Discrete mathematics

Our discrete mathematics group researches graph theory, algorithms, combinatorial designs, error-correcting codes, and extremal set theory.

We are lucky to enjoy a very visual subject, where geometric structures and coloured labellings often appear. In addition, discrete math has applications to theoretical computer science, electrical engineering, statistics, and biology, not to mention relationships with the rest of mathematics.

The six regular research faculty members in our group are joined by a strong group of graduate students, visitors, postdoctoral fellows, adjunct professors, and colleagues from computer science. We hold a weekly seminar and have hosted a range of events, from small workshops to large international conferences.

All in all, UVic is among the top schools in the world for studying discrete mathematics.


NameContactResearch interests
Butterfield, Jane
Office: DTB-A445
Graph theory and mathematics education.
Dukes, Peter
Office: DTB-A453
Huang, Jing
Office: DTB-A549
Graph theory, algorithms and complexity.
MacGillivray, Gary
Office: DTB-A442
Discrete mathematics, graph theory, theoretical computing science.
Morrison, Natasha
Extremal graph theory, random graphs and processes, graph colouring, bootstrap percolation and related cellular automata, and Ramsey theory
Noel, Jonathan
Office: DTB-A435
Extremal combinatorics, probablistic combinatorics, combinatorial limits, boostrap percolation, graph colourings, computational complexity
Simmons, Jill
Office: DTB-A537
Mathematics education, discrete math
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Professors emeritus

NameContactResearch interests
Cockayne, Ernest
Office: NA
Miller, Donald
Office: NA
Mynhardt, Kieka
Office: DTB-A541
Graph theory.
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NameContactResearch interests
Brewster, Richard
Office: NA
Discrete mathematics; theoretical computer science; computational complexity; graph theory; polynomial time algorithms and good characterizations; graph homomorphisms and colouring problems; domination problems; graph packings and matchings; local search heuristics and discrete optimization.
Huggan, Melissa
Office: NA
combinatorial game theory, graph theory, and pursuit-evasion games
Mol, Lucas
Office: NA
Structural graph theory and combinatorics on words.
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Postdoctoral fellows

Clemen, Felix
Office: DTB-A525
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PhD students

Gaede,  Tao
Office: DTB-A534
Lee,  Jae-baek
Office: DTB-A534
MacGillivray, Noel
Lin,  Mengru
Office: DTB-A527
Ogden,  Shannon
Office: DTB-A534
Slobodin,  Aaron
Office: DTB-A455
MacGillivray, Myrvold
Ye,  Ying Ying  (Fay)
Office: DTB-A534
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Master's students

Andrade,  Jonathan
Office: NA
Mol, Currie
Cooper,  Joy
Office: NA
Dukes, Morrison
Ingalls,  Luke
Office: NA
MacGillivray, Brewster
McDonald,  Kiara
Office: DTB-A557
Huang, Brewster
Porter,  Amanda
Office: NA
MacGillivray, Huggan
Simbaqueba Marin,  Lina
Office: DTB-A557
Wright,  Ashna
Office: DTB-A557
Morrison, Noel
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