of Forest Research, 2009, 39, 1313-1321.
  • Argatoff, S., "Mathematica Model Portfolio", sample paper for D.A. Kendrick, P.R. Mercado & H.M. Amman, Computational Economics, 2009
  • Feng, H., "Real-time or Current Vintage: Does the Type of Data Matter for Forecasting and Model Selection?", Journal of Forecasting, 2009, 28, 183-193.
  • Najjar, N., "Game Theory Portfolio", sample paper for D.A. Kendrick, P.R. Mercado & H.M. Amman, Computational Economics, 2009
  • Prescott, R. and G.C. van Kooten, 2009. Economic costs of managing of an electricity grid with increasing wind power penetration, Climate Policy 9(2): 155-168.
  • Shih, R. & D.E.A. Giles, "Modelling the Duration of Interest Rate Spells Under Inflation Targeting in Canada", Applied Economics, 2009, 41, 1229-1239.
  • Sun, L., G.C. van Kooten & G.M. Voss, “What Accounts for the Divergence between Ranchers' WTA and WTP for Public Forage?” Forest Policy & Economics, 2009, 11, 271-279.
  • Thorn, T., "Portfolio Risk Management", sample paper for D.A. Kendrick, P.R. Mercado & H.M. Amman, Computational Economics, 2009.
  • van Kooten, G.C., S. Laaksonen-Craig and Y. Wang, 2009. A Meta-Regression Analysis of Forest Carbon Offset Costs, Canadian J of Forest Research 39(11): 2153-2167.
  • Abbott, B.M. & C. Martinèz, "An Updated Assessment of the Lucas Supply Curve", Economics Letters, 2008, to appear.
  • Barnes, A.*, "Cost Minimizing Route Choice for Marine Transportation", sample paper for D.A. Kendrick, P.R. Mercado & H.M. Amman, Computational Economics, 2008.
  • Bi, G. & D.E.A. Giles, "Modelling the Financial Risk Associated With U.S. Movie Box Office Earnings", Mathematics & Computers in Simulation, 2008, to appear.
  • Chen, Q. & D.E.A. Giles, "General Saddlepoint Approximations: Application to the Anderson-Darling Statistic", Communications in Statistics, B, 2008, 37, 789-804.
  • Chen, W., M.H. Engineer & I.P. King, "Choosing Longevity with Overlapping Generations: To Be or Not to Be in Diamond's Model", The BE Journal of Macroeconomics (Contributions), 2008, 8(1), Article 6.
  • Gillis, M.*, "Mathematica Model Portfolio", sample paper for D.A. Kendrick, P.R. Mercado & H.M. Amman, Computational Economics, 2008.
  • Stroomer, C.M. & D.E.A. Giles, "Real Output Convergence and Trade Openness: Fuzzy Clustering and Time Series Evidence", International Trade Journal, 2008, 115-155.
  • Yamaguchi, J. & G.C. van Kooten, “Do Higher Financial Returns Lead to Better Environmental Performance in North America’s Forest Products Sector?” Canadian J of Forest Research, 2008, 38, 2515-2525.
  • Bi, G. & D.E.A. Giles, "An Application of Extreme Value Analysis to U.S. Movie Box Office Returns", in Oxley, L. and Kulasiri, D. (eds.), MODSIM 2007 International Congress on Modelling and Simulation, Modelling and Simulation Society of Australia and New Zealand, Christchurch N.Z., December 2007, 2652-2658.
  • Chen, Q. & D.E.A. Giles, "The Bias of Elasticity Estimators in Linear Regression: Some Analytic Results", Economics Letters, 2007, 94, 185-191.
  • Dong, L. & D.E.A. Giles, "An Empirical Likelihood ratio Test for Normality", Communications in Statistics, 2007, 36, 197-215.
  • Prescott, R., G.C. van Kooten and H. Zhu, 2007. The Potential for Wind Energy Meeting Electricity Needs on Vancouver Island, Energy & Environment 18(6): 723-746.
  • Wang, S. , C.T. DesRoches, L. Sun, B. Stennes, B. Wilson & G.C. van Kooten, “Linking Forests and Economic Well-Being: A Four-Quadrant Approach”, Canadian J of Forest Research, 2007, 37, 1821-31.
