News and announcements

Major Investments Boost UVic’s Arbutus Cloud, Canada’s Largest Research Computing Hub

Hosted by the University of Victoria and governed by the Digital Research Alliance of Canada, Arbutus is Canada's largest academic research cloud computing site, uniquely dedicated to cloud resources, allowing researchers nationwide to process, share, and store data.

Increasing the Effectiveness of Cancer Radiotherapy

World Health Day, celebrated every year on April 7, is a global health awareness day that aims to raise awareness around various health issues. Here in the Faculty of Science, we’re working some of those issues every day. Our researchers are developing new therapeutics and treatments for diseases, uncovering the molecular mechanisms by which viruses and bacteria are operating, evaluating the effectiveness of public health interventions, uncovering the physiology of diseases and much more. This World Health Day, explore some of the health-related research happening in our Faculty, across five of our six departments.