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ResourceAuthor(s)Research areaYear
A Canadian collaboration on inclusive education: Reflections on a six-year partnershipLoreman, T., McGhie-Richmond, D., Cizman, J., Lupart, J., Irvine, A., McGarva, R., Craig, S., Sharma, U.educationinclusion2015
A comparison of theory of planned behaviour beliefs and healthy eating between couples without children and first-time parentsBassett-Gunter, R.L., Levy-Milne, R., Naylor, P.J., Symons Downs, D., Benoit, C., Warburton, D.E.R., Blanchard, C.M., Rhodes, R.E. physical healthfamily2015
A mixed-methods exploration of implementation of a comprehensive school healthy eating model one year after scale-upNaylor, P.J., Mckay, H.A., Valente, M., Masse, L.C.educationmental healthphysical health2015
A Qualitative exploration of exercise among pulmonary rehabilitation participants: Insight from multiple sources of social influences.Witcher, C. S. G., McGannon, K. R., Hernandez, P., Dechman, G., Ferrier, S., Spence, J. C., Rhodes, R. E., & Blanchard, C. M. physical health2015
A systematic review of dropout from soccer among children and youth. Temple, V. A., Crane, J. R. physical health2015
An evaluation of the "My ParticipACTION" campaign to increase self-efficacy for being more physically activeCraig, C.L., Bauman, A., Latimer-Cheung, A., Rhodes, R.E., Faulkner, G., Berry, T.R., Tremblay, M.S., Spence, J.C.physical health2015
Barriers and facilitators for generalizing cycling skills learned at camp to home. Temple, V. A., Purves, P. L., Misovic, R., Lewis, C., & DeBoer, C. physical healthfamily2016
Beyond birth: Women’s concerns about post-birth care in an Australian urban community.Zadoroznyj, M., Benoit, C. & Berry, S. family2015
Body Mass Index of adult special Olympians by country economic status.Temple, V. A., Foley, J. T., & Lloyd, M. physical health2015
Can the affective response to exercise predict future motives and physical activity behavior? A systematic review of published evidenceRhodes, R.E., Kates, A.physical health2015
Caregiving in the lives of street-involved youth from foster care. Magnuson, D., Jansson, M., Benoit, C., Kennedy, M.C. physical health2015
Changes in motivational outcomes following a supervised physical activity program with behavioral counseling in kidney cancer survivors: A pilot study. Trinh, L., Plotnikoff, R.C., Rhodes, R.E., North, S., & Courneya, K.S.physical health2015
Citizenship practices among youth who have experienced government careButler, K., Benoit, C2015
Comparing the influence of dynamic and static versions of media in evaluating physical-activity promotion adsDeshpande, S., Berry, T., Faulkner, G., Latimer-Cheung, A. E., Rhodes, R.E., Tremblay, M.S. physical health2015
Complicating the dominant morality discourse: Mothers and fathers’ constructions of substance use during pregnancy and early parenthoodBenoit, C., Magnus, S., Phillips, R., Marcellus, L., Charbonneau, S. family2015
Complicating the morality discourse: Parents’ constructions of problematic substance use.Benoit, C., Magnus, S. Phillips, R., Marcellus, L. physical healthfamily2015
Creating a collective impact on childhood obesity: Lessons from the SCOPE initiative Amed, S., Naylor, P.J., Pinkney, S., Shea, S., Mâsse, L.C., Berg, S., Collet, J.P., Wharf Higgins, J. physical healthmental health2015
Distinct trajectories of physical activity among patients with COPD during and after pulmonary rehabilitation. Saunders, T., Dechman, G., Hernandez, P., Spence, J., Rhodes, R.E., McGannon, K., Mundle, S., Ferguson, C., Bourbeau, J., Maltais, F., Marciniuk, D., Camp, P and Blanchard, C.physical health2015
Do perceptions of competence mediate the relationship between fundamental motor skill proficiency and physical activity levels of children in kindergarten? Crane, J.R., Naylor, P.J., Cook, R., Temple, V.A. physical healthfamilyeducation2015
Does intervening in childcare settings impact fundamental movement skill development? Adamo, K. B., Wilson, S., Harvey, A. L. J., Grattan, K., Naylor, PJ., Temple, V. A., Goldfield, G. S. physical healthfamily2015
Dropout of sport among children and youth: A systematic review. Crane, J. R. & Temple, V. A. physical health2015
Exercise habit in new gym members- A longitudinal studyKaushal, N., Rhodes, R.E.physical health2015
Factors associated with higher sitting time in general, chronic disease, and psychologically-distressed, adult populations: Findings from the 45 & Up StudyPlotnikoff, R.C., Costigan, S.A., Short, C., Grunseit, A., James, E., Johnson, N., Bauman, A., D'Este, C., van der Ploeg, H.P., Rhodes, R.E. physical healthmental health2015
Family planning to promote physical activity: A randomized controlled trial protocolQuinlan, A., Rhodes, R.E., Blanchard, C., Naylor, P.J., Warburton, D.E.R.familyphysical health2015
Group based physical activity for older adults (GOAL) randomized controlled trial: Study protocolBeauchamp, M., Harden, S., Wolf, S., Rhodes, R.E., Liu, Y., Dunlop, W., Schmader, T., Sheel, A., Zumbo, B., Estabrooks, P.physical health2015
Implementation of school based physical activity interventions: A systematic reviewNaylor P.J., Nettlefold, L., Race, D., Hoy, C., Ashe, M.C., Wharf Higgins, J., McKay, H.educationphysical health2015
It’s all about control? A comparison of theory of planned behaviour beliefs and healthy eating between couples without children and first-time parentsBassett-Gunter, R., Levy-Milne, R., Naylor, P., Symons Downs, D., Benoit, C., Warburton, D., Blanchard, C., Rhodes, R. physical healthfamily2015
