Christie Lab Alumni

NOTE: More information about successfully defended theses can be found on the graduate student page. Honours projects and past directed studies topics can be found on the undergraduate student page. 

Post Doctoral Fellows Year
Joana Gil-Mohapel 2009-Present
Anna Patten 2013-2015
Helle Sickman 2010-2013
Mariana Vetrici 2011-2014
Sonata Yau 2012-2015
PhD Students Year
Luis Bettio Visiting
Brennan Eadie 2010
Mohamed Ghilan 2015
Jennifer Helfer 2012
Timal Kannangara 2012
Anna Patten 2013
Andrea Titterness 2010
Master's Students Year
Melissa Clarkson 2018
Ryan Wortman 2017
Emily White 2015
Crystal Bostrom 2012
Namat Majaess 2012
Jessica Simpson 2011
Fanny Boehme 2010
Ross Petersen 2009
James Shin 2009
Honours Students Year/Project Supervisor
Francesca Bell-Peters 2016 (Ryan Wortman)
Christine Chiu 2016 (Christine Fontaine)
Aoife Collins 2016 (Alicia Meconi)
Jason Chiu 2015 (Sonata Yau)
Laila Drabkin 2015
James Dunbar 2015 (Christine Fontaine
Karthik Gopalakrishnan 2015 (Anna Patten)
Julie Munich 2015 (Christine Fontaine)
Scott Sawchuk 2014 (Anna Patten)
Aaron Truesdell 2014 (Sonata Yau)
Brett Hryciw 2013
Robertson Mackenzie 2013
Eric McGinnis 2013
Ryan Wortman 2013
Ana Clara Sosa Cazales 2012
Kevin Bushell 2012
Cameron Clayton 2012
Emily White 2011
Kristin Morch 2011
Aimee Kernick 2011
Adrian Cox 2010
Namat-Maria Majaess 2010
Mohamed Ghilan 2010 (Joana Gil-Mohapel)
Larissa Szlavik 2010
Crystal Bostrom 2010 (Timal Kannangara)
Andrew Kwasnica 2009
Jessica Simpson 2009 (Joana Gil-Mohapel)
Lab Volunteers
Natalie Buendia
Tarndeep Chahal
Christine Chiu
Jason Chiu
Laila Drabkin
Emily Friedrich
Kerly Hofmann
Brett Hryciw
Kirstin Kaytor
Sean Kennedy
DJ Olaiya
Aaron Truesdell
Erica Truesdell
Sasha Visona
Jasmine Yan