It’s that time again—get ready to let it all ShakeOut

- Joanne McGachie

The Great BC ShakeOut happens Oct.15 at exactly 10:15 a.m.—so be ready to DROP, COVER and HOLD ON! 

Since 2011, UVic has been part of the annual earthquake preparedness drill, where students, faculty and staff practice what to do in the event of an earthquake. Last year, over 740,000 people participated in BC alone, along with thousands more in California, Oregon and Washington states and other seismically high-risk parts of the world.

And while you’re thinking about what to do in an earthquake, ask yourself: do you know who your BEC and FEC are? No, it’s nothing rude! Every building on campus has a Building Emergency Coordinator (BEC), who is a key component of UVic’s Emergency Response Plan. The BEC’s role is to act as a liaison between Floor Emergency Coordinators (FECs), responding agencies (police, fire, etc.) and the UVic Site Response Team.

BECs and FECs have been trained on what to do in an emergency, and the annual ShakeOut exercise is an important part of their training.  It’s their responsibility to encourage everyone in their areas to prepare for emergencies and take part in drills—so on Oct. 15, they would really appreciate your good-natured participation!

Wherever you are on campus on Oct. 15, please join this 2-minute exercise.  It might feel a little silly, but practice makes perfect, and just might save your life.

If you have any questions, please contact:


In this story

Keywords: emergency, shakeout, earthquake, administrative

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