Knowledge and awareness of Canadian physical activity and sedentary behaviour guidelines: A synthesis of existing evidenceLeBlanc, A.G., Berry, T., Deshpande, S., Duggan, M., Faulkner, G., Latimer-Cheung, A., O'Reilly, N., Rhodes, R.E., Spence, J.C., Tremblay, M.S. physical health2015
Lessons from reproductive health care in other countries: Notes on comparative researchVan Teijlingen, E., Benoit, C., Bourgeault, I., Sandall, J., De Vries, R., Wrede, S.physical healthyouth & international contextsfamily2015
Linguistic and literacy predictors of early spelling in first- and second-language learnersKeilty, M., Harrison, G. L.literacyyouth & international contexts2015
Measuring driving-related attitudes among older adults: Psychometric evidence for the Decisional Balance Scale across time and gender. Sukhawathanakul, P., Tuokko, H., Rhodes, R.E., Marshall, S., Charlton, J., Koppel, S., Gelinas, I., Naglie, G., Mazer, B., Vrkljan, B., Myers, A., Man-Son-Hing, M., Bedard, M., Rapoport, M., Korner-Bitensky, N., Porter, M.physical health2015
Models accounting for intention-behavior discordance in the physical activity domain: A user's guide, content overview, and review of current evidenceRhodes, R.E., Yao, C.physical health2015
National survey of NICU practices for infants with Neonatal Abstinence SyndromeMarcellus, L., Loutit, T., Cross, T. familyphysical healthmental health2015
Neuropsychological profiles of written expression learning disabilities determined by concordance-discordance model criteriaFenwick, M.E., Kubas, H. A., Witzke, J.W., Fitzer, K., Miller, D. C., Maricle, D.E., Harrison, G.L., Macoun, S.J., Hale, J.B. educationliteracy2015
Occupational stigma and mental health: Discrimination and depression among front-line service workers. Benoit, C., McCarthy, B. & Jansson, M. mental health2015
Parental Correlates in Child and Adolescent Physical Activity: A Meta-analysis. Yao, C, Rhodes, R. E.familyphysical health2015
Planfulness moderates intentions to plan and planning behaviour for physical activityMistry, C.D., Sweet, S.N., Latimer-Cheung, A.E., Rhodes, R.E. physical health2015
Predicting changes across 12 months in three types of parental support behaviors and mothers' perceptions of child physical activityRhodes, R.E., Spence, J.C., Berry, T., Deshpande, S., Faulkner, G., Latimer-Cheung, A.E., O'Reilly, N., Tremblay, M.S. familyphysical health2015
Predicting changes in planning behaviour and physical activity among adultsMistry, C., Sweet, S., Latimer, A., Rhodes, R.E. mental healthphysical health2015
Predictors of physical activity change among adults using observational designs: A systematic reviewRhodes, R.E., Quinlan, A. physical health2015
Puppets on a String? How Young Adolescents Explore Gender and Health in AdvertisingDeborah L. Begoray , Elizabeth M. Banister, Joan Wharf Higgins and Robin Wilmotdigital youthgirlsliteracy2015
Reading into physical activity: The complex connection between health literacy and exerciseRiecken, K., Wharf Higgins, J., Benoit, C., Begoray, D., Naylor, P.physical healthliteracy2015
Relational and cultural impacts on the work life of young Indigenous menSpowart, J.P., Marshall, E.A. workindigenous youth2015
School context matters: Learning disabilities and U.S. adolescent support choices from Latino-majority communitiesWaugh, M., McGhie-Richmond, D., Anderson, J. O. inclusioneducation2015
Stigma, sex work, and substance use: A comparative analysisBenoit, C., McCarthy, B., Jansson, M. mental healthphysical health2015
Sustainable childhood obesity prevention through community engagement (SCOPE) program: Evaluation of the implementation phase McIntosh, B., Daly, A., Mâsse, L.C., Collet, J.P., Wharf Higgins, J., Naylor, P.J., Ameda, S.physical healthengagementfamily2015
Teaching in inclusive classrooms: Efficacy and beliefs of Canadian preservice teachersSpecht, J., McGhie-Richmond, D., Loreman, T., Mirenda, P., Bennett, S., Gallagher, T., Young, G., Metsala, J., Aylward, L., Katz, J., Lyons, W., Thompson, S., Cloutier, S.educationinclusion2015
Text2Plan: Exploring changes in the quantity and quality of action plans and physical activity in a text messaging interventionMistry, C.D., Sweet, S.N. Rhodes, R.E., Latimer-Cheung, A.E. physical healthdigital youth2015
The impact of higher education on substance use trajectories: Variations as a function of timing of enrollmentThompson, K., Homel, J., Leadbeater, B. mental healthphysical healtheducation2015
The nature and frequency of cyber bullying behaviors and victimization experiences among young Canadian childrenHolfeld, B., Leadbeater, B. J. physical healthmental healthdigital youth2015
The Power of Believing: Salient belief predictors of physical activity behavior in normal weight, overweight, and obese pregnant women. Symons Downs, D., Devlin, C. A., & Rhodes, R. E. physical healthfamily2015
‘They show up, they come back, they bring friends:’ Re-envisioning definitions of success for programs supporting pregnant and early parenting women with problematic substance useMarcellus, L., MacKinnon, K., Benoit, C., Phillips, R. physical healthfamilymental health2015
Trauma informed care in the NICU: Implications for early childhood development (Part II)Marcellus, L., Cross, S.mental healthfamilyphysical health2015
Will the New Theories (and Theoreticians!) Please Stand Up? Rhodes, R. E.physical health2015