50th anniversary readiness begins

- Patty Pitts

UVic’s 50th anniversary celebrations may not begin until next year, but the planning for the milestone has already started. A 50th anniversary office is now open in UVic’s Ceremonies Office, and Anniversary Event Manager James Burrough is busy planning the Sept. 21 pre-launch event at UVic’s fountain to launch the 50th anniversary website.

“We want to raise awareness about the upcoming anniversary, invite people to visit the website to learn more about upcoming events, and think about hosting their own event,” says Burrough. “The website will have information about how to plan anniversary events and apply for funding. It will also be a great repository as the year progresses for historical photos, stories and reminisces from the people who played roles in UVic history.”

The website will include a link to a “Great Moments in UVic History” feature that will be launched in October. Members of the on- and off-campus communities and alumni are invited to submit their nominations. All those that meet the criteria will be posted to the website and be considered for the “great moments” that will be featured throughout the Sept. 2012 to June 2013 celebratory period.

Once the website is live at www.uvic.ca/anniversary, campus community members can watch the website’s countdown clock progress towards the 50th anniversary launch.

The 50th anniversary pre-launch event will coincide with this year’s United Way Campus Campaign barbecue at the fountain from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. UVic President David Turpin will launch the anniversary website and extend his personal invitation to become involved in the anniversary celebrations at 12:30 p.m. on Sept. 21.

“UVic has been a part of the United Way campaign for over 30 years so it seemed appropriate to launch our anniversary website at a fundraiser for an organization that contributes so much to our community,” says Burrough. “We hope to have a great turn out at the fountain on Sept. 21 as we start preparing for our big celebration.”

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Keywords: ready, uvics, 50th

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