Health equity tools

Study 3: Assessing the theoretical relevance and practical utility of health equity tools

The purpose of this study is to identify and analyze existing equity tools and to decide how useful they are both for practical use and in terms of their fit with current ideas about health equity. Concept mapping, the main research method for this study, is a process used to develop a framework of participants’ understanding of a particular concept. Concept mapping activities include brainstorming sessions, and then sorting and rating the statements from the brainstorming.

Research questions:

  • What health equity tools are available?tools inventory
  • What is the theoretical relevance of available tools?
  • What is the practical utility of available tools for guiding decision makers and practitioners in developing, implementing and evaluating polices, programs/services aimed at reducing health
    This is our inventory of Health Equity Tools 2.0
    inequities in general and with specific application to promoting mental health and preventingsubstance use?