CHEM 560

Analysis of Dynamic Equilibrating Systems

This module has always been about practical lessons on methods for determining parameters like Kassoc, etc. The 201705 offering also included a brief (2-3 hour) overview of noncovalent interactions, because that material is no longer offered in any other graduate course or module. Please mention to Fraser if you'd like that covered in 2019.  

  • Major topics are:
  • A. Intro to dynamic systems and weak interactions
  • B. Determining stoichiometry and Kassoc by NMR
  • C. Determining thermodynamic parameters by NMR
  • D. Determining assembly kinetics by NMR
  • E. Student presentations on various extensions of these lessons to other techniques. Topics might include:
    • UV-Vis and Fluorescence,  
    • Stopped-flow methods,  
    • Line shape analysis,
    • Isothermal titration calorimetry,
    • Potentiometry,  or
    • other relevant topics that students want to bring to the class.

Please email if you’re interested in taking or auditing the class.

Dr. Hof will build the class list and figure out timing that works for everyone.