  • Biggs, J., S. Laaksonen-Craig, K. Niquidet & G.C. van Kooten, “Resolving Canada-U.S. Trade Disputes in Agriculture and Forestry: Lessons from Lumber”, Canadian Public Policy, 2006,XXXII, 143-155.
  • Clarke, J.A. & S. Mirza,"A Comparison of Some Common Methods for Detecting Granger Noncausality", Journal of Statistical Computation & Simulation, 2006, 76, 207-231.
  • Giles, D.E.A. & C.N. Stroomer "Does Trade Openness Affect the Speed of Output Convergence? Some Empirical Evidence", Empirical Economics, 2006, 31, 883-903.
  • Mogus,A., B. Stennes & G.C. van Kooten, “Canada-U.S. Softwood Lumber Trade Revisited: Examining the Role of Substitution Bias in the Context of Spatial Equilibrium Framework”, Forest Science, 2006,52, 411-421.
  • Niquidet, K. & G. C. van Kooten, “Transaction Evidence Appraisal: Competition in British Columbia’s Stumpage Markets”, Forest Science, 2006, 52, 451-459.
  • Shen, K. & D.E.A. Giles, "Rational Exuberance at the Mall: Addiction to Carrying a Credit Card Balance", Applied Economics, 2006, 38, 587-592.
  • van Kooten, G. C., R. Thomsen & T. Hobby, “Resolving Range Conflict in Nevada? The Potential for Compensation via Monetary Payouts and Grazing Alternatives”, Review of Agricultural Economics, 2006, 28, 515-530.
  • van Kooten, G. C., R. Thomsen, T. Hobby & A. J. Eagle, “Social Dilemmas and Range Management in Nevada”, Ecological Economics, 2006, 57, 709-723.
  • Adanu, K., "A Cross-Province Comparison of Okun's Coefficient for Canada", Applied Economics, 2005, 37, 561-570.
  • Giles, D.E.A. & H. Feng, "Output and Well-being in Industrialized Nations in the Second Half of the 20th Century: Testing for Convergence Using Fuzzy Clustering Analysis", Structural Change & Economic Dynamics, 2005, 16, 285-308.
  • Schure, P., D. Scoones, and Q. Gu, "A Theory of Loan Syndication", Finance Research Letters, 2005, 2, 165-172.
  • Sun, L., G.C. van Kooten, & G.M. Voss, "Demand for Wildlife Hunting in British Columbia", Canadian Journal of Agricultural Economics, 2005, 53, 25-46.
  • Buttle, J. & D. Rondeau, "An Incremental Analysis of the Value of Expanding a Wilderness Area", Canadian Journal of Economics, 2004, 37, 189-198.
  • Chen, J. & D.E.A. Giles, "Gender Convergence in Crime: Evidence From Canadian Adult Offense Charge Data", Journal of Criminal Justice, 2004, 32, 593-606.
  • van Kooten, G.C., A.J. Eagle, J. Manley & T.M. Smolak, "How Costly are Carbon Offsets? A Meta-Analysis of Carbon Forest Sinks", Environmental Science & Policy, 2004, 7, 239-251.
  • Feltham, S.G. & D.E.A. Giles, "Testing for Unit Roots in Semi-Annual Data", in D.E.A. Giles (ed.), Computer-Aided Econometrics (Marcel Dekker, New York), 2003, 175-208.
  • Feng, H. & J. Liu, "A SETAR Model for Canadian GDP: Non-Linearities and Forecast Comparisons", Applied Economics, 2003, 18, 1957-1964.
  • Giles, D.E.A. & R. Draeseke,"Econometric Modelling Using Pattern Recognition via the Fuzzy c-Means Algorithm", in D.E.A. Giles (ed.), Computer-Aided Econometrics (Marcel Dekker, New York), 2003, 407-449.
  • Schaafsma, J. & W. Land, Budgetary Implications of a Publicly Funded Medical Savings Account Plan", Canadian Public Policy/Analyse de Politiques, 2003, 29, 181-195.
