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Dr. Melissa Gauthier

Associate teaching professor


Office: COR B240 250-721-6254
PhD (Concordia)
Area of expertise:
Economic anthropology, border studies, informal & illicit economies, cross-border trade, Mexico-US borderlands, Mexico, Yucatán


Mélissa Gauthier specializes in economic anthropology and border studies with particular attention to the interplay between state and society occurring via informal markets. Her work is based primarily along the Mexico-United States border and in Yucatán, Mexico.


Teaching interests

  • research methods
  • ethnographic research
  • economic anthropology
  • globalization

Research interests

  • informal economies and livelihoods
  • borders
  • migration
  • experiential learning


  • ANTH 200 Cultural and Social Anthropology
  • ANTH 260 Introduction to Anthropological Research
  • ANTH 314 Economic Anthropology
  • ANTH 371 Anthropology of Mexico
  • ANTH 372 Economic Underworlds and Globalization
  • ANTH 381 Cultural Anthropology Field School Methods

Selected publications