  • Lam, M.C-H., "Herd Behaviour and Interest Rate Defense", Journal of Policy Modeling, 2002, 24, 181-193.
  • Welling, L. & M. Bearance, "Who's Minding the Kids? An Economic Comparison of Sole and Joint Custody", Journal of Socio-Economics, 2002, 31, 15-29.
  • Giles, D.E.A. & B.J. Johnson, "Taxes, Risk-Aversion, and the Size of the Underground Economy: A Nonparametric Analysis With New Zealand Data", Pacific Economic Review, 2002, 7, 97-113.
  • Giles, D.E.A. & L.M. TeddsTaxation Policy and the Canadian Underground Economy (Canadian Tax Foundation, Toronto), 2002, pp. xviii+270.
  • Giles, D.E.A., L.M. Tedds & G.T. Werkneh, "The Canadian Underground and Measured Economies: Granger Causality Results", Applied Economics, 2002, 34, 2347-2352.
  • Draeseke, R. & D.E.A. Giles, "Fuzzy Logic Modelling of the New Zealand Underground Economy", Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, 2001, 59, 115-123.
  • Reinhardt, F. & D.E.A. Giles, "Are Cigarette Bans Really Good Economic Policy?", Applied Economics, 2001, 33, 1365-1368.
  • Giles, D.E.A., G.T. Werkneh & B. J. Johnson, "Asymmetric Responses of the Underground Economy to Tax Changes: Evidence From New Zealand", Economic Record, 2001, 77, 148-159.
  • Giles, J.A. & C.L. Williams, "Export-Led Growth: A Survey of the Empirical Literature and Some Noncausality Results, Part 1", Journal of International Trade and Economic Development, 2000, 9, 261-337.
  • Giles, J.A. & C.L. Williams, "Export-Led Growth: A Survey of the Empirical Literature and Some Noncausality Results, Part 2", Journal of International Trade and Economic Development, 2000, 9, 445-470.
  • DeBenedictis, L.F. & D.E.A. Giles, "Robust Specification Testing in Regression: The FRESET Test and Autocorrelated Disturbances", Journal of Quantitative Economics, 1999, 15, 67-75.
  • Draeseke, R. & D.E.A. Giles, "A Fuzzy Logic Approach to Modelling the Underground Economy", in L. Oxley, F. Scrimgeour & M. McAleer (eds.), Proceedings of the MODSIM99 ConferenceVol. 2 (Modelling & Simulation Society of Australia & New Zealand, Hamilton, N. Z., 1999), 453-458.
  • Sweetman, A. & G. Dicks, "Education and Ethnicity in Canada: An Intergenerational Perspective", Journal of Human Resources, 1999, 34, 668-696.
  • DeBenedictis, L.F. & D.E.A. Giles, "Diagnostic Testing in Econometrics: Variable Addition, RESET and Fourier Approximations", in A. Ullah & D.E.A. Giles (eds.), Handbook of Applied Economic Statistics (Marcel Dekker, New York, 1998), 383-417.
  • Jacobsen, P.W.F. & D.E.A. Giles, "Income Distribution in the United States: Kuznets' Inverted U-Hypothesis and Data Non - Stationarity", Journal of International Trade & Economic Development, 1998, 7, 405-423.
  • Ryan, K.F. & D.E.A. Giles, "Testing for Unit Roots in Economic Time-Series With Missing Observations", in T. B. Fomby & R. C. Hill (eds.), Advances in Econometrics, vol. 13 (JAI Press, Greenwich CT, 1998), 203-242.
  • Tedds, L.M., "What Goes Up Must Come Down (But Not Necessarily at the Same Rate): Testing for Asymmetry in New Zealand Time Series", New Zealand Economic Papers, 1998, 32, 41-58.
  • DeBenedictis, L.F., "A Vector Autoregressive Model of the British Columbia Regional Economy", Applied Economics, 1997, 29, 877-888.
  • Giles, D.E.A. & A.S. Keil, "Applying the RESET Test in Allocation Models: A Cautionary Note", Applied Economics Letters, 1997, 4, 359-363.